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Beauty and its standards - What is beauty?

What is beauty?

The concept of beauty has been changing along the years and it is to due to cultural or global changes.

In ancient Greece, for example, people used to glorify athletic bodies. During the Middle Ages the standard was different: overweight people were seen as noble. With the advent of the Modern period the pattern changed once again. Industrialization brought new ways of dressing and  also dictated new ways of building the body. Clothes started being produced in a large scale and in standardized sizes, so that people started felling obligate to fit into such patterns.

Nowadays, fashion and media standards magnify slimness obligating people to look for a body seen as perfect. People are never satisfied with their image and are always trying to change what they are or follow the patterns. To reach it they resort to plastic surgery, exotic diets, cosmetics and many other methods and sometimes they go over the limits, an example of this is the singer Michael Jackson.


Watch this video:

Let's discuss: What do people do to reach what is imposed by fashion and media ?


Caroline, Marisa and Milena.








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2 points

Studies done on beauty standards say that there are actual standards, yet it's still a bendable standard.


Contrast Effect - Men who are shown pictures of models will usually rate their partner at a lower physical attractiveness than if men not shown pictures of models (instead, pictures of average or lesser attractive women).

Matching Phenomena - People will tend to seek out people with similar physical attractiveness. Uglies with uglies, beauties with beauties, normals with normies. However, this shows that beauty can be subjective, for if you find a not so attractive person attractive, why say they AREN'T attractive?

While there is an average on what standards of beauty are, how people will perceive those standards are truly dependent on the environment. So it's true that displays of very attractive women in media will cause men to view less attractive women as... less attractive. However, this is more of an issue with implicit mentalities and NOT an issue with misogyny (in case someone wants to interpret my debate as that). We can not blame the media for wanting to put up pictures of attractive women. Just how we can not blame men for trying to hire hot strippers as opposed to not-so-hot strippers for a bachelor party.

Our human behavior makes us want what we find physically attractive (evolutionary advantage such as youth, fertility, and biologically nurturing). It is up to the individual to find themselves away from the herd mentality.

2 points

Narayan1M is right. It's amazing when people with eating desorder realizes there's something wrong with their health and take an attitude to change the situation. I don't if I'm right, but I see a significant change in the last few years. Yes, fashion is not made to all sizes yet, but campaings like the ones posted indicates that we are finally starting to accept differents kinds of beauty.

1 point

Its depend on the way of seeing,every body had an different choice ,different defination for beauty ......jus like i have defination .......for beauty is nature of person...not outlooks.....because...if that beautiful lady or guy spoke in a bad way ,i dnt think anybody will like dat nature matters

1 point

I believe that people are in general concerned about beauty, but especially teenage girls, as a reflect of the society we live nowadays. Young girls are exposed to what was chosen by the media as beauty standard and believe that's true. Frustration (and sometimes diseases) comes when they realize how difficult it is to get to those patterns, without surgeries and other harsh alternatives.

Milena1M(31) Clarified
1 point

It is true, Anny, frustation is something related to this constantly searching for beauty, this text show us a little bit about it, let's check?

Negative Body Image Perception

Body image is a term used to describe the way people view their bodies (good, bad, fat, thin, attractive, unattractive etc) and how comfortable they feel in general about their physical appearance.

People with a positive body image feel happy about the way they look and are comfortable in their own skin. People with a negative body image are anxious about the way they look, feel uncomfortable in certain situations, and worry they do not 'fit in'.

Body Image and the Media

Although it is irrational to blame the media for someone's poor body image, it does place significant emphasis on looks and physical appearance. Television and magazines constantly bombard us with images of attractive, perfect looking people, and often send out the message that physical perfection is what we should all strive for if we want to be successful.

The pressure of trying to live up to unrealistic cultural expectations of physical perfection can encourage people to feel bad about their bodies, if they believe they do not 'measure up'.

