
Mwduncan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mwduncan's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

Memes are great, memes are life. Meeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeesssssss

1 point

No animals do not have rights. Animals have no soul nor do they have the ability to make an intellectual decision. And by that I mean they do not make the decisions we make. Thousands of children around the world are starving or constantly dehydrated looking for their next meal. But for some reason people are so fast to fund animal protection such as the ASPCA but not give to children.

2 points

Yes it should. The current number of illegal immigrants in this nation are rising. Our own people struggle to find jobs, they live on the street, they cant afford food. But these aliens can freely come in and get automatic housing, welfare, and health insurance. Many of our Vets don't even have substantial Health Insurance. Many immigrants take the legal channel to get in, spending years in the system. I applaud them for taking the legal route. Illegal immigrants however should not be allowed to enter our nation, and if found be deported back to there homelands until they choose to come in the lawful and legal way.

0 points

This man, while being "beaten", refused to exit the aircraft after he had been asked several times. Everyone else asked to leave simply got up and left, so why did hhe have to make a big huge fuss. His current defense is that he had patients to see the next day. OK, and that's fine. I'm sure he could've found another flight. He was randomly chosen to exit and he refused, therefore the claimed "beating", which basically means dragged off, was necessary.

2 points

Yes they should, its also a law anyway. If a person obtains an open-carry license he or she may bring that weapon anywhere public that he or she pleases. And that law applies to handguns, shotguns, and low caliber rifles such as a .243.

1 point

The Two-Party system is what has kept this country in line for generations...Its currently worked for over 150 years. Also, the only reason a Two Party system exists is because we the voters of america make it that way. Most people only vote for one of the two.

1 point

He could bot believe the bible when it has proficied so many things that have happened in modern day.

1 point

Yes, if you commit rape or murder, you should be put to death.

1 point

There is no way that in this vast endless universe that there are no other galaxies...i mean after all we have pictures

0 points

Yes and in no way was that aimed at any one person...i ju no many will be offended by that.

1 point

Yes, precisely it just makes no sense to me how us humans could have possibly come from a more primitive species

1 point

Yeah but the Democrats then are more like todays Republicans

1 point

Gay Marriage is just wrong...i dont care if you were "born" that way or not. God intended for a man and a woman to be together. I couldnt care less if you say youve "always" been this way, however the act of Gay Marriages should be illegal. And I know many of you will be repulsed by what Ive said but I dont care.

2 points

Sex out of wed lock is wrong. When you have sex two people are joined as one, in the words of the bible.

1 point

Wrong he stands for the protection if gunrights, the illegilization of planned parenthood, and the building kf a border wall. All of which would be highly beneficial to the countrys well being.

1 point

If Truml is "hates the constitution", then obama absolutely despised many times did he call for gun control, which would take away one of our constitutional rights to bare arms.

1 point

When it comes to this Id have to say that "hit" no, however every kid needs a good wippin' every now and then, otherwise theyll never learn.

1 point

No, the theory of evolution has always been a mystery to me. I dont understand how we humans couldve cime from fish or what many say even an amoeba. So no evolution isnt science because it makes no sense.

1 point

Whoever says yes to this is stupid...Dihydrogen Monoxide is water H2O

2 points

The invasion of North Korea would send a message to the world that the US is back. Many years ago we were called the giant of the west, we were feared. Now the world sees us as a giant pushover. Its time we send a message that America is not afraid to get our hands dirty.

1 point

Thats because it wasnt...the civil war started as i said because of economic inequalities. Slavery, while being a part, was not the cause or even the major reason for the civil war.

1 point

Wrong the Confederacy simply succeeded from the was th US that struck first.

1 point

In my opinion the electric chair should still be the lead way of death sentencing...but since it has been deemed "inhumane" the next best thing is to lethally inject them.

3 points

In my opinion the electric chair should still be the lead way of death sentencing...but since it has been deemed "inhumane" the next best thing is to lethally inject them.

1 point

Id like somebody to explain to me how Trump is "killing" democracy.

1 point

Take Boston for example. For a long while they were burning down their own buildings for christ sakes. Amd the cops couldnt do a thing because Obama didnt authorize excessive force to be used. Since Trump took office how many riots have been deemed uncontrolable by the press...this is because he authorized the use of any non lethal force to stop them.

1 point

Take Boston for example. For a long while they were burning down their own buildings for christ sakes. Amd the cops couldnt do a thing because Obama didnt authorize excessive force to be used. Since Trump took office how many riots have been deemed uncontrolable by the press...this is because he authorized the use of any non lethal force to stop them.

1 point

I personally stand for the flight of the confederate colors. The confederacy is a rich part of our history amd the claim that it is racist is given completely without any evidence backing it up. And for those of you who are currently annoyed because i havent provided any evidence myself here you go. The Civil War didnt start because of slavery, rather it started because of economic inequality between the north and south. The flags meaning is misunderstood as well...Red means the blood of christ...Blue is the cross...and White is for purity. Also throughout the duration of the confederacy's existance, no slaves were bought nor sold under confederate rule. Therefore the cinfederate flag and its accompaning symbols mustnt be banned. Banning the confederate flag because it is "offensive" to some, is equivalent to banning the US flag because it might offend foreigners. Those who are offended by it need to grow up and learn to not be so offended by such minute things.

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