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pfft !! what a joke It's the Christians fault
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:39
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 pfft !! what a joke (9)
 It's the Christians fault (5)

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dadman(1703) pic

ACLU Says Christians to Blame for Orlando Attack

The Islamist attack on The Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was too much to bear for one ACLU staff attorney, 
who vented Sunday morning about the terror attack. But he didn’t blame Muslims, or even radical Islam. 
No, he placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of Christians who oppose the LGBT agenda.

pfft !! what a joke

Side Score: 24

It's the Christians fault

Side Score: 8

Classic liberal response; blame anyone and everything else but the real culprits. Islam, period, and its followers are to blame. Not conservatives, not Republicans, not the Tea Party, not Christianity; Islam is solely responsible for this act of terrorism.

Side: pfft !! what a joke
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
2 points

that's a pretty myopic misunderstanding of human nature. there were certainly lots of factors that went into this person carrying out this event.

Side: pfft !! what a joke

The Muslim murderer was overwhelmed by the satanic teachings of the Islamic scriptures. He cracked and went off to do the devil's work. Islam and Satan go hand in hand in the slaughter of the innocent.

Side: pfft !! what a joke
3 points

You know who is to blame? The frickin shooter. Come on. Also the system that allows a man who was at least twice on the FBI watch list and an abusive husband to purchase a freaking assault rifle and maybe even a bit on society for being so complacent when we have so many massacres that we have a script of what we say all the time, everytime.... but that bit aside, it was his choice to murder all those people, the blame needs to be on him.

Side: pfft !! what a joke
3 points

Just the Classic Progressive attack ! At this point it is no mystery that Progressives just can't accept reality ! Americans are very aware of the Progressive nonsense now !

Side: pfft !! what a joke

They just said that the shooter was Gay. His wife said he was Gay. He frequented Gay online sites. He frequented gay nighclubs.

But of course the Left must always blame Christians.

Side: pfft !! what a joke
dadman(1703) Clarified
1 point

.................. Satanic forces indeed know who their enemy is ..... "hide us from the light that we may not see"

btw: I need to clarify the post above ..... it's not Christian "anti-gay" .... it's Christian PRO-GOD ...

it is they who have stiffen their jaws against the Almighty

Side: pfft !! what a joke
0 points

I blame Christians for the attack because they spread the homophobic bigotry that led the mentally ill shooter to do this. So I feel you're more accountable than the shooter was. #pulseorlando #Islam #Christianity #LGBTQIAPK+ #Republicans #WWJD #FromWithin #prayforParis #Hashtag #ALLAHUAKBAR

Side: It's the Christians fault
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

You are one screwed up bigot!...............................................................

Side: pfft !! what a joke
2 points

Nice try, Small Fry; It's not Christianity, it's a sick and unstable individual fueled by Islamic poison that is responsible.

Side: pfft !! what a joke
0 points

Except he didn't, and I think you know that or you would have provided the actual quote.

What he said: "The Christian Right has introduced 200 anti-LGBT bills in the last six months and people blaming Islam for this. No. #PulseNightclub"

According to the FBI, the primary motivation they have found thus far is anti-gay sentiment, not Islam.

But hey, they are the only FBI. What do they know next to an arm chair cultist?

Side: pfft !! what a joke
dadman(1703) Clarified
3 points

According to the FBI

Christian anti-gay sentiment does not murder people

Islamic anti-gay sentiment does


he made these tweets, in short order:


The Christian Right has introduced 200 anti-LGBT bills in the last six months and people blaming Islam for this. No. #PulseNightclub


You know what is gross - your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate.


My queer trans Muslim family knows that our fight is against the hateful people in power right here in this country. #PulseNightclub ....... orlando-attack

Side: pfft !! what a joke
Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

Could you give me a link to a real news article?

Side: pfft !! what a joke
1 point

The loonie left along with certain elements within the authorities will issue misinformation in the certain knowledge that there will be some idiots like you who will swallow their psychological operation tactics hook line and sinker. In this case the purpose of issuing such publications is to cause confusion and cloud the real motive of this atrocity the blame for which lies exclusively with a Muslim terrorist and his anti American, homophobic sentiments.

Side: It's the Christians fault

I think the shooter converted to Christianity just before the shooting and did this because Islam is a peaceful religion and would never do this.

Side: It's the Christians fault
1 point

We don't need to be blamed for Islamic attacks, we got plenty under our belt.

Side: It's the Christians fault