Body Image and Self-Esteem

Although body image should not contribute to how good people feel about themselves, in reality it does. Most people are dissatisfied with the way they look to some degree, which has a negative impact on their self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the way a person feels about him or herself as a whole (self-worth), and rightly or wrongly, is often greatly affected by body image. A negative body image can lead to feelings of worthlessness and intense self-dislike, which can in turn trigger unhealthy eating behaviours and eating disorders if someone turns to desperate measures to make his or her life 'better'.

Distorted Body Image and Eating Disorders

When people become obsessed with the way they look, and constantly compare themselves to people whose bodies they perceive to be 'better', it can lead to a body image perception that is not only negative, but distorted. Someone with a distorted body image does not perceive his or her physical shape in the same way as other people perceive it.

This is frequently the case with people who suffer from eating disorders. For example, anorexic patients often do not perceive their body size accurately, most likely viewing themselves as grossly overweight when in reality they are underweight. No matter how hard they strive to have the perfect body weight or how much they starve themselves, they are never thin enough. Images of dangerously thin people often become their inspiration.

And you guys, are you satisfied with your body image?Have you ever had some disturbs caused by this dissatisfaction or have you ever known someone who suffered it?What is a perfect body image for you ?Why?

PARTICIPANTS:Caroline dos Santos, Marisa Tsukamoto and Milena Moura.

1 point

Although the media and the 'beauty' industry are responsible in a certain way for the beauty standards establishment in our society, it is necessary to consider that: all cultures have some beauty values and there is a biological component besides such standards, which is connected with health aspects and reproduction capacity. There is a relation between fertility and a measure that relate women waist and hip sizes, for example, and consequently, female humans with such proportions are instinctively considered attractive by several societies.

The closer your body is shaped to the Golden Ration the more beautiful you are.

Milena1M(31) Disputed
1 point

Can you really place beauty to numbers? perfect-face-golden-ratio-beauty.html

Check it out and discover if you are shaped to the Golden Ratio.

What is your beauty score?And yours, guys?Do you agree with it?


1 point

More and more people want to become beautiful and follow the beauty which the media standardize. The magazines about “health” and “beauty” promote a sort of conception which considers thin people wearing make-up and straight hair as the relevant while the opposite is seen as something negative, as the enemy of the beauty. These magazine aren’t worried about the health of these people even because they offer unhealthy diet ways for someone to be “attractive” once the purpose of the ads of this nature is to sell the image of ‘beauty” and the products necessary to appear beautiful. To get what they want, people are capable to pull them off a cosmetic surgery to look beautiful because it doesn’t matter who you are inside and it does who you really are outside. So, the victims of the media feel they need to achieve what they are supposed to getting personal accomplishments.

1 point

This is a very interesting debate, because nowadays the concept of being beautiful and consequently young as the "right thing" is very strong.

It does not affect only teenagers, but elder people too. In Brazil, for instasnce, the beauty market has been increased tremendously.

According to revista Veja, the number of plastic cirurgies increased 250% between 1994 and 2001. Please see the link below:

So in our society it is more important your appearance than what you are. The most important thing is to be beautiful and eternaly young.

1 point

Beauty standards have changed throughout the years.

People are very influenced by the media. Somebody created a perfect image of what a person should look like, and now everybody´s trying to look the same.

I agree that teenagers are more vulnerable but I really think that people are starting to wake up. Some beauty brands, like Dove, have promoted campaigns to talk about the real beauty.

There´s also a movement called healthy is the new skinny, created to transform the way teens deal with beauty.

Check the link:

Supporting Evidence: Healthy is the new skinny (
1 point

Few companies in the cosmetic industry are trying to avoid the skinny models, but as I mention really only few. Sometimes you have a positive body image, but then somebody tells you that you can't work in their company because you are too fat. There is a case in which a woman, trying to get into shape, was told she was too fat to work out! Because of situations like those I can tell what happens to your positive body image: it cracks.

1 point

Very interesting, Anna!This report show us that many companies (gyms, magazines, fashion, advertisement etc) are not so worried with our health in fact, they are worried about the image they want to sell and the after sometimes sell much more than the "before" or the "during".Wheter the health is not the main objective of those companies, what is the real objective of them?In addition, we can observe a prejudice against those that do not fit into the standards (even if they are trying to do it). What consequences this prejudice can cause to this woman life?Have you ever suffered beauty prejudice?And you guys, what do you think about it?


