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 "CHOICE" is a popular word to the Left, but only when it comes to abortions... (20)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

"CHOICE" is a popular word to the Left, but only when it comes to abortions...

When it comes to all abortions, the Democrat party and those who elect them love the word "choice".

The choice to kill is the Left's rallying cry, but when it comes to personal responsibility, the word "choice" is nowhere to be found. Decisions to have one night hook ups, take illegal drugs, abuse alcohol, abandon their children, unwed mothers getting pregnant, etc. etc. are now called mistakes. These so called mistakes (not choices) will then be excused by saying "we all make mistakes don't you know".
This insures that no blame or shame will ever come their way.

The Left does not want to put shame onto people living irresponsbily, because many of these same insecure people on the Left have also lived promiscuous irresponsible lifestyles. Their insecurities will not allow any notion of blame or shame, so therefore we have become a nation of people simply making mistake after mistake after mistake. Never learning a thing because the Left refuses to even admit there is a problem. That would bring the converstaion back to "morals"....ewwwww, and we can't have that!
Their answer is simply adding more social programs to bandaid all the problems, even though we are going bankrupt.

Our no fault anything goes culture has no place for those old fashioned notions of moral values and responsible choices in life.
Nah, it is no longer conscious irresponsible choices causing millions of broken homes, drug addiction, alcoholism, unwed mothers, etc. etc.
It is those pesky mistakes.

It's funny how in math classes, where children add 2+2 and get 5, the teacher does not say oh well, you simply made a mistake. We all make mistakes, and I will not bother to show you the error of your way.
NO, the teacher teaches the child where he went wrong and how to stop from making that same mistake again.

But when it comes to all these so called "mistakes" people keep making in life, when do we actually start teaching them how to stop making them over and over again?
NEVER, because purposeful immoral irresponsible choices no longer need to be corrected or shamed in this no fault anything goes culture. These so called mistakes are no longer even consdered immoral or irresponsible.

What you say? You chose to have a one night hookup, chose not to use birth control, got a girl pregnant, abandoned your child and allowed tax payers to support your child? NO PROBLEM.... you simply made a mistake... we all make mistakes. Have a great life with all your future mistakes. Tax payers have no problem supporting all your "mistakes".

What you say? You chose to take illegal drugs and got addicted? NO PROBLEM.... you simply made a mistake... we all make mistakes. Come on down to the welfare department where the tax payers will gladly support you no matter how many times you keep making these same "mistakes". We are the no fault PC Government whereby mistakes are allowed and you still get A+ on your test scores.

You see, we now live in the political correct world of non accounatibility for one's choices. Those old fashioned values of personal responsibility no longer apply. IT'S NO LONGER YOUR FAULT!

That was not a conscious choice you made, but simply a mistake! We will not bother correcting your thinking when it comes to repeating these same mistakes (as we did in math class) because our solution is now creating never ending social bandaids.
Rather than teaching you that 2+2 is 4, we will create social programs to support you sense your lack of math skills will keep you from ever getting a good job.

It is no longer politically correct to say your choices were irresponsible. That would be imparting blame or shame on your actions, and might impart guilt or insecurities upon yourself. We want you to love yourself just the way you are. No need for improvement.

This PC ideology from the Left will 100% for sure be the collapse of America.
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Atrag(5666) Banned
2 points



1 point

I'm a prolife progressive. Your point? Do you honestly think I care what SJWs think I should believe?.....................................................................

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

What does SJW stand for?.................................................................

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Social Justice Warrior.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Social justice warrior...............................................................................................................

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

If you vote for the Democrat Party, you are about as prolife as KKK members are Christians.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I'm an independent progressive prolifer...............................................................................

0 points

Is it politically correct to say I think you post utter shit?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Thanks for showing the mentality of the Left. You have made it to my ban list.

Now be sure to tell everyone that I ban people like you for simply disagreeing with me. Then the site Clown can say he copies my debates (not to get points) but merely so that responsible debaters such as yoursellf has a forum to express their well thought out opinions of my debates.

LOL, your well thought out response to all I wrote was...... that I post utter S%$@.

Yep, I ban people for merely disagreeing with me.