
Orlando's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Orlando's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I agree that the mark of the beast is a device used to follow the activities of citizens. It will continue to work just as long as the power distribution grid is in operation and batteries can be recharged. We take so much for granted! What do you think will happen when the power goes out due to solar flares?

Where is the power distribution station that powers up this Universe? If you can answer that, then you hold the secrets of existence in your hands!

1 point

I stand corrected in stating that some warriors did make their own weapons, and others like 'specialists' did indeed help to perfect and mass produce them. You have persuaded me that woman are just as brave and capable of fighting than men. Research Mother Kali in the Hindu scriptures and you'll see what I mean. That is what debate is all about to learn from others, and not to knock the opponent down to size.

I see no honor in killing your own species; perhaps aliens, but not your own species.

Why expedite death when it's inevitable for every species on Earth to die? Then again, ancient warriors never wanted to reach a ripe old age (invalid), but to die or live in battle with honor and reap the rewards of Heaven! You figure?

Thanks for correcting me on 'WREAK' havoc.

1 point

I want to extend my love to you as well for being open minded to issues that hardly anyone wants to talk about. I don't write from off the top of my head. I read and research topics that will ultimately assist me in moving onto a realm beyond this one.

CHI/PRANA are mentioned in the ancient scriptures. Dharma, Christianity, etc. have nothing to do with pure intelligence and energy fields surrounding us at all times. Science and Art to the fullest and they will both save the Planet!

1 point

You pose a strong argument of "practically zero" but probable.

Perhaps the conditions to have awaken us this morning from a state of slumber was initiated by some sound in our immediate surroundings (alarm clock, etc.) Perhaps a Supreme Being had an initial alarm mechanism to bring IT into existence.

I agree with you that life is a miracle, and perhaps a Supreme Being just accepts that "I AM THAT I AM" and JUST IS! with infinite powers to create worlds upon worlds, species upon species, etc.

I don't believe the Universe is infinite, however, I do believe there are multiple Universes, and an infinite Spiritual reality/realm beyond this physical dimension. Who are we to say what is practical or impractical?

0 points

I agree that a woman's place is to nurture and to build civilization. It's in her nature to be equal with Mother Nature. Just think of it, in one minute Mother Nature can reap havoc on the entire planet. So in sense, the description of Earth as a Mother is entirely correct, she is the ultimate warrior!

You want to see a real battle fought in ancient times then read the Mahabharata War or the 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita.

Women did not fight except if they disguised themselves to seek revenge for some injustice committed by some man on the enemy side; thus her opportunity to avenge herself presented itself.

War is never good no matter what era it occurs in. But Ancient warfare had more honor and pride than contemporary warfare. You had to be a martial artist skilled in horse riding, elephant control, and different strategic formations for battle.

In addition, men made their own weapons: bow and arrow, shields, swords, lances, chucks, discus, etc. They knew what type of armor they were using. In modern times someone else makes the weapons and you know what can result.

1 point

I don't see what skin tone has to do in measuring a person's character (Martin Luther King). It's incredible how we as Humans overlook the complexity of this very human body and its organs, nerves centers, complex brain structure, etc. Why spend time discriminating about skin color and hating people that don't have the same complexion. But I'll tell you one thing, we are all the same in physiological and anatomical structure!

Reach within your Soul because that is truly who you are!

White to White, Black to Black the ignorant will oftentimes commit crimes against people who even look like themselves.

1 point

That is the basic challenge facing languages and vocabulary in attempting to explain the hidden mysteries of the Universe. Who came up with the word "alien?"

Right here on Earth, if a person is not born in a certain country and visits another country on the same planet they are considered 'an alien.' So we apply the same term to extraterrestial life.

To other life forms, whether they exist or not, we would be aliens to them, or perhaps brothers and sisters sharing one common energy field scattered throughout the entire Universe called "LOVE!"

I agree with you that we make mistakes over and over again. But then again isn't that what knowledge, love, and experience are suppose to do? Rid the human race of ignorance!

1 point

Well my friend you have beat the odds and you are a living testiment/evidence of a created sentient thinking being. You are refuting your own claim that '...the odds of life being created is practically zero...' If you where uncreated you would not be making that claim. "All that I see around me is existence, I am part of existence, therefore I exist!"

That is deductive reasoning in debating circles: (i.e., All men are mortals, socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal).

My argument is specific to the sociocentrist or anthro-pomorphic view of man in this tiny fraction of time and space.

Perhaps we are the ones that are 'very far away' from where the action really is!

If we can really define what life is perhaps we will discover it within ourselves, as well as outside of ourselves!

"An unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates

1 point

This is what the electronic and computer age has given us; a artificial means to take control to the ultimate level. The question to ask is: 'why is who watching who from where and for what?"

My religious and philosophical motto is that each one has to learn to seek his or her own salvation and stop minding other people's business. After all we did come into the world alone and will exit alone!

Electronics is just another crude form of manipulating nature and the hidden or transcendental forces that lies within the material world. Chi and Kundalini energy exists within all creation and that energy is the ultimate spy that records all that we say and do. It is also known as the Akashic record. So the next time you do something unethical, let your conscious be your guide because you're planting negative karmic seeds that may effect you in the future.

So that 'chip' is a late invention that we should not fear. What we should fear is the 'Cosmic Chip" that exists throughout the Universe who are watching the chip maker...who are observing your deeds...etc.

It's arrogant for humanity to think that we are the only beings in existence on such a small planet! Perhaps we are the beings disenfranchised and alienated from the rest of the Universe!

Think about it!

1 point

Universes do have cousins. The Vedas of the Far East mention that this particular Universe exists within the body of a great gigantic being name MahaVishnu who is lying within a portion of the Spiritual sky.

