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 British Police refused to arrest 97 abusers (3)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

British Police refused to arrest 97 abusers

A recently released report commissioned by Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham found that the city’s police force allowed nearly 100 pedophiles to go free, resulting in 57 young girls being groomed. The report revealed the criminals were allowed to go free because the police department was afraid to go after the men because they were Asian.
Leftist protecting the criminals.
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0 points

Asian men named Mohammad.

And the racist right wing dope is amusingly too stupid to know that China is in Asia.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

There is a lot of confusion with gender and nationality in the UK. So it is all understandable.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

I cannot believe i found this. Boy you have been punked.

"Assistant Chief Constable Mabs Hussain, head of Specialist Crime for Greater Manchester Police, told the Telegraph that “Children should be able to expect those responsible for their care will do all they can to keep them safe and I want to apologise to all those vulnerable children who were let down.”

Would Hussain not want to blame others to protect it's Muslim brothers.

1 point

Your headline is misleading.

This case is being reopened as the woeful inadequacies of Manchester's original investigating officers were exposed in a recent report.

I'm certain that justice will catch up with these alleged imported Asian rapists and if found guilty they'll be going to clink to join their Pakistani countrymen who are already there for the crime of gang raping under age girls on multiple occasions.

BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

The Daily Heil. Now there's a reliable source.


Kilcom(237) Clarified
0 points

My interpretation of this article is that the police were guilty of slovenliness and the paralysing Obama disease of executive inertia.

Whilst the outcome was the same there is a difference between blatantly refusing to carry out one's duties and professional/criminal negligence.

All senior officers involved in this disgraceful affair should be charged with gross misconduct and if found guilty, summarily dismissed with their profiles circulated throughout every police force in the country so they could not wiggle their way back into another division.