Some people go as far as emulating Disney characters ;) 2012/05/3Zs282.jpg

1 point

In our society, beauty is enormously connected to youth. In spite of the fact that plastic surgeries, Botox applications and liposuction are the solution to people who suffered accidents such as burning or other kind of deformation, many times they are strategies that people use to look younger and consequently beautiful, according to society standards.

The old age is seen as a terrible thing which humanity is bound to pass through and there is no scape, unless they attempt to slow down the aging process, doing from a plastic surgery to a simple hair coloring when it becomes white.

People do not accept that one day they will have their shape modified, that this life is not forever and they need to hide the old age anyway. Because of it, everybody wants always to have a young physiognomy, or at least to have the illusion that it is possible.

Mariana Nakamura

1 point

Mariana, you are right when you say that plastic surgeries can be used as a solution for those who suffered accidents and as a strategy for those who like to look different or reach standards imposed by others.But, do you think the standards are really imposed by society?

In order to reach those patterns people go over limits, and look worse than they were before doing the surgery,what do you think about it?Nowadays there is an economic appeal from the plastic surgery clinics, they facilitate the payments of the surgeries and sometimes see money as a priority, not the health.Who is the blamed?The person that could do everything to become ''beautiful''?The doctors?The media that estimulates people do do it?The society?What people can do in order to fit into the standards?

Check this video called "Plastic Surgery gone bad" and make your point.

Caroline, Marisa and Milena.

Plastic Surgery gone bad

That's a very interesting topic. I agree media plays a crucial role in the beauty standards. Although it's okay to try to be healthier and to change the things you don't like about yourself, there must be limits - people can go too far in order to fit in the media beauty standards. I think self-steem issues has always existed: I found really hard to believe that people are 100% satisfied with their looks. Comparisons with others, low self-steem, insecurity - they could be natural, but they're intensified by mass media standards and, unfortunately, not everyone can deal with that much pressure. This is a very interesting and famous video:, have you seen it?

1 point

Gabi, here you are kind of answering the question we made before: What people can do to become ''perfect''? This video that you posted show us a sad way that some people found to reach a skinnier body: anorexia.This is a serious problem that we are going to explain better in a more specified argument.But, the video you posted has a confusing topic: the author mix the concepts of bulimia and and anorexia and name just as ANOREXIA.Just a hint:to support your argument try just to check the videos before posting and see if they are really trustable.In accord to Fulkerson definitions of what is a good argument and what it has to contain, a text has to have accuracy and in order to reach it we can not accept facts from second sources.Fulkerson also say that the ''authority'' is a strategy of argument but we have to pay attention if the authority is really an authority.


1 point

This song that was on the video which Gabi Alckimin posted, show us the drama whose those do not fit into some patters (or think they do not fit into) suffer:



I told another lie today

And I got through this day

No one saw through my games

I know the right words to say

Like "I don't feel well"

"I ate before I came"

Then someone tells me how good I look

and for a moment

For a moment I am happy

But when I'm alone

No one hears me cry

I need you to know

I'm not through the night

Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light

I need you to know

That we'll be okay

Together we can make it through another day

I don't know the first time I felt unbeautiful

The day I chose not to eat

What I do know is how I changed my life forever

I know I should know better

There are days when I'm okay

And for a moment

For a moment I find hope

But there are days when I'm not okay

And I need your help

So I'm letting go

I need you to know

I'm not through the night

Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light

I need you to know

That we'll be okay

Together we can make it through another day

You should know you're not on your own

These secrets are walls that keep us alone

I don't know when but what I know now

Together we'll make it through somehow

Together we'll make it through somehow

I need you to know

I'm not through the night

Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light

I need you to know

That we'll be okay

Together we can make it through another day''


Thanks for the hint! You're right. The video doesn't make distinction between bulimia and anorexia and it's confusing. I'm really sorry about that. When I found it, I was trying to find a video I watched long time ago, with the same title, that was an initiative by Nova, but I can't find it anymore - unfortunately.

