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 Colleges are refusing to allow Conservative speakers! Talk about hypocritical intolerance. (154)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Colleges are refusing to allow Conservative speakers! Talk about hypocritical intolerance.

Can there be any more proof of the total hypocrisy of Liberals and their goal of indoctrinating our youth? They tell you they want open minded tolerance for diversity, but as we see only the Politically correct diversity sanctioned by their thought police.

We witnessed the same thing in the IRS when they discriminated aganst Conservative groups. If you are not outraged by this, then you are the problem. Try looking in the mirror and ask yourself what freedom of speech is all about. Just because these thought police are pushing your ideology, you should have the common sense intelligence to understand things can change & you could be the ones being discriminated against. HELLO? Can you see this or are you mentally challenged.

We see this in our schools where Gay agendas are expoused while Religious expression is censored.

It's ok when Conservatives are offended by the Liberal agendas being taught to our children in schools but when it comes to Conservative opinions, they censor it!

It's truly so obvious & should sicken any freedom loving person. What kind of person has no problem with our Colleges censoring diversity of thought. News flash, Liberals are the minority in this nation but they controll the media and are arrognt enough to have no problem forcing their ideology on us all.

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4 points

I wouldnt let a mentally unstable person regurgitate mental slop into a microphone at my college either .

1 point

I am not supporting conservatives, but I support the free exchange of ideas without society would not be free.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

When you say you are not supporting Conservatives, ask yourself why? You have been indoctrinated by our Liberal media to have a negative knee jerk reaction to Conservatives.

Tell me what it is Conservatives do that bothers you so, compared to the party of late term abortions on demand and forced Obamacare.

Conservatives want our nation to cut it's debt? HOW TERRIBLE!

Conservatives want people to be accountable for irresponsible choices in life, not a lifetime of living off tax payers while refusing to stop the irresponsibility. Conservatives want the same things from able bodied people living off the tax payers, as do parents from their kids.... responsibility!

Conservatives want the freedom to own guns to protect our families, or target shoot, etc., etc.

Conservatives want freedoms to believe our faith and raise our kids as we see fit without being taken to court or called homophobes when we don't agree with Gay marriage. Or having our family owned business forced to cater events we do not agree with such as Gay wedding receptions, or KKK meetings, etc.

Conservatives are all about freedom to the people and a smaller corrupt Government controlling the people.

You have nothing to be ashamed about if you agree with Conservatives. Don't let the PC thought police indoctrinate your mind.

Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Oh, now, that is just unkind to the mentally unstable. Intellectual inferiority is its own thing. ;)

2 points

What are you talking about with not allowing conservative speakers? I haven't heard that at all.

J-Roc77(70) Clarified
6 points

You should know by now he has no sources for his arguments, nor will he give you any sources.

If I know FromWithin, the example s/he is thinking if is not actually speakers being refused for 'being conservative' but rather for other reasons entirely, likely due to their stance being extremely inflammatory given the student population.

Maybe it's an anti-gay conservative speaker who wants to speak at a college that has a very high ratio of LGBT students.

Maybe it's a pro-life conservative speaker who wants to speak at an all-girls school with a strong feminist leaning.

Maybe it's an anti-immigration conservative speaker who wants to speak at a university with a high proportion of foreign visa-holding students.

I can tell you one thing though- it's something along those lines. No way is this flying simply because the speaker is 'conservative.'

S/he also seems to believe that freedom of speech means the freedom to say anything one wants, anywhere one wants to say it. Ostensibly s/he believes he has the right to walk up to the podium during the state of the union, interrupt the president, and spout hir own rhetoric.

1 point

I figured that, I was hoping for an example to point out that it wasn't for being conservative.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You said maybe these are colleges with high populations of certain groups of people? HELLO?

Does it matter? That is the entire point. I thought Colleges were suppose to encourage diverse thought and differing opinions on issues, not censor the other side. Colleges are suppose to make students THINK and question what those in power want them to believe! You did not know this?

As always, Liberals want one thought, one collective, no diversity other than those who agree.

1 point

This dispute is done with respect. I like you, but I want to point something out to you. You said: Maybe it's a pro-life conservative speaker who wants to speak at an all-girls school with a strong feminist leaning. I believe that feminists can be prolife. There is an organization called Feminists For Life. I feel it is a false dichotomy to say that one has to be a feminist or a prolifer. Maybe you can tell me if I am wrong. What do you think.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Again you are living in total ignorance when you do not watch Fox news. It has been happening quite frequently over the past few years. It's been on the news but not the Liberal biased news.

