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 Bill said if Hillary is elected, they will no longer take money for Clinton Foundation. (3)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Bill said if Hillary is elected, they will no longer take money for Clinton Foundation.

So the Clinton's said if Hilary is elected they will no longer take money from foreign nations who are trying to secure American deals.

LOL, how nice of them. I wonder after getting caught, if a bank robber can simply say I won't take any more money from these banks. Lets just all forget about it ok? FBI director Comey would say SURE!

The Clinton's know they could axe murder an FBI informant AND STILL low end voters will vote for her. It is truly sick the lack of moral character in so many voters. The Democrats did a great job separating any mention of God or moral values in pubic. The results are showing in this pathetic electorate.
There is no longer a moral code of right or wrong. This is the no fault America, and the only people the Left finds fault with are those who speak about moral values.

Americans once held politicians to account for things such as wire tapping. President Nixon was impeached for doing that to the opposing party's political campaign. LOL, Hillary put our most sensitive Government documents at risk for sake of hiding her corruption with a private emil server, and fools will still vote for her to be our president!

Many people on this site DO NOT CARE WHAT SHE HAS DONE! They will still vote for her rather than simply not voting and sending a message to these corrupt politicians. These extremist corrupt Democrat politicians are laughing at you! They bought you with free subsidies on the backs of tax payers.

You were easy! I feel sorry for your children and your grandchildren. They will pay the price for what you did when you elected a corrupt criminal to our highest office in America.
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Can we say "last call"? The door is closing; if you want to pay to play, get your bid in now. They should have record donation between now and the election.

1 point

Do you ever post a source or could all these quotes and voices simply be an internal side-effect from not taking your medication?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

This is why people should involve themselves with THEIR OWN nation's politics.