1 point

It's a very interesting topic and this is something that should be more discussed in our society. Although some brands are now trying to valorize all types of beauty, unfortunatelly they are still few.

World is getting fat, this is something that we can't avoid noticing. The habits now are different from 50 years ago for example. We don't have time to have a healthy meal, to work out, etc. However the beauty standards do not change. As many people don't find the perfection in their bodies, they go through the easy way - doing plastic surgeries and Stomach Reduction Surgery. These procedures are dangerous! But the society demand perfect bodies without noticing that there are no perfect bodies at all!

I don't like to be compared with supermodels, they are taller than me, thinner, it's a different body, a different person. However, specially the young girls they tend to compare theirselves without noticing that we cannot be someone else.

We cannot blame only the media, but the society as well.

1 point

This is a very important and serious issue.The beauty (or the image of it) make people (most teenagers) to find ways to get the "perfect body" ,the "perfect hair",when do not exist one.I mean that what is fashion and what is not goes according to trends,that changes all the time!I think that this people that suffer trying to reach a measure,should be informed that was a time that be "fat" that was considered good.This conceptions changes,the important is have a balance between what the person considers beautiful and what is really healthy to body.

Milena1M(31) Disputed
1 point

We do not agree with you when you say it is about time to be fat was considered good, because being fat can be related to some health problems and it is also not good, we are not here exalting obesity, what we are trying to say is that it should not exist too much pressure against us saying what we have to do or what image we had to have, we had to be free to chose what we wanted without suffering pressure or prejudice, that is the point.


1 point

It is preety funny to see that not only the beauty standand became a pattern in our society, but also there is a counter flow in vogue nowadays. Lady GaGa in her song "Born this way" sings: "I'm beautiful in my way/cause God makes no mistakes/I'm on the right track, baby/I was born this way". She claims that people should not try to fit in models and love and respect their own unique individuallities.

I would like to share a snippet of an article concerning this perspective of beaty and its standards concernig Lady GaGa and how it reflects the question in a broader view. If you want to read it wholy, there is also its link.

"A quick Google search reveals countless articles like “How to Look Like Lady Gaga”, “How to Get Lady Gaga’s Poker Face Look”, “How to Dress and Act Like Lady Gaga”, indicating she has become a role model, whether parents like it or not. "

1 point

The Lady Gaga example show us how media can influence people's lives.Lady Gaga in this song tell us about originality and that people have to do exactly what they want and mustn't follow models patterns.It is kind of funny that Lady Gaga's fans are doing exactly the opposite of what the song tell, even Lady Gaga does not follow patterns, she has her own ''standard'', so when people try to be her or to dress like her, they are still following patterns even if they are ''different'' ones.


1 point

There is no standard for beauty,different individual has his own idea, it just depends on his sense of value.

1 point

It's funny how people need to find a standard even if it's not necessarily a standard. Ok, be beautiful your own way, but than copy me, be beautiful like I am! Wear meat, flamboyant make up and wigs. Where does your own way fit in this case?

1 point

And why , in your opinion, people need to find a standard even if it is not necessarily a standard?Who says what is a standard?


1 point

As of has been already discussed for some people in this debate, a few fashion and cosmetic brands are investing in merchandising which wants to show a natural beauty, presenting photos of real women instead models who represent the strict standards of appearance.

However, what is printed in the majority of fashion and healthy magazines are models with a ‘perfect’ body that approaches the artificial. Their skin has no marks, no moles or imperfections what its make them seems to be made of plastic due the lack of expressions, effect of the photoshop treatment on the pictures. This pattern is unfair not just for imposing a single form of beauty but to create a standard that is impossible to be reached since that looking is built and fake. The real women want to fit in that model of beauty which really doesn't exist.

The link presented below shows some celebrities before and after retouching, and the intent here is not to show they are imperfects but to share their 'normality', supporting the idea that even the famous people, as everybody else, suffer to satisfy the requirements of appearance.;=related

Ana Paula Magalhães - 7610834

1 point

We are a product of tv, the movies, music, etc. We are like sponges absorbing ideas and many of those we've accepted subconsciously without question.