Students in Liberal Colleges (oxymoron) have been protesting when their colleges tried to bring in Conservative speakers and the Colleges are caving in and canceling the speakers. You did know that Colleges are suppose to get students to open their minds & see all sides of the story, right?

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

It has been shown that Fox News viewers are less informed about what goes on in the world than people who watch nothing.

Liberal Colleges is redundant, not an oxymoron.

You think it is a bad decision for a college to not invite a speaker who is being protested against? Are you out of your mind?

Stickers(1037) Disputed
1 point


I think that you mean "redundancy" .

1 point

So tell me if I am wrong: Are you complaining that student populations that are highly political oppose other politically affiliated individuals speaking on the grounds? And you think this only occurs within liberal institutes?

And for someone who is calling for open minds, you sure seem to be prejudiced against liberals. Do you not see that in your posts?

2 points

It is a adorable that you seem to think that everything you say is so well-known and documented that you never feel the need to actually give examples of these injustices you accuse "liberals" of.

Nor do I think you would be terribly opposed to a gay rights speaker being denied a chance to speak at a Christian college.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

We are not talking about private religious Colleges! I thought you understood this. Obviously religious colleges might not want certain groups such as radicals who kill Christians, speaking at their colleges. I would have no problem with Gay speakers at public colleges as long as they allow other groups with differing opinions to speak.

Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

At my University there was a super right-wing religious group on a regular basis who would preach and debate with the crowd. The only time the University didn't want to let someone in was the Westborough Babtist Church. The Church wasn't banished mind you, there was just a counter protest organized.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Well, I am adorable, thank you but I digress. You are correct when you say I take it for granted that most people on debate sites should actually watch the news and know what is going on in the world! I don't sit at the TV screen with a pen & paper to record all the facts that these so called enlightened people require and I don't feel it is my duty to put out the exact quotes, the exact time & exact Colleges where these censoring bigots trampled all over our freedoms.

I truly believe most people on these sites know full well what I'm talking about & they indeed know what I refer to, but like good little Liberals, they deny, they lie, they distort the facts & refuse even knowing of what I speak. If it is true that they never hear of these stories, it only proves my point of how the Liberal media buries the stories that makes their side look like total close minded hypocrites. Once again I say watch both sides of the news, the shows that tell the Conservative side of the story & you will become a more balanced person with more facts of what is going on.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

I take it for granted that most people on debate sites should actually watch the news and know what is going on in the world!

We don't use Fox News as our news source. That means we watch news and know what is going on in the world. People who use Fox News watch news and know less than before they started watching the news.

MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
2 points

Watching news is one thing.

Watching news through a filter is another thing entirely.

I know you know this, what with all the bitching you do about "liberal news sites".

Anyway....why don't you post a few examples. Let's hear about WHICH campuses are refusing which conservative speakers, and why.

Then we can turn this into an actual, informed debate that is worth our time.

2 points

While we all wait patiently and futilely for FromWithin to give us examples, here is an example of a speaker with "liberal views" unable to speak on campus because somebody threatened a massacre if she spoke: threat-for-anita-sarkeesian-visit

Which is worse, refusing to let a speaker speak on your campus, or threatening to kill a bunch of people is she does?

1 point

This is just part of the "conservative" war against an educated populace, and is false in my first hand experience.

I attend a State University in California where I study history full time, and I have for over a year now, and am a Senior about to begin post undergrad studies.

-At my University, there is a "College Republicans" club, which almost always has a table any given day. There is no "College Democrat" club.

-At my University, every single day, there is a table outside the University Union for a Christian Church handing out Bibles, and denying science (i.e., denying the fact that the earth is warming, and denying evolution specifically). The only "liberal" (or fact-based/science-based) alternative are the science classes that teach science; there are no scientists tabling anywhere near them.

-At my University, we had a speaker whose entire point to his speech was how bad Che Guevara was.

-At my University, there have been people with loud speakers trying to scare us about a "liberal" takeover of the Federal Government (funny, because the political center of American Politics has shifted so far to the right, we're practically back to where we were in the 19th century).

According to most "conservative" pundits, California is a bastion of "liberalism," where, if there were going to be "conservatives" not allowed on campus, it would begin at a California State University, however, as I have shown you through first hand experience, that is patently false.

