
Ontherange's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Ontherange's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You are absolutely right but when you are creator of a universe you can call the shots and make the rules.

ontherange(12) Clarified
1 point

Is this an agreement or sarcasm? I just had an epiphany you're a hopeless cause as I once was. Thanx for the debate but you what I don't have to prove anything to you are anyone else! The day is drawing near and then it will be upon you and your decisions your beliefs just like it will be upon mine...Then we'll see who is right. If your right I'm no worse for wear any way this gives my life purpose yet if I'm right your side doesn't look so wonderful after all.

1 point

When you can do whatever you want and your going to set the date for coming back from the dead you can decide how long your going to take about it...

1 point

God is not bound by time...He created time.

Then if you study into Bible history you will find that the writer was Moses who was told these things with the entire nation of Israel to witness for it...

Why are you so afraid of know to some people death isn't a bad thing because they know where there going when it ends and honestly they believe it is a lot better than this crummy place.

That story was witnessed you forget that Elisha the other prophet stood there watching it happen. And in the last 2000 years ok supernatural Jesus himself ascended into Heaven. Then Stephen the first martyr his death is supernatural! The Heavens open above him and he asks God to forgive the men that even then are stoning him then he dies...

Ok if we're going the evolutionist vs. creationist route I have a question of my own... what started all of that happening what created that energy way back when? No one in school knows and NASA has no answers that I could find so tell me please.

As for scientific proof that story book stated the world was round thousands of years before science, it also talks about dinosaurs, and other things that science has record of that that story book said before any archaeologists ever decided it would be fun to start digging them up...

When you were a kid there was always that one thing your parents always told you not to do for me it was a jar full of em & ems from many others I've talked to it was the cookie jar. Your parents always knew you were eventually going to get into that and that they would have to punish you for it but they still put it there.

What kind of proof do you want from this God?

1 point

Finally you get it. So if this God does exist He created us and because He created us He demands our subservience...we didn't give Him that. There was a punishment for that a curse called death. That price had to be paid either by the wrong doer or by the one who set the rules in place.

Any mercy from a God who could destroy you with out blinking an eye is impressive.

Notice with Job that all though all those bad things happened to Him unlike you He never cursed God! Then in the end he was given everything back double fold.

If you call a town basically consisting of prostitutes, thieves, murderers, drugdealers, and drunkards is a town full of innocents then ok...

I have some people not even in the Bible that you should know... Mr. and Mrs. Wurmbrand of Romania. Mr. Wurmbrand was a hard set atheist for years. One day he walked into church and realized he had missed something and because he like you had studied what the Bible was to argue his side he realized without being told what it was. He became a christian. Shortly afterwards Russia took over and he was thrown into their prisons for his beliefs. Every time he would get out of jail after seeing things like; a thirteen year old boy being beaten to death by the wardons while calling out to his father never to deny who he was, Mr. Wurmbrand continued to go out and tell people about Jesus. Later on he had the chance to invite a wardon into his home who had been apart of his torturing and the man was saved. Then his wife who had been held in a Nazi concentration camp also brought one of those men into their home and he was saved.

If you're not going to believe in Him at least believe in His people they are capable of many things...

1 point

So think of all of this as story God is the good guy and Evil is the bad guy. Man is the hero what does he have to achieve?

1 point

Ok you have formal permission then kill whoever you want to. Killing may be legal by man's law but God has a very different philosophy on the matter.

1 point

I guess so... my Mom was just explaining this to me the other day. There is a tissue inside of a woman that breaks when she has sex. and if you don't believe the Bible I suggest going to look up non-believing historians who say the same thing and connect with what was going on in the Bible at that time.

1 point

Easy humans are what we understand the Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, and many others use this tactic of using what they do understand to explain the Heavnly realms.

1 point

exactly like you said they became evil, they were not created equal

and yes my God is the God who loves those that hate Him and curse Him. All the other gods just blast them...

When you love someone you can't just spoil them constantly that would ruin them so you have to punish them...besides its like what a teacher says about your grades you earn them he doesn't give them to you.

1 point

I am not even going to say that I can prove to you that I'm right because any argument I could possibly give you wouldn't hold up before your eyes. Perhaps evil does have a beauty in the fact that it kills, it steals, and it destroys. It enslaves whole nations! However it gives the doer exactly what they want at the gives them power, fame, and idolization.

What I have through Christ gives me peace and exactly what I need and want even when the world falls apart around me.

I hope you sleep well and at least think over your statement of evil being beautiful...

1 point

Ok. a bullet is a natural object. Is it a natural way to die? I don't think so! If it was so natural killing someone would be legal...

