
Debate Info

They are They aren't
Debate Score:66
Total Votes:68
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 They are (26)
 They aren't (33)

Debate Creator

Mariel33(456) pic

Are people in the United States people in the United States?

They are

Side Score: 33

They aren't

Side Score: 33
2 points


People in the United States = People in the United States.

Side: They are
Mariel33(456) Disputed
1 point

Does that then mean that all human beings should be "people in the United States" - all human beings can be people in the United States?

A = A

Side: They aren't
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point


"people in the United States" is A

"all human beings" is B

Side: They are
Iulmi(252) Clarified
1 point

No, it doesn't. If a person is in the United States, it's there. If it's not there, it's not there.

*Unless you talk with students of psychics, that would tell you that a cat could be at the same time dead and alive, but that's another issue.

Side: They are
2 points

Is this some kind of trick question? LOL .

Side: They are
Mariel33(456) Disputed
1 point

No, it's not a trick question. It's actually a very sincere and intelligent kind of question - thanks for asking.

Side: They aren't
RavenLily(733) Disputed
2 points

Sheesh, get over yourself! If sincere and intelligent is what you're looking for, you're on the wrong site, LOL.

Side: They are
2 points

There isn't another person living inside of you just because you live in the united states

Side: They aren't
1 point

Because every life form is the meaning of life, no person is a person in the United States.

Side: They aren't