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Debate Score:28
Total Votes:29
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 YES! (8)
 NO! (6)

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ashleyjung(16) pic

A child's computer should be kept in the family room

My parents let me have the computer in my room but, now my  parents are fighting about it. what should I do?


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 11
4 points

I think the a child's computer should be kept somewhere so that everyone can see what the child is up to and the parent can monitor what the child does . You shouldn't have a child to put there computer in there room because who knows what they might be looking at.

Side: YES!
rosco925(2) Disputed
2 points

What if the owner of the household (the parent) is a super duper religious person, and doesn't want the child having access to atheist influence to sway the child away from theism. And the child begins to question theism as a natural part of finding oneself and tries to go on the computer to find out whether this "religion" thing is really plausible. But since the computer is in the FAMILY ROOM the mom/dad sees them searching this material and shuns them from the household. Does that seem reasonable to you? And keep in mind that this is essentially the exact same thing as looking at porn because it is just another influence that the parents want to keep away from the child. But since porn is such a taboo thing everybody morally considers it as "wrong". So look at this, if everybody's little bias in their heads were to be granted power over somebody else our world's young children would have a hard time becoming real individuals who can think for themselves rather than blindly accepting what the parents think. And although this would make the parents happy it wouldn't to jack squat for our children to be individuals of their own kind, untouched by by other peoples' minds but however develop a mind for themselves. Which is one of the goals of the concept of 'freedom'. So don't forget this ideal when governing children, mindless slaves do nothing for the ingenuitive development of a society.

Side: NO!
3 points

I think a child's must be kept in a family common room. They must know what his child's doing because they care for us and being panic after hearing scandal news specially about teenager.

Side: YES!
2 points

Well, why are they fighting about it in the first place?? Is it because they cant use the computer because of you or because you're doing something that you're not supposed to on your computer?

Side: YES!
2 points

In my house no one would be fighting over this issue. The child would have it explained that it was for his own protection and because I love him that this is being done. Case closed.

Side: YES!

Sure, if it is the best for the family, then yes, it should be in the family room. PLEASE DON'T SUGGEST SOME STUPID LAW.

Side: YES!

Positive. It makes them hesitate in searching porn and violent videos and pictures.

Side: YES!
1 point

I think that child's computer have to keep in family room so that they can't play game in living room when the parents told not to do.

Side: YES!

Yes, that's a good idea. Mom and Dad can then monitor what their child is viewing.

Side: YES!
2 points

If it is only the child that uses it AND its a trustworthy child

Side: NO!
2 points

If you are trying to do some homework and someone is watching the television at the same time then the productivity and ending result of both things will be negative

Side: NO!
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

This mean you coming back Mic?

Side: YES!
Dominus(20) Clarified
2 points

I am not Micmacmoc.

Side: YES!

How is your child supposed to sexually educate himself if he doesn't have access to porn?

Side: NO!
2 points

Hahaha why? Because the biased opinions of 'right' and 'wrong'(according to whoever holds these beliefs) according to the parent can easily suppress the child's sense of right and wrong and therefore should be exploited accordingly due to who has more power in a household to establish a desired ideal? Or is it because parents "know what's best" because their subjective opinion is OBVIOUSLY more valid than anything a mere CHILD could think since might makes right, right? How would middle aged parents like it if senior citizens suppressed their opinions because they "have more experience" and therefore "obviously know right from wrong" and thus giving them all of the control of their lives? This type of supremacy rule in households aren't from the making of "mature people" but more so of fear ridden people who dread their children falling on the "bad side" of whatever they may think that is. Blindly placing one person's opinion over somebody else for WHATEVER reason can be equally compared with stupid shit that goes on in our world by the same logic. Such as: Person such and such has inferior judgment capability because he is a Jew and EVERYBODY knows that Jews are SO stupid because they're just Jews. Or black people obviously don't have it within them to make smart decisions because they're black of course. So just give individuals their freedom, one person's judgement cannot be more valid than another person's judgement just because it's coming from one person's mouth rather than the other one.

Side: NO!
1 point

kids cannot learn properly because thay can't concerntrate well in the family room.

Side: NO!