The fact of the matter is that there is beautiful people who is ugly and UGLY people that have charisma which makes such a person BEAUTIFUL!

Of course this is not a rule, there is beuatiful people who is beautiful and people who is ugly that have lots of bad traits. And there's people who have one or the other or none...l0l

It is such a simplistic culture in which we live and must strive to meet people on the individual basis and avoid preconcieved ideas on what someone is based on appearances.

1 point

You are right!Our society is based on appearances and it is helping to raise a felling among people: the desire to be different.Even those who are beautiful and thin want to change something.Those who have curly hair want to have straight one, those that are skinny or want to put on some weight or to be thinner they are.We are inverting some values and putting the beauty in front of more important values.That is right that we have to consider charisma but you, for example, when you go to a disco or to a pub, do you look for charismatic people or for beautiful ones?Just think, sometimes it is easy to say but difficult to practice, unfortunatelly, we also have those values on our roots.


I agree. We're really influenced by television and movies. When you're watching a movie, great part of the characters follow beauty standards. There are exceptions, as Shallow Hal (O amor é cego in portuguese), of course, but they're rare. In brazilian soap opera, you can see there's a pattern. We have characters that don't fit in this pattern but they usually are stereotyped characters - for example, fat people as comic characters - always. I believe it's changing now - we see more variety in television, but it's not ideal yet. I wonder if things would be differente if television or movies broke this standard - would people feel better about themselves if the main character is fat or doesn't have a flawless skin? Would it be easir to accepted themselves if they could see people similar to them in media? Maybe if media changed its pattern, society would change it, too - or, at least, be more tolerant to the differences.

Also, I agree there's no beauty standards - they're an invention. People become beautiful because of their intelligence, sensibility, charisma, kindness, etc. It's not about physical appearance only - it shouldn't be. But people are always creating models - Gaga was a good example, there are a lot of artists that try to pass a different message - that it's okay to be different. It's ironic that they turn symbols - rebel symbols that are imitated, even if the rebellion was to be different. Maybe there's this necessity to be like someone because people like to compare themselves to the others - to feel that they're not alone, that they fit in something.

1 point

It's not an invention Gabi, this is a question of INFLUENCE and it is due to CULTURE, nowadays what is considered beautiful is someone that has straight hair, white skin and who is skinny or athletic, in the past overweight people used to be exalted, the question is: we are transpassing limits.

This question is turning into a danger, people are becoming sick because of those patterns, people are suffering prejudice.I am here now talking about me, I am an overweight person but I consider myself beautiful, I am happy with my profissional, university and personal life but it still existing a pressure against me to lose some weight, why?why people want to change who we are even if we are satisfied with ourselves?

I think Gabi, even if media changed this pattern, it would take a long time to change people's mind because those values are deep-rooted on them.

Oh, no, maybe I didn't explained well my point of view. Or I used the wrong words. I used the same expression, beauty standards, in different ways. What I was trying to say when I said beauty pattern is invented is that there's no formula to be beautiful. You can find beauty in different ways - and it's not only physical - but, of course, I was talking about an ideal, how I think things should be. And, by invention, I wasn't saying that it doesn't exist. Maybe I used the wrong word, but what I was trying to say is that beauty standards are a product of society, not a unquestionable truth. As I said in my examples, there are beauty standards and you can perceive it on media. Also, I agree that, if media changed its pattern, it would take a long time to change people's mind, but, maybe, in the future, it would be better. I really don't know how it was in other ages. Maybe there was pressure, too. But I really think media intensifies it. Of course, it's not media's fault. Media is a powerful tool that spreads society's behaviour and ideas.

1 point

I once saw a article on a diet magazine that I consider terrible. The title was something like: "Lose X kg on a week and get the man of your dreams". It's really sad to realize that some people can think that a perfect body can make your life perfect. This excessive reach for the perfection , that should be cutted, is even more encouraged by the media, the people, the magazines...the resoult of it is: people who will never be satisfied. They will always try to reach the perfection.

