
Debate Info

I am Judgemental I am not Judgemental
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 I am Judgemental (11)
 I am not Judgemental (3)

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AustinLabier(7) pic

Are you Judgemental or not?

I have seen many topics on here where people are saying thats racist or thats sexist yet, in the mist of their rant and pointing of fingers they fail to see the 3 fingers pointing back at them. I want to know, do you know that you are judgemental?

I am Judgemental

Side Score: 12

I am not Judgemental

Side Score: 4

Everybody is judgmental and cannot claim not to be if they make a statement or even raise a question. One must judge in order to understand the world around them. If you say the sky is blue you are making a judgment. If you say driving without a seat belt is dangerous then you are making a judgment. Everybody judges.

Side: I am Judgemental
1 point

"The sky is blue" and "driving without a seat belt is dangerous" are observations. One must observe to understand the world around them, not judge.

Side: I am Judgemental

Observing something causes you to judge something. If you observe a child and the child acts crazy and you say its crazy you have to make that judgment. Observing comes before judging buddy.

Side: I am Judgemental
1 point


What Lizzie said.

(remaining characters, blah blah blah)

Side: I am Judgemental
1 point

So many judges in this world...

Yet so few executioners~ ;D

Side: I am Judgemental
1 point

I was raised up to not be judgmental or even show harsh opposition to someone. It is wrong to curse others and say hurtful things.

Side: I am Judgemental
1 point

I try not to be judgmental of others but the problem is its sometimes just not possible as soon as you make up your mind about someone even if its in a good way you have judged them. The best thing is to try and judge people as little as possible but humans are judgmental creatures and sometimes you can't help it you have to go with the flow

Side: I am Judgemental

I know I am. I know you have to be, it's one thing that helped us thrive as a species. We ate the poisonous berries, then as our group began to die, we made judgments off of the way those berries looked on whether or not we should eat more. Same with dangerous animals, and very much the same with poisonous or venomous animals, that usually have a similar patter, that we would judge to know not to encounter them.

Side: I am Judgemental
1 point

Absolutely, everyone is. Now whether someone broadcasts their judgments is a different story. :)

Side: I am Judgemental
1 point

I am not at all judgmental... Or maybe I am, ... I'm not really sure if I can speak to whether or not I may or may not be judgmental. Sorry to waste your time, or your welcome for this help post. Thank you, or go F yourself.

Side: I am not Judgemental

You just made a judgment as of now.

Side: I am not Judgemental
1 point

I don't see myself as a judgemental person. I'm the only person I 'truely' know, and therefor I feel that I'm the only one I have the right to 'judge'.

Side: I am not Judgemental