
Negligent's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Negligent's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What truth? The man has been brain washed for crying out loud.

2 points

Too bad you can't ban me :( At least I'm not the one insulting people.

1 point

I spin fidget spinners in my sleep.

1 point

Jesus didn't' help him. He's still psychotic by the end. LOL

1 point

I stopped watching as soon as he said ants run the world. At least you got one thing right, he is psychotic.

2 points


4 points

Yo mama so old her birth certificate expired.

2 points


1 point

Did you ban yourself? HAHA

2 points

Why... why would you want to know...?

1 point

What biological instincts? These "visualizations" that the men are experiencing are the results of porn.

1 point

Electric chair.

1 point

So basically, men are perverted.

1 point


3 points

It blinds the minds of people, forcing them to worship something they've never really had proof of, but read it in some book. FREE YOURSELVES PEOPLE!

2 points


0 points


1 point

Pshh easy. Go look for land somewhere else where the land owner doesn't only rent to their family members.

1 point

Even though I can, I think I'd rather stick to my side. :)

1 point

If you pay a fair deal of money for the land, itś yours. How would you feel if you bought a car and a random hobo takes it for a ride?

1 point

Thats why martyrs exist.

1 point

When we eat, drink or swallow saliva, we also swallow tiny amounts of air. This swallowed air accumulates in the gut. The gas within our digestive system consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. When we digest food, gas, mainly in the form of hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide is released. I don't think we really have a choice.

1 point

Based on the question about which gender is better you replied that that yours is. Thatś deffinately saying that you think Elmo is a gender.

1 point

Totally! So that now, we can have mountains of gum under our desks. Iḿ pretty sure the kids would rather die than duck under their desks during an earthquake.

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