Let's think about the concept of perfection. According the Oxford dicionary, it is "the action or process of improving something until it is faultless". But the "faultless", or the "perfect", is relative. People have different opinions and tastes. It's impossible all the people in the world to agree in one concept of beauty. So, those people who try to reach perfection will be never be a hundred percent or aprovation. And when they realize it, start diseases as anorexia, bulimia, depression...

It's true that nobody is totally satisfied with the own image. Some people wanted to be thinner, some wanted to be fatter, some wanted be's normal to have little things you don't like, but it gets serious when those things starts to interfer on your health and welfare.

1 point

Gabi mentioned about the beauty standards in movies and tv´s interesting to notice that it happens especially when teenagers are the target audience.

The highschool students on Tv don´t look like real highschool students!

The consequence is obvious: teenagers more and more worried about their appearance and developing psychological issues and eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia.

Some companies try to show us the other side, but they´re still a minority.

Meanwhile we can see that part of the adults are becoming obese...

Isn´t it all part of only one big problem involving media, information and a complete reversal of values?

1 point

Roberta, you are right when you say that it happens especially with teenagers, but eating disorders can happen in midlife and beyond, and it is a consequence of the influence that some means of communication and fashion also exerce on them.Check this report from HARVARD University that show us how serious the situation is turning into.

"Most people think that eating disorders afflict only adolescents and young women. Not so—they plague older women, too, and may be shrouded in even greater shame and secrecy. Many women don’t seek help, especially if they fear being forced to gain weight or stigmatized as having a “teenager’s disease.”

That's the point, Roberta, it is part of external influencies (media, fashion, magazines) and the consequence is this reversal of values that is deep-rooted on people's mind even if those external means stopped doing it now, it would be something hard to get off .


1 point

Talking about what Gabi and Roberta said, these models of the television... they don't show that each one has your beauty, they show patterns for you to fit in. The hot girls, the funny fat, the black maid, the hot boy, etc...

And it's get worst with the teenagers, they have 24,26 years old actors/actress to do someone in his 16's for example. That's an absurd because the bodies are different. Also they always talk about the same issues, teenager pregnancy, boyfriends, drugs. They never talk abot being who you are and respecting each other, it's not interesting for the media. They'll try to sell you everything they have, if the teenager stop to think about who he/she is and that they don't need to fit in any role, they won't buy everything they see on tv.

1 point

You are right , Mariana!And here we enter in an economical land: Media is not concerned with the contents they are transmiting or if they are exercing a bad influence on people, they are just concerned about MONEY.And the paper here is related to us, we have to distinguish what we can believe, what we watch/read and that those people are selling images that are not the reality of brazilian people, and parents have to take care of what children watch/read because they are growing in this ''standard'' society and it can be dangerous to them and to the future generation.


1 point

You were talking about some companies that are trying to invert those values and we have just found a campaign by DOVE that shows different woman talking about what they think about beauty and how they fell with themselves.This campaign is called REAL BEAUTY and we think it is a good initiative, even it has also economical reasons, they are perceiving that their audience is different from the models, actress, singers etc; they are perceiving that they have to focus what they sell to the ''real woman''.

Nowadays, many companies do not do it, even the clothes' companies, they sell clothes for models and not for real people, the consequence is: we fell even more that we do no fit into the patterns they sell, we fell uncomfortable, insatisfied, they do not consider brazilian girls have a different body, they are concerned about the fashion standards about the world standards and consequently they are keeping away from ''real people''.



1 point

Another video from DOVE, this one show the influence media exerces on people's lives mainly on children's ones. They say ''Talk to your daugter before the beauty industry does''.


1 point

Considering all arguments posted to this debate, it seems that everyone agree with the enourmous media and fashion influence to the stablishment of beauty standards. However, we cannot ignore the biological and antropological components of beauty, otherwise, a false impression is stablished: that without media and fashion influence human beings wouldn't consider such value as so important. I think the media and beauty industry are so succcefull in determine standards precisely because they realize how powerful such value is, and not the contrary. They didn't create such value, they maximized it. They've taken advantage of something that's always been there: the beauty value as a constitutive part of human nature.

