
Debate Info

yes, I believe in god no,I don't beleive in god
Debate Score:593
Total Votes:619
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Argument Ratio

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 yes, I believe in god (205)
 no,I don't beleive in god (228)

Debate Creator

Jinvin(118) pic


yes, I believe in god

Side Score: 280

no,I don't beleive in god

Side Score: 313
8 points

Yes, I believe in God.

Side: yes, I believe in god


Side: yes, I believe in god
5 points

Yes,I beleive in god because if there was no creator(god) there would have been no creation(world).

Side: yes, I believe in god
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
7 points

Poor argument that can't even stand as evidence, much less proof. It only works if you believe in God in the first place. You haven't established that the World (by the way, the "word" world usually means planet, and our planet makes up WAAAAY less than 1% of the known universe, so you are pretty much short-changing God's proposed creation) is by necessity a product of intelligence or supernatural activity. Can you do that without falling into tautology?

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
6 points

So name something intelligent that was created from something unintelligent.

Side: yes, I believe in god
kaveri(319) Disputed
4 points

really poor argument .

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
5 points

God is everything.He created us to live in this world.for eg: the earth wouldnot have supported life

Side: yes, I believe in god
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
3 points

They earth supports life right now. Life which is testable and apparent. God is neither of these things. We can tell you how life works, how it is chemistry made up entirely of substances found in other, non-living, aspects of our planet. We cannot even prove God's existence, much less how he functions and does things like creating life.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
0 points

What if science is proving the existence of "God" and we don't even realize it?

Side: yes, I believe in god
kaveri(319) Disputed
3 points

is he also Cancer, HIV, plague, starvation, genocide, pedophilia...?

Side: no,I don't beleive in god

No. I would not worship evil. .

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
4 points

I don't necessarily believe in God as in the Judo Christian God but I do believe there is more to what we see on this earth and in this life what form that takes I don't know, whether it's the Great Spirit, God or the multitude of old God's or even something we're unaware of.

It's one of those mysteries we won't discover until the end of our journey in through this life

Side: yes, I believe in god
kaveri(319) Disputed
2 points

What do you base your belief on if you do not subscribe co common religions/cults?

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
4 points

I am like him and I bet he will say they are based upon experiences that can not be explained but happen to everyone.

Side: yes, I believe in god
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
3 points

Like Gratedebator said my beliefs are in part due to life experiences that can't be explained but I am also open minded when it comes to things like religion and belief, I've always been interested in different cultures and their beliefs but I have yet to find a "traditional" religion that suits me (for want of a better phrase), they all have their good points and their bad points and obviously as I said in my original post we won't know which one is right until we reach the end of our journey.

Some people would think reading that paragraph that, that would make me an Agnostic of some kind but I do believe there is a higher power, I'm just undecided what this higher power may be.

I guess I'm just a student of life and I am a member of the Church Of The Latter Day Dude and an ordained Dudeist priest which is a pretty easy going religion and is far from traditional!!

Side: yes, I believe in god
2 points

Why? What evidence is their that you see for anything other than material?

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
3 points

I've had experiences in the past which just cannot be explained just weird shit happening which cannot be put down to any material cause, it's no proof of a God also it's no hard proof of any thing Supernatural but to me it point's in the direction of the possibility of there being something else other than us, also I like to think that there some kind of afterlife or something more than just this life, reincarnation, Heaven, Valhalla, I dont know what and like I keep saying I have no proof, no evidence it's just a belief of mine.

None of us have any proof that there is or isn't anything after we die or there is or isn't a God so saying for definite that there is or isn't or that one religion is right or wrong is erroneous as we wont know for sure until we die any way and then it's too late to say I told you so anyway!!

Side: yes, I believe in god

If some creating force didn't exist flowers wouldn't bloom colorful petals with delightful scents.

Side: yes, I believe in god
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
3 points

What do you mean by creating force?

Also, colorful petals and scents help attract insects and birds who help aid in the reproductive process. I don't understand why you think this is not possible without God.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
1 point

What do you mean by creating force?

Not gonna bother answering that because I'm astonished someone claiming to know so much about a topic has no clue what the hell I'm talking about.

Don't play stupid, it makes debates way shitty.

And in case you are being serious, a creating force as in a conscious direction for things to evolve.

And I never said it wasn't possible, all I am saying is something, not physically, but some type of force or something that's unexplainable is telling the flowers to bloom a certain way, it directs them, guides them, just like everything on the planet, its all life force.

Side: yes, I believe in god
kaveri(319) Disputed
1 point

If some creating force didn't exist flowers wouldn't bloom colorful petals with delightful scents.

this is a valid reason why homeschooling should be banned....

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
5 points

And you are a valid reason IQ tests exist

Side: yes, I believe in god
4 points

Theres far too many evidences of the supernatural to refuse believing in a God.

Side: yes, I believe in god
Intangible(4934) Disputed
3 points

It could be aliens...and there's more evidence for them than there is for God

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
4 points

Then they will be called "gods"

Side: yes, I believe in god
Mathlete(153) Disputed
1 point

Can you offer unbiased evidence ?