If anything, there is a consorted effort by "conservative" groups to spread propaganda and misinformation on University Campuses to confuse the students.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

DID I SAY ALL COLLEGES WERE DISCRIMINATING? Come back to Earth now & try addressing my point. There are Colleges today censoring Conservative speakers just as the IRS censored Conservative groups! Bury your head in the sand some more.

Only arrogant people like yourself believe you have all the answers. Only you would be so adamant about Global warming being fact! If Al Gore told you the Earth was flat, you would be the flat earther. Did you know our planet has not warmed for 18 years now? But of course you know everything, everything the Liberal media wants you to know. Try thinking for once in your life and understanding that big money environmentalists want you to buy into their agendas and change our laws. IT'S ALL POLITICS!

I understand you are still an ignorant young person who has not lived life and think you have all the answers, but let me educate you a little. If you get out in the world & get a nice middle class job, & start paying the extremely high taxes & healthcare costs to subsidize the irresponsble, you will become a Republican. Unless of course you truly are a Liberal ideolog. They never learn.

Rotbart(101) Disputed
3 points

DID I SAY ALL COLLEGES WERE DISCRIMINATING? Come back to Earth now & try addressing my point.

You implied that when you said "our colleges" in your diatribe.

There are Colleges today censoring Conservative speakers just as the IRS censored Conservative groups!

This would be a wonderful time for your to produce evidence from an unbiased, credible source. Just because you said it, does not mean I should believe it. Right now this sounds like conjecture.

Only arrogant people like yourself believe you have all the answers. Only you would be so adamant about Global warming being fact!

No, lol. Not only me. all scientists world wide, and people with an education also believe it is happening because the evidence is overwhelming.

fact! If Al Gore told you the Earth was flat, you would be the flat earther.

Al Gore has never spoken to me in my life. However, I've been shown repeatedly by scientists, that te earth is warming, and any study written by a reputable scientist would show you the same thing. Stop being manipulated by politicians.

Did you know our planet has not warmed for 18 years now?

Actually, that is patently false. Go look at NASA's website, look at the facts and come back and tell me that again. If you think you know more about science than NASA, YOU are the arrogant one, because you seem to have no education.

But of course you know everything, everything the Liberal media wants you to know.

No. I just know the facts and have an education.

Try thinking for once in your life and understanding that big money environmentalists want you to buy into their agendas and change our laws. IT'S ALL POLITICS!

That would be fine if it were only these "big money environmentalists" talking, but it's scientists from all over the world. Our Republican/Democrat false dichotomy only exists inside the borders of our country. How does that explain, say, scientists from INDIA seeing the same sea level rise, glacial melt and rising AGT? Science is not a liberal conspiracy.

I understand you are still an ignorant young person who has not lived life and think you have all the answers, but let me educate you a little. If you get out in the world & get a nice middle class job, & start paying the extremely high taxes & healthcare costs to subsidize the irresponsble, you will become a Republican. Unless of course you truly are a Liberal ideolog. They never learn.

I am a 32 year old man, who served in two wars on your behalf, has worked in the construction trades, has FAA licenses to work on aircraft, and has a higher level of education than you do. I have done more in my life than you will ever do. I've saved men's lives, I've flown in dangerous weather conditions in Iraq to get the mission done. Don't you dare take that kind of attitude with me, sir. People like you have no right to act superior to people like me. So, get back on topic, or keep being a chickenshit and avoid what I say like you've been doing. I used to be a polarized "conservative" just like you. I understand how you think, I just reject it because it is mostly not based on facts, and I've learned that from my life experience.

So, if you were wrong in your conjecture about me (and you were), what else are you wrong about? Ask yourself that.

While I oppose both liberalism and conservatism, I support the right to freedom that liberals and conservatives have.

1 point

Breaking news. Liberal institutions support liberal messaging the same way conservative institutions support conservative messaging. Seriously. Grow a brain.

1 point

They aren't supposed to be liberal institutions.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

We agree! Yes they are not suppose to be Liberal institutions.... but they have become so! To deny this is wasting my time and yours.

Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

I could care less about what they are purportedly "supposed" to be. What they are strikes me as more relevant. I am unfamiliar with any higher education institute that does not lean in some ideological direction or another.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I have a brain & that is why I know that the vast majority of colleges today are slanted Liberal with Liberal professors. Please spare me the denials, it makes you look like a fool.

Jace(5211) Disputed
4 points

I never posited any denial of anything. In fact, I acknowledged that liberal institutions support liberal messaging. I just added that this is neither surprising nor unique to liberal institutions. You may have a brain, but it is grossly underutilized.