The question remains how significant can we really be to a gigantic being who is dreaming these worlds into existence?

2 points

To have a debate 'controversy' is necessary; there must be a conflict of interest or/and a difference of opinion between two or more sides. In academic debate, understanding, learning and knowledge are important. One side has to take on the 'burden of proof' to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt! That side is the affirmative side in academic debate. Debating is not an easy thing to participate in; you have to be very aware of issues and to have a way of putting you argument across succinctly with economy of expression so that the audience and the judges can follow your train of thought; whether it is deductive or inductive reasoning that your using.

Beware of those who create fallacies to draw you into an erroneous conclusion to an argument.

1 point

It seems that hardly anyone wants to tackle this simple question!

My take on it is that there aren't any simple questions in the Universe. If it was so simple, then we wouldn't have all the confusion and suffering that exists. It's like asking yourself, "how did I awake this morning?" Perhaps some external noise disturbed your peaceful state of sleep or dream and motivated you to action. Ask yourself, "was it like that when the Supreme Person(s) came into Being?"

There aren't any simple questions in the domain of speech; however there might be one in the unmanifested stated of non-verbal being!

2 points

I will argue that it depends on the base system you are using before any results can be made. In fact 1 + 1 in base 2 (binary) is 2 ^ 1 + 2 ^ 0 = 2 + 1 = 3.

Since human beings over the centuries have created symbols to represent and quantify the perceived world, we have all sorts of dilemmas and inconsistencies as to what reality is!

Therefore 1 + 1 does not always equal 2. You can also concatenate 1 + 1 to get 11 as previously argued. We have inherited the Hindu-Arab counting system of 10 fingers or base 10. The Mayans included both feet and developed a counting scheme of base 20. The Greeks and Romans used base 12 (Signs of the Zodiac, Months to the year, 12 hour day, 12 hour night, etc.).

Answer this one, "are we really in 2009 using base 10? Or should we be in some other year based on 12?"

1 point

This is definitely a challenging proposition to find arguments and evidence for or against. Language is a symbolic represenation of an idea, person, place, or thing. And is perceived differently in people's mind. Why should it be any different for the words "communism," "democracy," or "capitalism?"

The definition of the above terms never came to fruition because of the mindset of those who dared use it for control and domination. Furthermore, it is a formidable challenge to put those governing systems into practice. It takes great sacrifice and an egoless society.

The definition of a word can denote one thing, but in reality it is something totally different. Until human beings learn to live in harmony and not one over the other, will we ever have a peaceful and egalitarian form of government beyond criticism and name calling.

2 points

Certain topics in Mathematics are applied in physics. Events and models that exist in nature (forces between two massive bodies) are beyond curricular study in mathematics; therefore a new mathematical scheme (equations) had to be devised by physicists to describe physical events symbolically.

That is what a Doctorate of Philosophy degree provides (at least it should), a synthesis and a quest for the inter-relationship of all knowledge in multiple disciplines within similiar domains.

So the original claim as to whether 'physics is a better subject than math' is a matter of personal taste and experience.

1 point

To assume that there was no forensics during Cain and Abel's time is unfortunate. One of the drawbacks of modern society that spells conceit and egocentrism, is that we are the only society to have the latest technology that has every existed in human history.

For heaven sake what will civilization think of this one 500 hence?

2 points

The question should be: does God or the Supreme Being(s) have anything to do with how we conduct our economies when in reality no one really knows who he or she is?

Perhaps if we took ownership of our own affairs, a more courageous motto would be "In US we Trust!"

1 point

Teleportation is described in the ancient texts of India referred to as the Vedas (knowledge). The Yogasutras of Patanjali describes breathing (prana) exercises that will allow a person to open up energy centers (chakras) throughout the entire body.

Similiarly, the Chinese have studied acupuncture techniques for healing and other uses; they mention that the body is a bundle of energy that is comprised of energy fields (QUI) that travel along specific pathways called meridians (YANG/YIN).

My background in electrical engineering and computer science as introduced me to electromagnetic fields and wave propogation theories along with Einstein's equation of Time Dilation and the Twin Paradox theory. Einstein was on the verge of discovering the Unified Field Theory that manipulates light to approach the speed of light. He fell short of discovering theories relating to teleportation through Eastern methods. Read the Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda Paramahamsa as he mentions how gurus are able to pass from one dimension to another having entered into the etheric/astral space. There are worlds within worlds beyond our comprehension. For example, does an ANT have the vision to view our world?

The potential to teleport exists within each and every person. It can be harnessed through study, practice and tapping into the QUI (CHI) energy that is all around us.

1 point

Banshee's argument and supporting evidence is substantially clear. Zoos are perfect areas for children to interact with each other in an environment that includes various species. They can then return to the classroom and have a practical idea of what animals look like; they can then examine their behavioral patterns in captivity by viewing the Discovery or Nature channels. They can then use their imagination to further their knowledge of animals in the wild.

A zoo environment, I agree, is limited, however, to reach a conclusion that they should be closed is fallacious and unsupported with no clear evidence; unless of course you are considering closing zoos due to budgetary constraints or lack of funding.

-1 points

The previous argument that Cain was jealous of his brother Abel is recorded in ancient Biblical texts. Abel (ability) worshipped God with all his heart, mind, and soul. His brother Cain (Evil connotation) was materialistic and did not put his faith in a Supreme Being, and because of envy, he hit his brother ontop the head until he bled to death.

The issue of their sexual preference is irrevelant to the issue at hand, and futhermore it is undocumented and unsubstantiated. There is no clear evidence to support that claim.

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