
Debate Info

Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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Debate Creator

IchthysSaves(621) pic

500 Point Milestone Party

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3 points

Yay! (Beat ya to it Joe ;))

This one of the few milestones another member reaches that I can actually boast of reaching myself.

does an unorthodox dance

1 point

Woot! Woot!


How did you get so many points?

1 point

I made lots of debates and contributed to a lot of debates. You get more points when you make debates and people add arguments in your debate.

1 point

I didn't have one, i forgot :( !

1 point

congratulations :)

1 point

Well done pal!

You may loom at other users and think you have a long way to go, but I still remember posting an argument that boosted me up to 10 points :)