4 points

If you are going to assert a claim, back it up with evidence. When you say "accept my claim or I will call you names", you preclude any chance of a legitimate conversation.

Rotbart(101) Disputed
2 points

What level of education do you have? To make such a claim, you must have lots of first hand experience on University Campuses? Where did you go to school? University of Phoenix?

2 points

Reality has a well-known liberal bias...

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point


That's my point! But you will never hear Liberals admit what you just said! Can you grasp that simple point? Liberal intolerance & close minded bigotry against Christians & Conservatives is every where. They are hypocrites. Conservatives are not hypocrites pretending to be so open & tolerant towards people trying to force their ideology on us all.

Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

Right... so your point is that liberals pretend to be tolerant and conservatives are just upfront about their intolerance. I fail to see the positive light that sheds on conservatives, but okay. And please, Christians and conservatives push their agenda down peoples' throats at least as much as liberals do.

You said maybe these are colleges with high populations of certain groups of people? HELLO?

Does it matter? That is the entire point. I thought Colleges were suppose to encourage diverse thought and differing opinions on issues, not censor the other side. Colleges are suppose to make students THINK and question what those in power want them to believe! You did not know this?

As always, Liberals want one thought, one collective, no diversity other than those who agree.

Rotbart(101) Disputed
2 points

You said maybe these are colleges with high populations of certain groups of people? HELLO?

What group of people is behind this conspiracy theory you've cooked up? Which minority group are you going to say is behind a conspiracy to take over the banks and the government to destroy the one true nation of superior people? Wait. I think I've heard this before. I just can't remember where...

Does it matter? That is the entire point. I thought Colleges were suppose to encourage diverse thought and differing opinions on issues, not censor the other side. Colleges are suppose to make students THINK and question what those in power want them to believe! You did not know this?

That is exactly what colleges are, and if you'd ever set foot on a campus, you'd know that. They are places where you learn facts, you learn to find the answers yourself, and you learn to question those in power with the tools you gain; that is why "conservatives" (the ones that support the existing aristocracy and power structure), do not like higher education. "Conservatives" do not like people knowing the true nature of the world, and they do not like people knowing how to find the answers themselves. They want people to do like you do: believe what they are told, and never question. Education prevents that from happening.

As always, Liberals want one thought, one collective, no diversity other than those who agree.

I can't speak for "liberals," but I know "conservatives" do not like different ideas. That is what makes them "conservative." New ideas that question the power structure scare the aristocracy, so they have the pundits you listen to and never question tell you new ideas are something bad. That is why Glen Beck hates higher education; he wants you to hate it, and knows you won't question because you do not have a formal education.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

LOL, you can not speak for Liberals?..... YOU ARE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How nice of you not to address the total hypocrisy of Liberals who do the very things you judge Conservatives for.

Why am I wasting my time with people who deny the simple truth of hypocritical Liberals. They all talk about diversity, open mindedness, free speech UNTIL that very speech & open mindedness allows the opposing message to be disseminated to the population.

The vast majority of our free press today has a Liberal slant & they 100% do control what you hear, just as some colleges are censoring Conservative opinions, just as the IRS censors Conservative groups.... and you say you can't speak for Liberals? Funny how you can judge conservatives & have no problem speaking against them. You are the hypocrite I speak of. Your %$#@ doesn't stink, only Conservative's.

You totally waste my time!

1 point

Many speakers invited to colleges are White House representatives in any given year. When a liberal president is in office there will be more liberal speakers. When Bush was president there were way more conservative speakers than there are in recent years.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

Hogwash. Funny I never heard of stories where the few Conservative colleges were censoring speakers while claiming to be so open minded & tolerant of diverse opinion. Do both sides do it? Yes, but Liberal Colleges are the complete hypocrites because they live and breathe as being the tolerant open minded ones.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points


Actually not. I looked it up. I actually did research. It is still skewed way more heavily in the liberal speaker side, but I said there are more than right now.

Funny I never heard of stories where the few Conservative colleges were censoring speakers while claiming to be so open minded & tolerant of diverse opinion. Do both sides do it? Yes, but Liberal Colleges are the complete hypocrites because they live and breathe as being the tolerant open minded ones.

Are you seriously saying that conservatives are better because they admit they are intolerant? That's insane.

2 points

So, the solution is to advertise yourself as a close-minded/bigoted (religious) school?

You are correct when you say I take it for granted that most people on debate sites should actually watch the news and know what is going on in the world! I don't sit at the TV screen with a pen & paper to record all the facts that these so called enlightened people require and I don't feel it is my duty to put out the exact quotes, the exact time & exact Colleges where these censoring bigots trampled all over our freedoms.

