
Debate Info

Yes, and this is how... I can not...
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, and this is how... (1)
 I can not... (2)

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DrawFour(2662) pic

Can you justify rape?

Sorry for another rape argument, I know it's a sensitive topic, but I'm just trying to give some life to this dying community.

Yes, and this is how...

Side Score: 1

I can not...

Side Score: 4
1 point

Can we rape the rapists? If not all of them, how about at least the ones who rape little children, I mean certainly they're vile enough. No? Okay, how about the brutal killing rapists, who don't just rape, but kill and rape.

Is their a snappy for argument to say rape in it the most times? I think I raped the competition.

Side: Yes, and this is how...
steve789(205) Disputed
3 points

I believe that is a non-argument, because that is revenge. Rape is the unjust coercion of another for power and pleasure. So what the person is asking is if you can justify that kind of rape, and the answer is NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT. There are prisoners who do it to other rapists I would imagine. That is still wrong, eventhough the person they are doing it to is just as fucked in the head as them.

Side: I can not...

No. Rape is always wrong no matter what. .

Side: I can not...