
Semiathiest7's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Semiathiest7's arguments, looking across every debate.

While religion attacks science, science must defend itself. We saw life without learning in the middle ages. Bad, weren't they? Therefore, trying to hide fact because a book, supposedly written by a god that has not been proven, is an attack on learning and science. Why should we go simply with what the bible says? That is why people bring science and religion into comparison, because as one disproves parts of the other, the other sticks to its dogma and tries to ban science. That is wrong.

That is attempting to answer a the question of the chicken or the egg in disguise. You have a good point, but it does not prove a god exists.

I must argue here, although, to comfort you believers, I do sometimes doubt my atheist views. How can you prove god to be all loving and forgiving, yet claim he eternally punishes people in hell? What if God lied; what if Lucifer was good and God bad, yet God won so he got tell the story. You cannot prove God, just as much as I cannot completely disprove God. This argument will lead no where. My point is, if you argue for God's existence based on the bible alone, then you have a flawed argument. The bible was written by men, so it is flawed itself and not reliable. One more thing, here is an interesting correlation. As science has improved and knowledge increased, religion and god become less and less fact. Interesting, yes?

Exultation. Read my other arguments for the explanation. Genesis talks about the casting of Lucifer, Adam, and Eve from heaven. Thats a clear contradiction.

Were you around when the bible was written? No, you weren't. So how can you claim a religous text fact, especially when the god it talks of rarely, and not publically, reveals himself? No proof makes a ground support for skepticism. Maybe its not a fairy tale, but the point is that the stories of the bibles are theory, not proven fact.

But sir, that would be long and most people would not read the arguments, they would skip to the end. I am not debating for reward points. I am debating for the sake of proving a point, and if someone proves me wrong, I would downvote myself. Who gives a crap about the points? I care only for the sake of the argument.

Well said. But (jokingly), this is a good way to pass the time.

I mean that overall, living conditions are better. Yes, I have heard the income argument. Yes, it is valid. However, on average, people live better in modern times than in the past. Capital gains? Those have been the motivations since ancient times, so I really do not see a change there. Frankly, each generation just covers up the bad, each has the same or some variant of the same problems.

In medieval times, most people would marry in their teens and die by their late twenties. Everything you have said has been going on for ages, each generation just ignores it. Parents tell there kids what not to do, because they did the same thing and screwed up themselves. Actually, respect has increased. Yes, some don't know what respect truly is, but for the most part people still have respect for one another.

Traditional human values? Values differ across cultures, states, countries, even neighbors can have different sets of values. And to downgrade his argument is not valid. If we had not evolved past the cavemen mentality, we would have no thoughts, no ability to even question our existence. So his argument is valid, though somewhat awkwardly said. You obviously sound like an intollerant, hardcore Christian. Nay I say to you; if you won't read evidence or look at an argument with more than one perspective you should go back to your dogma.

No, humanity's soul is not destroyed. You are all looking at the issue from a pessimistic viewpoint. Look at the positives. More toleration, more freedom, and less poverty. Of course these things still exist, but not as bad as they once did. Afterall, the poorest man in America is the richest man in Africa. If you look at modern society and magnify the bad, like you pessimists are, then of course you see a destruction of morality. If there were no morals, the average joe would walk up and shoot a random stranger, steal from an orphan, and live in greed. For the most part, although there are some individuals, people do not behave this way, so there still are morals. And the corruption of corporations is natural, even if its not good. Anything that gains power ultimately becomes corrupt. That is life as it always has been since humans evolved. So society in essence remains the same.

First off, I don't think this is a technology debate. I do not think that modern society is destroying the "soul of humanity," whatever that means. Modern society is more tolerant and less people live in poverty, although many still do. Each generation has its own issues, and must adapt and evolve. Our society is simply reflecting changes in the modern era, not excellent, but not bad. So no, its not destroying humanity. Unless you mean religous humanity, then yes, and thank god.

Because certain, high and mighty, stuck up, bible thumping people think that some mythical being called god created the universe just FOR US. How stuck up is that? Thats part of the reason I'm atheist. If it thinks, has feelings, and isn't trying to annihilate the human race, then why not give them the same rights, they deserve them.

I can agree that what our ANCESTORS did was wrong. However, you cannot blame countless generations for the mistakes of the past. That just perpetuates the problem. Get over it. I don't get pissed at white jokes, why? Cause its a joke. Stop with the pity us crap. Move on. I am not racist, so why say I am racist just because I am white? That is real racism right there.

I'd hate to say it, but you defeat your whole argument when you label yourself as white american.

Well said. Yes, they need to get over this mindset that we "owe them." Its bullshit. Yes, it was terrible, and I'm sorry it happened. But on the other hand, if their ancestors hadn't been brought over here as slaves, then they would all be stuck in the hell that is modern Africa.

I think the problem here is double-standard racism. Read my other posts in this debate for that argument. Anyway, my issue is that if we are supposed to be one AMERICAN PEOPLE, why should we drive ourselves apart with racial labels? I don't go around saying "I'm a Swedish American," I just say "I'm American and proud of it." We are one peolpe. We need to get past this point of racial labeling one another.

I see your point. But his point I think is to get over it. Many black comedians crack racist jokes about blacks themselves, many even use the word "nigger." That being said, if they hate racism, fine, but don't live by a double standard.

Exactly. If they feel so strongly against racism, they should not be racist to whites. I'm not racist, but it pisses me off to hear a black guy get all up in arms on white people for no reason. Our race made mistakes. But so has theirs, in fact, many Africans sold fellow Africans into slavery. So they need to get over their issues. Move on.

Just because one believes in Christ doesn't make them Christian. A satanic follower could believe Christ is the son of god but not follow him.

Furthermore, your belief in becoming god-like when you die fully contradicts Christian ideaology. Christians believe in paradise, not god's power. The devil was cast out for trying to usurp god, was he not? Now explain how your belief doesn't contradict this core Christian theology.

But science always searches for more knowledge. The limits are only because we lack technology or the people interested for certain subjects.

I do not really know. I have no favorite band. But I probably would not pay more than 150.

You are all going to downvote me, but I don't care. For me its a tie, between Deadpool and Spiderman. Deadpool is crazy, yet trained and loves what he does. Plus he has swords and a healing factor. Yeah he is more of an anti-hero, but thats still a hero. As for Spiderman, I think he is the ultimate classic hero. He is just a normal guy trying to do the right thing. Even though he has powers he still works a job, and unlike Superman, actually gets fired for missing work. That and I think the spider-sense is tough to beat.

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