I truly believe most people on these sites know full well what I'm talking about & they indeed know what I refer to, but like good little Liberals, they deny, they lie, they distort the facts & refuse even knowing of what I speak. If it is true that they never hear of these stories, it only proves my point of how the Liberal media buries the stories that makes their side look like total close minded hypocrites. Once again I say watch both sides of the news, the shows that tell the Conservative side of the story & you will become a more balanced person with more facts of what is going on.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

Fox News is not actually news. It is in fact the opposite of news. You are the only one who doesn't watch news.

We have no idea what you are talking about because you have a twisted view of reality.

1 point

"Fox Swen" .

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Again you prove my point. You have been so brainwashed to hate Fox news, you can't see the total hypocrisy from all the others news outlets. THEY CONSTANTLY BURY STORIES THAT MAKES THEIR SIDE LOOK BAD! But you sit in your little indoctrinated world thinking only Fox news is biased.

Stickers(1037) Clarified
3 points

Yeah, if anyone asks you to provide that much information, then they're being unreasonable.

However, you're not being asked to do anything close to that. I can't recall you once even providing a simple news article (so that there is some particular instance to address).

Even if you're correct, if you doggedly refuse to substantiate your arguments with evidence then it gives people all the more reason to dismiss your claims.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Again I say.... what planet do you live on? I don't watch that much news but I hear these stories all the time. You must not watch Fox news so your are in the dark to what is actually happening in this nation. The Liberal media has done a bang up job on people like you who reuse to watch any Conservative news. Obviously you agree with the indoctrinated news fed to you so you refuse to watch the other side.

3 points

FromWithin, are you seriously convinced that everyone agrees with you but is lying to themselves? Do you not see that as an extreme form of arrogance? Do you truly believe that one can not disagree with you without lying to themselves? And do you not recognize that conservative media buries stories as well? All media does.

If you truly want to become balanced, don't watch any news "shows". Cable media is complete garbage.

1 point

You just described "naive realism" quite well (I know I bring it up a lot) .

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Now there is a great idea.... not.

If we did not watch news, we would be as stupid and ignorant as most of the Liberals in this argument. I say watch both sides of the news & any intelligent person will see which side is wrong or right. We don't have a choice to watch Liberal news because it is every where, on all TV sitcoms, on all news shows, on all Hollywood movies, & all media. If you want to hear the Conservative side, you must watch Fox news or listen to radio.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It is not arrogance when I am speaking of simple facts & you refuse to admit it even happens. You can not be that ignorant of what is going on in this nation... can you? The only possible conclusion is you are too insecure to admit it.

Rotbart(101) Disputed
3 points

I don't feel it is my duty to put out the exact quotes, the exact time & exact Colleges where these censoring bigots trampled all over our freedoms.

It IS your duty, if you're going to make outrageous claims like you routinely do. Otherwise what your arguments amount to (and they do, if you pay attention) is name-calling and partisan rhetoric that no one takes seriously because it shows an apparent lack of critical thinking on your part. What's more, it's not debating when you do that, and you're on a DEBATE WEBSITE!

I truly believe most people on these sites know full well what I'm talking about & they indeed know what I refer to

Anyone who is familiar with the extreme right wing party line already knows.

If it is true that they never hear of these stories, it only proves my point of how the Liberal media buries the stories that makes their side look like total close minded hypocrites.

What stories? Why should I watch someone else talk about what I do all day? I go to school myself, and have many friends who work in academia, and NONE of them believe you. WE are the ones that know what goes on at college campuses, not you.

Once again I say watch both sides of the news, the shows that tell the Conservative side of the story & you will become a more balanced person with more facts of what is going on.

The problem lies in that you think there are "two sides" to objective facts. There are not "two sides" to reality. Reality is not "conservative" or "liberal," reality just is.

Conservatives do not try & tell other's what to support or pay for, or force all public schools to censor religious expression as long as it does not force others to participate. These same Liberals who constantly talk about intolerance toward others & open minded acceptance of diversity are total hypocrites. For you to defend them makes you totally brainwashed by their rhetoric. Liberals hate the very mention of moral values because they are total insecure people who live in constant fear that people are judging them. They go after anyone who dares mention moral values in public.

Conservatives fight those who want to force their Liberal Socialistic Political correctness onto others. Liberals have become the judgmental ones who will force their moral ideals on us all.

