
Meer's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Meer's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

WHAT? come on people what is the major difference between white and black? i am white and i voted to obama not because he is black but because he is good for america if you are white/black it does not matter one thing will makes us all equal witch is we are all americans

2 points

we wouldn't have been as careful as we are now witch can lead to a bigger problem

3 points

noun. what makes sense is science and that is what i believe in

2 points

for once i agree.............................................................

meer(47) Clarified
4 points

hes avatar (profile picture) ................................................................

meer(47) Clarified
10 points

well.. as i said above leave your friendship connection out of this subject . sure he acts like a honest debater but is he? that is why he added a "ghost" avatar on his account because he is a ghost fan and in private messages he is someone else

2 points

i guess all you can really do is to be proud... i mean after all these disappointments .

3 points

if united states fall into dictatorship then so does the world

3 points

you are right I'm sorry you would have Gavin the zombie your mom

3 points

you mean piss of your pants and get heart attack? ..................................

meer(47) Clarified
2 points

you mean run away ????????????????????????????????????????????????

2 points

don't worry when i was in your age even i (with brains) couldn't understand the meaning of those arguments

2 points

WOW! you must have a problem with your eyes not just brain.

1 point

well who could it be? we only have one moron and a lier ............

2 points

WHAT? i sent you a message? OMGGG everyone lies ........ i swear i have never sent you messages... OMG!

2 points

said who? is that all crap talks you got? wow your mouth is bigger in private messages

meer(47) Clarified
1 point

is that suppost to be funny or smart? that what abuse is..............

meer(47) Clarified
1 point

is that suppost to be funny or smart? that what abuse is..............

2 points

if it was the truth it would have been easy to prove . but you just write it and because of the amount of your points everyone will backs you up

meer(47) Clarified
1 point

see? he will down-vote you just like this one (the truth hurts)

2 points

yeah sure i mean he sees you with 200 points and he doesn't want to mess with you but when it comes to the new users 0-40 points believe me he would have down-voted every single of your arguments

1 point

EASY TO SAY ...........................................................

1 point

sure i mean even if it was your friends fault you still blame the other one

1 point

YEAH and i think what he is doing is abuse ........................

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