1 point

Good point, Tatiana!But we have to consider something: if the beauty value is a constitutive part of human nature, why nowadays it is stronger?Because the influence of the media is stronger,too?Let's see if everyone here agrees with this point:beauty values exist since the beggining of the human race, it is a cultural value, nowadays, the patterns changed and people are suffering a lot with it because media and fashion are also exercising a stronger influence on people's lives and consequently those industries help to intensify and maximize the beauty standards.Is it your point Tatiana?Do you agree, guys?


1 point

It's sad that the society, influenced by the media judges everyone. For example the singer Adele. She doesn'f fit in the pattern of the nowadays singers. However, she's loosing weight. It's so much preassure on her to be like the others! Check out these links: (first she said that she doesn't care)’ve-never-hung-out-with-sort-horrible-people-make-issue.html#more-37876 (she's getting thinner! Look what the society/media is doing!)

It's not only about the media, we lost confidence with all those judgments.

1 point

The saddest thing here, Mariana, is that we are doing things because of the others and not because we really want to, the singer Adele is a good example.


1 point

Guys, today we are starting a ''new round'' of debates, welcome!We have been discussing about in which ways beauty standards affect people (check the previous posts), what are the roots of this obssession by being beautiful and about what people can do to reach this very beauty.Today, we decided to show you a video by CBS News which shows the story of Isabelle Caro an anorexican model that participated in an Italian Campaign that showed anorexia in this true form.Let's discuss a little bit about this.

Before watching the video and reading the previous posts , read this report that shows us the sad end of this model :

This girl died in 2010 because of a pneumonia increased by her fragile conditions, check the complete report in this link by BBC:

Now, answer:

Do you know what anorexia is?Why people go until the limits to have the body they dream about?What do you think about this campaign?Do you know anyone that has anorexia?Do you know some other eating desorders?Do you think anorexia is related to the model death?


Isabelle Caro
1 point

Anorexia is an eating disorder. The person always think that is ‘fatter’ than really is, fear gaining weight and by that the person begin to eat less and lose weight.

I think this campaign is shocking, however, effective. This is a powerful way to make people reflect, because as the reporter has said “it’s hard to look at and even more hard not looking at”. And anorexia can really be related to the model death, because when you don’t feed yourself as should, you lack substances that can improve your health and immunological system.

Surely, the media is a problem by the way it influences showing a “model” of how to be or look like; however people need to realize about it and encourage others to be only themselves, caring not about trends. As you’ve discussed, beautiful is not a mathematical principle; it’s about Nature, we are different, diverse, and that’s the real beauty. Sometimes people go until the limits for fitting in trends because they are influenced, encouraged, involved, and so can’t see what really matters: a healthy life.

Discussing about anorexia I’ve remembered of the song “Ana’s Song”, it was created by the Silverchair vocalist to express his battle with anorexia. Here, there is an interview he gave to Rolling Stone magazine:

Supporting Evidence: About Ana's Song (
1 point

You are right, Thais, people should perceive we are different and that being different makes us beatiful, how would be the world if every person were equal, liked the same things, had the same body/hair?

That's an interesting song and John Daniel's history show the population that even the famous people have this kind of problem, that is why we do not have to copy what they do thinking that they are perfect people, they are like us.

1 point

Talking about what Thais said before, we have to encourage others to like themselves the way they are.There are some campaigns on the social networks that talks about it:

Beauty comes in all sizes:;=a. 442458800413.375927.291303920413&type;=1&theater;True beauty comes in all sizes:

Every body is beautiful:

Supporting Evidence: Sou gordo e sou feliz (
1 point

The battle against anorexia that Daniel went through reminds me of the singer Anahí that went through the same situation. That shows that even artists - who are considered the "ideal pattern" - are affected by "beauty standards". It's amazing that they can realize there's something wrong with their health and take an attitude to change this situation. However, about the singer Adele, I was embarassed when I realized she was losing weight. She is talented and wonderful the way she is. For me, this attitude was absurd and showed how much pression is over her. I read in a magazine (don't remember the name, maybe it was "Gloss") someone saying that, IN SPITE OF being a little fat, Adele has a beautiful voice and a beautiful face. I was completely shocked by reading that, because I thought: "Are you saying only her face nd voice are beautiful? Are you saying her face and her voice "compensates" her chubby body? Are you saying she's not beautiful as a whole? C'mon, that's ridiculous!" It was like saying her body is something negative, BUT her face and voice are positive. People start losing weight because of these kind of comments either. These comments make people feel they're not beautiful the way their are.

