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Homophobia?, Should People get into it, or over it!

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Homophobia is not healthy. People should get rid of homophobia.

1 point

a person can be born gay. and dont b dissin on people of the homosexual content. most of my best friends are gay and they are the coolest ppl i have ever met. i might not be gay but i will sleep with a girl as quicky as i would a guy.

dacey(1040) Disputed
2 points

Excuse me but i am far from dissin gay people .I am in fact providing some valuable information into this topic, simply because of the negative attitudes toward gay people on this site.I did this to try and help people understand that being gay is ok. I myself am bi-sexual. I seriously think you took this the wrong way.

falaember(18) Disputed
2 points

i never said i was talkin about you im just saying this to anyone who has a problem with it.

1 point

No one really seems to realize that "are you born gay" is just an opinion.

Why people still try to answer "yes" or "no" is beyond me.

There is no concrete evidence supporting or attacking the notion that one is born gay. All of it, pro or against, is speculative and just a bunch of correlation bullshit. Same thing with the idea that one can turn another gay or straight. It's all speculative and in the end, no one knows.

Here's what we should know, though. Tolerance is a good thing. Someone else being gay does not hurt me. Murder, rape, and theft hurt me. Not some dude fucking another dude. Why people have to be so up in arms about homosexuality, I will never know. Probably because people are dumb ass, right brain thinking motherfuckers.

And if you are a dude and you want to fuck another dude, you're gay. Don't try to go to some shrink or priest who says they can help you. Just fuck dudes. Think about it, if you want to fuck a dude, you will enjoy fucking that dude. Just how I know I'll enjoy fucking some hot blond girl.

So fuck who ever you want, and stop bitching about who someone else is fucking. It's not your problem, asshole.

Side: No One Knows
dacey(1040) Disputed
1 point

geeez louise...what is up with people..........I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SEXUALITY.....PEOPLE HERE DO!....THIS IS WHY I POSTED THIS.....NOT BECAUSE IM ANTI GAY BECAUSE IM ANTI-ANTI- GAY. Would you like me to post one saying, "am i straight?" because i can post that too seeing as im BI-SEXUAL!....I hope you find that blonde girl and get this frustation out of your pants!.

Side: No One Knows
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

I wasn't attacking you, really.

I was just venting on homophobia.

Side: No One Knows
Kinda(1649) Banned
1 point

Define homophobia?

Cause it seems to me anybody in the world against homosexuality is automatically a homophobe.

Side: No One Knows
1 point

Yes ,it does seem like that...but it is also true, that it seems, there are a lot of hetrosexual people, who are not against homosexuality, and so are therefor not homophobic.

Side: No One Knows
Kinda(1649) Disputed Banned
1 point


You trying to be funny?

Side: No One Knows