
Skyfish's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Skyfish's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I am one of the people you are referring to,


easy to claim... harder to prove... i think you're a mole.


you want evidence... just wait.


you'll have it soon enough.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

to be awakened...


there are a LOT more of us than you think.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

but not ALL the means.... just those that are "socialized".


Yes, all the means...


that's the sort of black and white thinking that leads ppl to say democracy is MOB RULE and taxation is THEFT.


you're not one of those extremists, are you?

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

the real consequence is having buckled to someone who does not respect you as a person...


that shows poor judgement.

1 point

i would not marry anyone who gave me an ultimatum... that shows a lack of respect for me as a person... why would i want to have someone like that in my life?

1 point

if a for-profit company did NOT use every possible avenue for increasing its profit, the executives would be sued and the share holders would demand a head on a stick.

1 point

Kant say.


1 point

anything else creates problems that we don't need.... the whole POINT of school is to socialize and learn how to interact with others... leaving out HALF the population from that experiences is dooming that child to a life of frustration and failure.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

very, very few of us are socialists, or even Social Democratics.


brace yourself.

skyfish(276) Clarified
0 points

You have described a Representative Democracy, which is how our government was set up.


yes, i know.


Socialism requires the public ownership of the means of production and distribution.


but not ALL the means.... just those that are "socialized".


libraries, roads, municipal services (before they were sold off to private for-profit companies)... that kind of thing.


it's funny the obvious aversion to the word that so many ppl seem to have.


we are all socialists... especially the rich, because they are the ones the are socialized to the greatest extent.... every time we bail them out w/ our tax money.

1 point

Social democracy is how this country was set up. We elect representatives to decide how to spend the tax money we pay into the system.


they tried doing it without taxes and it doesn't work.


as long as there are taxes, it's socialism to one degree or another.


the liberTARIAN paradise that some seem to think existed somewhere in the past... NEVER DID. there have only been shades of more or less regulation placed upon capitalism.


free market capitalism, unrestrained by government, ALWAYS results in corruption and fraud... every single time.


we are swinging back from a period of unregulated capitalism because ppl living today can see with their own eyes how it DOES NOT WORK for the average American... it only works for those at the top.


trickle ON economics.

2 points

yes, that's EXACTLY how the constitution works... when we make laws or have laws ruled on by the SCOTUS, they always result in "forcing" religion onto ppl.


what color is the sky in your world?

1 point

WE ARE the government.


did you skip civics in H.S.?


i'm sure you could find a good text in the "socialist" public library.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

God did not intend Creation to be victimized by entropy.


how do you know?


maybe she did and just wants to see who "wins" (this time).


its an illusion anyway.

1 point

What if you dont want it? Should they be able to force you?


you can always move.... no one is forcing you to stay here.

1 point

the state has an overwhelming interest in the education of its citizens.


its hard to believe we even need to debate this after 200+ yrs of existence, but i guess the uneducated have finally taken over the controls.


i'm about ready to declare this little experiment in self governance a failure.

1 point

i think actually, its #3 that you are breaking....


not ALL of the debates fail in one of those 10 ways.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point



that would make me happy.


you talk too much anyway.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

you've never introduced me to any of them.


i'm not in habit of looking at what you have posted to others... and it does not matter.


my observation is strictly w.r.t. to your interaction with me.


ALL you do is challenge... as far as i can tell.


if you don't think that reflects accurately on how you would like to be received, then all i can say is maybe you have some reflection to do.


i give what i get.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

I still don't understand the defensiveness.


because that's not what it is.


if anything, it's mild frustration with ppl who would rather shit all over someone else's idea than come up with one of their own.


but who am i to criticize, this is "".


i guess that is all this site is good for.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

well, since i have already "lost"... whatever that means, i don't have much to lose.


recognize the truth in what i've said or don't.. it matters not to me.


i've given you all you need to go on whilst exploring your moral and ethical "edges".


does it create? or does it destroy?

is there greater enthalpy, or less?

orderly or more chaos?


here: scrambled eggs.


good or evil?


choose and explain why

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

for someone who claims to have never claimed they are good at debate... you sure have a lot of "advise".


perhaps if you put forward you own ideas instead of simply attacking others... then you would be less concerned with the debate decorum trivialities of my postings.


of course, if you did do that, there are plenty of others here who will pounce on your posting like you do to mine.




its all about choices i guess.



my choice is to keep posting whatever i want and watch you guys flail over it... it's rather amusing.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

i believe i already stated that.




order over chaos.


creation over destruction.


its really not a difficult concept.

skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

one would think that someone who considers themselves to be SO good at debate would understand the logical fallacy of inference, and the blind alleys it lead one down.


you inferred something that i did not say and therefore went down this long rabbit hole for nothing.


it also has be obvious to anyone paying attention that you have offered NOTHING by way of solution to how to handle the problem of terrorists.


instead you choose to argue with me over something that you WANTED me to have said ... presumably so you could continue to argue.


you seem to enjoy it, and far be it from me to deprive you of your joy.

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