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
Centifolia(1319) Disputed
1 point
Side: yes, I believe in god

I belive there is somehing there. Either God, multiple gods, or a goddess of some sort. I don't think they are quite fathomable either. Maybe we know so little in comparison to them.

Side: yes, I believe in god
2 points

There is no evidence for anything being "there" so why believe that there is?

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
4 points

Name something unintelligent that has created (or given birth to) an intelligent being.

Side: yes, I believe in god

I would imagine that everything is evidence of agreater being. I would imagine personal testimonies to be subjective evidence for somebody. There are logical arguments for the existence of a higher power. Something unintelligent can't create something intelligent is one of the few arguments.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
2 points

yes i do :)

Side: yes, I believe in god
1 point

Eh, something.

Side: yes, I believe in god

Which god? .

Side: yes, I believe in god
1 point

Even though I do believe in the existence of God. The Question weather I believe in God or not is rather irrelevant. If God exists, the real question should be "do you like God or not", "Do you believe Him to be a good God or Not" "Should I fear God or not". Otherwise the very idea of fearing, loving or living for someone or something that does not exist waists time of even debating. If you don't believe in God, this debate seems rather meaningless to have. More importantly, for those of the more factually minded, it should be common sense to realize that my profound belief in something does not constitute it's reality. Either i'm right in my belief (regardless of how/why I believe it) or i'm profoundly wrong. It takes more courage to consider fallacies in one's perceptions and beliefs than it does to turn a blind eye. If my belief cannot stand up to the truth, than I should not want to believe it. I would say the real question now is, what are the consequences of me being right or wrong in that belief?

Side: yes, I believe in god
1 point

Yes i believe that he is real. It would explain how we actually came form something rather than just nothing.

Side: yes, I believe in god
Mathlete(153) Disputed
1 point

That is not an explanation, rather just another step .

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Multiple-Choice: Which best describes you?

(A) Sarcastic.

(B) True-believer Pastafarian.

(C) Confused about the icon you are using.

(D) ???

Side: yes, I believe in god

Why don't we shut up and wait till we die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: yes, I believe in god
Mathlete(153) Disputed
1 point

Being dead is most likely same as the state you were prior to your birth. nothing really conscious.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
Alexyupitsme(15) Clarified
1 point

No you just have to be patient bro there's never going to be evidence so when all you die you'll simply find out (:

Side: yes, I believe in god
1 point

Jesus existed. No question. Jesus taught. 100%. Jesus died. Most certainly. Jesus came back to life. For definite...

Can one of you non-believers really say, with proof, that this never happened? More to the point, how could this have happened without some divine interference, from God?

Side: yes, I believe in god
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

You are the one asserting a claim which places the burden of proof upon you, not the other way around. Were you to present any actual evidence whatsoever (which you have not), then it would be the burden of negation to disprove or discredit that evidence. As the matter stands, the utter lack of evidence is more than adequate basis for disbelief.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
trekkified(15) Disputed
1 point

For goodness sake! Thousands of people saw Jesus teach, the Romans made records of their executions. It happened. Give me one good piece of evidence that Jesus didn't exist.

Side: yes, I believe in god
1 point

Yes I do believe in God. He showed me the right path when I was struggling in my initial days.

Side: yes, I believe in god
8 points

Still see no reason to believe in God. Maybe if He was nicer.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
0 points

How can you judge something that does not exist? .

Side: yes, I believe in god
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Start by assuming He exists. Realize He is really mean. Decide that a powerful being would be nicer.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
7 points

I believe in disproportionately placed phenomena caused by the spontaneous molecular disturbances of alien space crafts and technologies. Anything "supernatural" are just things that have yet to be explained my science. We are still in the dark ages apparently, since so many people still believe in such a thing as "God".

Side: no,I don't beleive in god

No. The idea of a "god" is just ridiculous.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
3 points

So where do you think life came from?

Side: yes, I believe in god
Idiotobx914(1339) Clarified
5 points

To be truthful, I don't know. I don't think it matters either. I feel that people should focus more on the present and future than on the past.

Side: yes, I believe in god
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
3 points

Someone down-voted this because they don't like to think. They prefer for other people to do the thinking for them.

Side: yes, I believe in god
5 points

I have no reason to believe in any gods.

Mono theism doesn't make much sense, one god making lots of people but only giving one group the truth of who the real god is while the others worship false gods, rather than many people made different gods.

It is just more reasonable that god/gods are man made rather than the other way around.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
4 points

1. There was never a point of time where anything was created or destroyed. It merely changes form. Example: Energy

2. To understand God, you first have to understand yourself. Are you speaking as your personality or soul. These two differs completely. 99% or the time your ego, id and super ego governs your entire system of thinking. For example: The desire for truth, the desire to return to an original source (father figure, family), a sense of greater purpose, the desire to surrender you will to a higher power(how lost do you feel anyway?) and of course fear of death. These are desires that stem from your living conditions. It becomes irrelevant after death. See? External reality (the way things are) and internal reality (the way things you believe to be) becomes cloudy. You CREATE your reality.

