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Debate Score:16
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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Are you Trumpaphobic?



Side Score: 8


Side Score: 8
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Well lets see... the answer to my next question will determine if you are a Trumpaphobic.

Ask yourself this one simple question...

If Trump had bombed Iranian sites that could have killed approximately 150 people, in retaliation for their shooting down our unmanned Drone, would you have called him a war monger?

Now since Trump prevented our military from carrying out that plan, believing the response of killing 150 Iranians too serious for the crime, did you praise his compassionate restraint, or did you insult him for being weak?

You know who you are, and you should be no where near a debate site!

You will create deceptive Trump hating debates at every opportunity to garner worthless points.

Side: No
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

If Trump had bombed Iranian sites that could have killed approximately 150 people, in retaliation for their shooting down our unmanned Drone, would you have called him a war monger?

Hello From:

Couple things..

1) I hate Trump.. I've called him a lot of things.. But, warmonger is NOT one of them... Why??? Because he's NOT a warmonger.

2) I'm a Jew. I'm an American. Fuck Iran. Iran shot down an unmanned drone.. Trump COULD have retaliated by destroying lots of UNMANNED military targets in Iran.. Instead, he targets MANNED sites and then pulls back because MEN would die.. What the fuck is that about?

3) And, what the fuck did he expect when he withdrew from the Iran deal anyway??


PS> Ok, you can call me a name now..

Side: Yes
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Being a fool is what a person is. It's not name calling. Live with it!

I guarantee you if Trump had bombed Iran and killed 150 people, you would have found a reason to insult him... that's what intolerant deceptive people do.

To call him weak for doing the correct thing makes you a joke. He will respond in the correct manner, and you will will still insult him, all to get worthless points.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You are an IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2) I'm a Jew.

No way can your DUMB ASS have it both ways when you make this claim that you made. JEWISH ATHEIST

Side: No
0 points

Is Trump racist? He very well might be, as it was literally the norm in his time for rich white dudes to be racist.

Is Trump fascist? He is pretty close to being a fascist.

Is he a misogynist? Again, most rich old white dudes are.

Side: No
wankerdoodle(1) Disputed
1 point

I am going to sneak into your mommies basement every day and collect enough of your fat ass, Skyrim playing belly button lint to weave a noose and then I am going to hang you by your dick.

Side: Yes
1 point

Is Trump racist? He very well might be, as it was literally the norm in his time for rich white dudes to be racist

It's normal in 2019 for leftists to hate Jews and keep Asians out of colleges, eh factology?

Side: Yes
1 point

Is Trump fascist? He is pretty close to being a fascist

So show us Trump being Fascist. I asked yesterday, and you never replied.

Side: Yes
1 point

Is he a misogynist?

Define "misogynist". I ask because many of the people in head positions in his administration are women, and they say he isn't.

Is the media and the Democratic Party misogynistic for attacking these women all day, every day?

Side: Yes