1 point

Would you like to live forever? I have a recipe. It starts with you letting down your brick walls for a moment to see the other side. The side where someone does care what happens to you...a side where you know for sure the Truth is there.

Take a minute of silence, evaluate yourself, evaluate your life. Is something missing? So many people may look at you and judge you for who you are, what you look like, what you say, etc. (I have a problem with judging people. I do it all the time then I try to see them through God's eyes. Look at all the hurting and hopeless!) So many seek their whole life to fill that empty hole in their life never to discover what fills. My advice is not to take my advice or even your own die hard beliefs! Go search for what fills that hole with eyes and heart wide open, maybe you will find the is there waiting.

1 point

You know the Pharisees in the Bible asked Jesus the same question.

Well they got answers, just not the ones they wanted to hear. They simply just couldn't understand a love so powerful that all the "good" works they ever did would never be enough to equal...

1 point

Do you want Him to take out your brain and change the way you think the way you are? And as I said before man was not created made a choice deliberately to be that way.

And my all loving God came to die for that, to be tortured for that, to bring peace out of the caos for that; I know you don't believe how I do. I know you think I'm a know it all Bible thumper. I know that some of that perhaps is true!

You may believe I'm wrong and think what you will...we are in a free country.

I believe that if you accept the gift He freely handed you, you go to Heaven and if you don't you go to Hell. The fact is you have a choice! God didn't come in and take your brain out to change how you thought and how you were. He loved you in spite of your failure! I may be young innocent and dumb at times but to me that sounds like an unreasonable love.

What kind of God who could wipe out His enemies without a word tells His people to love them?

I don't mean love as in the feeling with butterflies and sweaty palms. I mean the real kind patient, kind, longsuffering, slow to anger, keeping no record of wrongs...

If I were you I would look at that God and wonder why after thousands of years against all odds He's still around loving the people who only return Him with hate.

1 point

What does evil make you see then? It makes most either look on it as since their evil they can do whatever they want many many others see it as they need to be good to make something of themselves.

Good is exalted and evil is put down.

Of course the universe is not all about us but God gave it to us to rule and do with as we pleased. How many Americans do you know that aren't constantly working for what they need and what they want?

If good could balance evil there wouldn't be an argument here...

1 point

I'm sorry are you asking God why He doesn't zap you out of existence and punish you for all the wrongdoing you have done? God is merciful!

It was law that a woman caught in prostitution be stoned to death...they brought one of these before Jesus and asked what they should do with her.

"Whatever one of you is without sin throw the first stone." Why don't you care? Why don't you do something about it?

God certainly does care! I would also like to point out He promised never to flood the planet again. Then sent His only son to save us from ourselves and the eternal punishment our evil required. He refused to blast Ninevah of the planet because they realized their mistake and repented.

You like Jonah missed the point and are still waiting for fire and brimstone after forgiveness, mercy and compassion have already been offered.

1 point

God is not bound by our time...Why do you think He could tell you what was going thousands of years afterwards + He created time.

Since when is a bullet natural? and He certainly doesn't rely on such means just remember the prophet who ascended into Heaven on a chariot of fire!

Who said He was suddenly incapable? Stars are still created, so are people, animals, plants, and other amazing things. Just because you are not looking for His creation doesn't mean it isn't there! You more examples? Jesus feeding the 5000 and turning water into wine!

I think the above items provided sufficient argument for "Why did He need to rest?"

Just because you know your little kid is going to raid the cookie jar doesn't mean they don't get in trouble when it happens.

God is everywhere...He said so Himself. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it isn't true. Just ask Columbus who claimed the world was round in a time where everyone thought it was flat!

1 point

First God created the sun, moon and stars so you are mistaken when say plants were created before that...

1 point

They fight back because of sin...its part of the curse. We have to work now to live not just reach out and its there like before the curse.

1 point

He didn't resurrect right away because He had to prove to our thick heads that He was indeed dead before just appearing alive!

and because it had been prophesied that, that was the way it was going to be hundreds of years before it happened...

1 point

Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus they can prove that with science therefore God didn't rape anyone!!!

1 point

Well...look at Joseph. Without slavery he never would've been sent to Egypt, would never have been betrayed by his master's wife, never would of told the meaning of dreams, would've never become a man of power, and never prepared the land for famine. Thus thousands would've died!

Then its complete symbolism!!! Since the fall of man we really can't understand spiritual matters (thus all the questions) so God shows us in a way we can understand. Until you accept God's payment for are a slave to sin. He allows slavery to show us just how bad that is and what that really means.

1 point

Sure you could say that evil is here to make us appreciate the good. However we are the cause and we make the choice constantly towards evil so we can't blame anyone but ourselves.

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