1 point

The exhibition of a standard of people on media influences the concept people have of beauty. I really likes the video the moderators posted " what's beautiful?". We saw people saying that don't feel beautiful and it's always related to self-confidence. It's terrible because they compare themselves to other people that are considered beautiful by society and it makes them feel bad. This situation can has drastic results like eating desorders. People pay with their own health to become what they wanna be, what they think they need to be. Another point is plastic surgeries, some people seems another person after this process. I'm not aggainst plastic surgeries nor controled diets. I think you can change to feel better. But in this case the concept of "better" needs to be defined by yourself not by the others. In my opinion the beauty is inside the eyes of who is seeing. Feel beautiful in my opinion is feeling good with your own.

1 point

The Anorexia is just one of the problems. The Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery says that, only in 2009, 130 000 teenagers underwent plastic surgery. That is serious. Do a plastic surgery in an adult its already risky, do it in a teenager then ...

The teens are still growing. Stir in the structure of the skin, can cause all sorts of problems, such as infection, rejection of the transaction.

This data, just shows us, how serious the problem is. Indeed, we have to question ourselves: Worth it? Change their own bodies to be "fashion"? Fashion for who?

1 point

A strange event got my mind onto this topic. I was in Primark, a discount clothes store here in Leeds. An interesting peculiarity about this store is that its layout makes it impossible to get to the men’s section without walking through the women’s underwear section. Having no other option, I made my way through this mysterious section of the store.


Supporting Evidence: S Buckinghams (
1 point

Standards are everywhere. Although we tend not to like them most of the times, they are rather important. The problem I see in them is not exactly the way the media reports them, although it is the media itself the one to spread them around the globe, but the way we tend to act according to those standards even when we don’t agree with them. Beauty is directly related to vanity and we are living in a vain generation whose character ends up being defined by the clothes we wear and the pictures we post on social networks. Besides, on a daily basis, we follow standards in order to fit in. It’s human nature. We judge people by their looks, by their weight and hair style, even though we understand that there’s a lot more than meets the eye.

The point I’m trying to make is that this whole discussion has been based on extremes: anorexia, cosmetic surgeries, obesity. They are all result (or sides) of the issue, I’m sure. But it is well to remember that those extremes have a starting point and I do not believe such point lies in beauty magazines and fashion standards only. Let’s first analyze our behavior concerning beauty: how do we see it in ourselves, in others? How do we report it? How influenced by those standards are we? We might find out that we are as responsible as the media for standardizing beauty and leading its traits to such extreme consequences.

1 point

I agree with BiUrata, we also look for people with a certain type of hair, body, clothing and so forth, to have a relationship, for example. However, we can't allow ourselves to be slaves of these patterns we and media establish and - mainly media - spread. We also have to consider that there are lots of "types" of beauty and it's a huge problem when people submit themselves to plastic surgeries and other processes because they want to achieve THAT specific standard.

1 point

It’s really impressing the things people are able to do because of some standards. A shocking case is related to fashion standards, which imposes that the perfect top models must be thin. There are girls so worried about being skinny that they take a risk by eating inadequately. As a result of that they can even contract anorexia nervosa, which is characterized as an eating disorder. “There are over seven million girls with this eating disorder in the Unites States alone.”, according to So, in order to prevent this sort of problem people should not take some standards seriously.


1 point

Well, there are always going to be someone to say that you must fit in what they consider "perfect" or "right". Beauty is inside our own minds. It is up to us to live happy with who we are despite the pressure society does. It is a struggle, but worth it in the end.

1 point

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