
Tsun's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tsun's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

no, hate speech laws should not exist because it denies freedom of speech, the only way to get smarter is by being argued against

1 point

that is what i come here to do, the problem with a debate group for kids is that the people in my grade, for the most part can not debate rationally and turn the debate forum into a group text.

i still think that there should be a debate group for kids who can actually debate using logic to push their ideas.

1 point

I think that you should eat whatever you want, i like meat that is free range and humanly raised. Think of it as a compromise.

1 point

the only reason they wait for you to come home is so that they can get food, only to look down upon with disgust.

1 point

dogs have not only contributed to man's success, but are used as therapy animals due to their never ending love and devotion. dogs have saved people so many times and are protective animals.

1 point

I would put it under manslaughter, even though it is much worse and an evil thing to do.

1 point

when colonizers traveled with huge ships and firearms, they were faced by cannibals with primative tools. today you can go to Haiti or Iraq and find sexist, underdeveloped cultures. American culture is to developed that we pay about 22% of the UN bill.

2 points

to abolish religion denies freedom to peacably assemble, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. even if you are not religious, you should realize that most religions better the world by holding people to a higher moral standard.

1 point

YOU ARE VERY WRONG, capitalism allows people to opperate FREELY, without government interference. capitalism is better for the whole because people have to better their products to succeed.

1 point

yes, finally, a humane path to citizenship. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

1 point

they should be, maybe then mexico won't suck so bad that people keep fleeing from them.

1 point

if you are even able to read this and think computers to be harmful, then you are probably a hipocrit

1 point

Islam thinks of peace as subjugating the world under sheria law and slaughtering all "infidels," or if you are lucky, being genitally mutilated and made slaves. happy ramidan

1 point

to end the brutal regime, i believe that you would have to warn South Korea, give them time to prepare an offensive strike and a defensive position. work with China, then send in a huge attack with non-radioctive bombs(to prevent radiation damage to the surrounding areas and allied troops)

1 point

a child needs both forms of guidance that can be given only by a mother and father figure. furthermore, a child psyche and emotional state need a healthy invironment to be nurtured.

1 point

yes, but I believe fights should be agreed on by both participants.

1 point

I believe that people should be allowed to fight under close watch of a designated chaperone, they should wear some minor protective gear, but if you do not fight, it will just result in more anger and deep seeded hate.

1 point

western law is the most tolerant and color blind law, racism still exists and what keeps it in check is western law. what prevents malicious attacks from spiteful groups of biggots is western law and tolerance.

2 points

ebooks are great seeing as how they allow children to do school work without having to carry around huge textbooks. ebooks are more convienient than checking out a book at your local library.

1 point

YES, POP-UP ADS are dangerous to children's psyche, it would also diminish divorce based on pornogoraph, which would help maintain family structures, which would make America safer. furthermore, pornogoraphy is degrading to women.

1 point

i believe that science and Christianity can co-exist and support each other when you look at scientific facts, and not made-up stuff to supress theism, they get along pretty well.

1 point

sorry, this was a hard one but as long as the social media site is privately owned and does not receive government funding, the company should be allowed to do what they want,

1 point

YES, to be offended is to be resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult. (got the definition from a online dictionary, don't hate me :P) but when you are insulted you can retaliate, whether that be with spiteful words, or the preffered approach of rational arguing, but you should say what you want to say. the only exception I see is if you are at work for a private corporation that does not receive government funding and has a policy that includes no offensive speech.

1 point

if you have heard of Pascal's wager you know that he said that if you believe in God and atheism is correct, you lose practically nothing, but if you are an atheist, and God is real, you suffer eternal damnation.

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