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Debate Score:11
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DarkWanderer(285) pic

Can man become immortal?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6
1 point

But once we do, we will be no longer human in technicality.

It's to do with God and the binary hierarchy. You are either mortal or a demigod in the true binary. If you're in any way unkillable you're no longer a temporary entity on the coding but an absolute entity within destiny itself, meaning you're more important and god-like in your importance to the story of fate.

Side: Yes
1 point


What do you mean by "in the true binary" ? You say you believe in God but talk about coding as if you think the universe is a simulation or something. Aren't these "Gods and demigods" just some type of alien living outside our reality if that's the case? Why call them gods?

Side: No
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

If you are never to be destroyed (or if you do get destroyed and later come back in an undead manner) you are definitely more essential to destiny than the mortals that come and go.

This is not only based on duration. If you lived 10,000 years and die you are very likely less important to fate than someone who has not died yet. The reason is that we can never ever know where 'present' is to fate and it's potentially already reached the ending.

Side: Yes
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

You don't need to pretend with me, FactMachine/Mingodalia. I am aware that darkwanderer has fused these two of your personas into one but it's a little silly to try and trick me. I am too smart to be tricked for long.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes. Given enough years, it just might be possible.

But for that, man should exist so long. Life on this planet is the question.

Immortality isn't . Human cloning was a fantasy in the past.

Why, even life itself was a question. From the planets we've explored. The galaxies observed. No other planet has been confirmed to sustain life.

So, if Earth can be the only planet we know of to preserve life. Then man being immortal is equally possible. If not natural evolution, then maybe genetic engineering.

The only thing is, will it be allowed legally? Think about human cloning..

Side: Yes
DarkWanderer(285) Clarified
1 point

The only thing is, will it be allowed legally? Think about human cloning..

I think that life extension technology will be very expensive and only the financial elite will have access, and they will essentially become transhuman and enslave the rest of humanity if they aren't stopped.

Side: Yes

No, not immortal. You'll always be able to die. Eventually we'll crack ageing though and have much longer lifespans. Many scientists agree that we are not that far away from significant improvements to lifespans. It really comes down to finding a way to keep the cells regenerating. Also, cybernetics and nanotechnology will help us live longer, as will the technologies they give birth to in the future.

Side: No
1 point

No, I wouldn't think so. It would just seem impossible for humans to accomplish a task like that. We can only live to about 120 years, but very few people can even get to that age. You would just have to be extremely lucky. I don't know what science has to say though. Maybe they can come up with ideas, but apart from that I would just say no. Humans cannot become God.

Side: No
1 point

It would just seem impossible for humans to accomplish a task like that

That's what they said about landing on the moon and flight, this kind of statement is useless unless supported by the laws of physics. The laws of physics in no way prevent biological immortality, in fact some species already naturally posses it.

Humans cannot become God.

I agree, gods don't exist.

Side: Yes
Gibby_Prime(37) Disputed
1 point

That's what they said about landing on the moon and flight, this kind of statement is useless unless supported by the laws of physics.

Building a rocket and going to space is one thing, but having ever lasting life is another. We will always die no matter what we do.

The laws of physics in no way prevent biological immortality,

Then why do living things always die?

in fact some species already naturally posses it.

Which ones?

I agree, gods don't exist.

That's your opinion, but they way you interpreted my statement was different.

Side: No
1 point

With the technological advancements and an uncertain future in our way, I would say anything is possible. Some species already have a lifespan longer than humans. And if that is a possibility now, and was a milliion years ago. Then so is immortality. Sometimes, imagination can become reality...

Side: Yes