The majority of people on this argument are perfect examples of the naive self love no fault syndrome (I bring that up a lot). You blindly follow the Liberal no fault, no accountability, no moral responsibility mindset so you can conveniently shed any notions of guilt or accountability for one's choices in life.

Examples being issues such as late term abortions on demand for any reason(especially for Down syndrome kids the majority of the time). People such as yourself probably deny supporting it when electing Liberal politicians who keep it legal & even force us all to pay for it. You deny your culpability. You tell us how you are personally against it but will not elect politicians based on issues such as these. NO FAULT! The blood is not on your hands is it?

People such as yourself say you do not support Gun control unless it is for extreme weapons only, and then vote for the very politicians who have admitted they would take all our guns if they could. NO FAULT! You will excuse your support of taking our gun rights by actually spewing the rhetoric from politicians who say they only want so called "assault rifles" LOLOLOLOL. In New York, any hunting rifle that holds more then seven rounds is now illegal through the so called Safe Act! Yeh, much safer for criminals. Did you know more people die from hammers each year than Assault rifles? Maybe you missed it, many nations including Arab nations have laws not allowing the right's to own guns & we all see how their Governments control them. Government by it's own hideous nature wants to control the people, & getting rid of the guns is the first step.

When it comes to free speech, you say you are all for it, and then elect politicians who believe any religious speech in public places should be censored. You twist the actual words of the Constitution & say religious speech must be separated or it would be

Government establishing laws forcing us all to be Christians. I guess those daily prayers at beginning of Congress is forcing them all to be Christians. NO FAULT!

You will always have excuses why your %$#@ does not stink! IT IS SIMPLY NOT YOUR FAULT!

Now please dispute these words by saying you are not a Liberal, or you would not vote for "those" types of politicians, etc, etc. etc. Denial is a wonderful thing, it simply is not your fault for anything going on in this nation. It is always the Rich White Conservative's fault!

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

God you're full of hate. Every day life must be so challenging for you.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

You say I'm full of hate? You are the perfect example of who I'm speaking to. Total no fault denial. You support the right to have late term abortions for any reason when you vote for Democrats, and you have the NERVE to say I have hate? I'm the one trying to save those innocent lives while you support the right to end their lives. WHO IS THE HATEFUL ONE? Talk about blindness to your own selfish inhumanity.

Every day is challenging to any person in this culture that has an ounce of humanity. I have hate towards no one. I believe in judging no individual, but holding all those responsible for taking our freedoms from us accountable on election day. Especially the freedom of life.

1 point

Meh, what's wrong with hypocrisy.

Here's a scenario:

I have a rally titled "anyone can speak" that rally is about letting anyone speak. A speaker comes up and says he does not feel anyone should speak. SO what if it's hypocritical that we don't let him speak, he's plugging a different message than us, which defeats the whole purpose of our function.

It'd be ironic, but human nature tends to be that way often.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You sound like a naive college student that has yet to live life, pay taxes, support a family and understand the meaning of free speech for every law abiding citizen. Your naivety is shown by the fact that you accept when institutions can censor those you disagree with, but lack the intellect to understand it could go the other way where institutions could censor those you agree with. If Colleges are not teaching this simple point, then WOW!

DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

That is if you're looking at it on a grand scale, of freedom of speech for all. I'm looking at it on the smallest scale there is, which is literally having those saying something you disagree with, come to your function to say it.

If it's naive, I'll be that, but I'll be that with my small world views unopposed.

It is amazing how so many people on the Liberal side accuse Conservatives & Christians of being hateful when we speak of moral values. You say we are full of hate when we tke a stand agaist Liberalism & the new age Democrat party. We are full of hate? You are perfect examples of who I'm speaking to. Total no fault denial. You support the right to have late term abortions for any reason when you vote for Democrats, and you have the NERVE to say we have hate? We are the one's trying to save those innocent lives while you support the right to end their lives. WHO IS THE HATEFUL ONE? Talk about blindness to your own selfish inhumanity. You tell me which is worse, taking away the choice to end an innocent late term Baby's life(when it is not a life of mother or extreme case), or ending that innocent life? Which is worse?

Every day is challenging to any person in this culture that has an ounce of humanity. I have hate towards no one. I believe in judging no individual, but rather holding all those responsible for taking our freedoms from us, accountable on election day. Especially the freedom of life.

I praise the students at Johns Hopkins University for standing up to Dr. Ben Carson and voicing that he was not welcome at their Graduation ceremony.