3. Two of the above statements may be hard to explain to any human 2000 to 1500 years ago. (Civilisations before has a fairly respectable understanding of the term 'spirituality') Therefore, any sort of 'revelation' given by the smartest of angels fall into simplistic translations and quite often self serving and delusional.

4. You can start believing the planet is created by a god all you want but know that the development of life on earth as we know now it has been a rare occurrence indeed. The chances are one in a gazillion. There are specific conditions to be met and it took billions of years for us to get here not 7 days. The creation of life is a NATURAL phenomena. A RARE one.

Conclusion: 'Wisdom is not the absence of ignorance but the understanding of it' -Me.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

'Wisdom is not the absence of ignorance but the understanding of it'

Wouldn't it be more along the lines of: ignorance is the absence of wisdom?

Usually, things that are perceived negatively are the absence of something. Darkness is the absence of light, hate is the absence of love, cold is the absence of heat, and so on. But even though we consider these things to be lacking in what we often think of as positive, it is clear that both need to exist in order for us to perceive them.

Side: yes, I believe in god
skywh(104) Clarified
1 point

The nature of ignorance is don't know you are wrong, therefore you need to find out. The Buddha was not a perfect human being, albeit his philosophy which still stands out today. He once starved himself to the brink of death believing that the act would help him gain some sort of spiritual transcendence. He was wrong. Therefore he taught the 'middle-way' or the path of moderation. Took him decades to realize this.

Side: yes, I believe in god
trekkified(15) Disputed
1 point

The word "day" doesn't really have a definition for God. God's "seven days" could be seven billion years for us humans, we just don't know! You can't use that as a valid argument.

Side: yes, I believe in god
skywh(104) Disputed
1 point

Glad you brought that up. Which means these 'messages' that prophets receive are simplified or dumb downed to a point where the simpletons of the past could understand. The word billion was non-existent since at that point it was an inconceivably huge number.

This also mean that your obnoxious religion was compatible with their barbaric and ignorant nature. One that we could all do away now. Also, according to genesis your god created the earth first and then the light. This could not happen since the sun is millions of years older than earth. Plus isn't it petty to create humans so that he can be worshiped by them. What sort of narcissistic dumbass would do such a thing.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god

There's no evidence of nay gods. Ancient man made up Gods due to him not fully understanding everything.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
3 points

I do not believe in gods for same reason that why I do not believe in tooth fairy and/or Titans, Zeus, Ra...

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
3 points

no. What more do I say?

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
3 points

I believe in TITANS :D

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
3 points

I believe in science and reality. Religion is for people that don't know any better.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
3 points

I don't believe in a god in the conventional sense of the word, which is apparently a monopoly of monotheism. I don't believe in such a god because that god would have to actively intervene in our affairs according to what he stated, but he doesn't.

I do believe that there are logical complications caused by a cause-and-effect principle applied to the Big Bang (Apart from other principles which both prove and disprove the existence of a god outside space and time)

Now with the lack of any evidence, I cannot make any conclusive claims of this and maintain the position that if a causal factor exists outside of our Universe which is compatible with the Deistic god (and such a scenario is scientifically invalid but logically true) then Deism is true. But considering the scientific evidence, I am inclined towards believing that the Universe had no conceivable cause which we can test and comprehend, giving no premise for a deistic/theistic argument. Thus as nothing, absolutely nothing has existed before the Universe, there was no cause.

This is where this complexity lies, on one hand logic defies Science and asserts the cause-and-effect principle, on the other, the Scientific evidence is overwhelming and points towards the regular spontaneously-created (no creationist propaganda intended) Universe which is widely accepted by the scientific community. I hope that more evidence is available later on so that there is more certainty about the nature of this matter.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god

A better question to ask is, "Are there chairs in Heaven?" Cause I do not plan to be standing for an eternity ;)

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
1 point

I hear sitting in a heaven chair is like sitting on cloud nine.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
2 points

Define "god" and I will determine whether or not I believe in him/her/it.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god

And tell me exactly what you rely on if you don't believe in god??

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
1 point


Side: no,I don't beleive in god
1 point

I just prefer reality .

Side: no,I don't beleive in god

I don't believe in god. I have not been presented with compelling evidence to suggest he exists, to be honest, I haven't been presented with any really.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
-1 points

Man has been asking himself if god is real. Well it's not. If god is real why does god have to be a guy.

And plus evolution is true. In 2001 Toumai or Sahelanthropus was discovered, the missing link was discovered. He was the evidence that evolution was true. The bible just tell you lies. The bible tell many historical errors. The great flood never happened, Adam and Eve was inaccurate, and Jesus's name wasn't even jesus.

Side: no,I don't beleive in god
A_Christian(6) Disputed
1 point

Man has been asking himself if god is real. Well it's not. If god is real why does god have to be a guy.

And plus evolution is true. In 2001 Toumai or Sahelanthropus was discovered, the missing link was discovered. He was the evidence that evolution was true. The bible just tell you lies. The bible tell many historical errors. The great flood never happened, Adam and Eve was inaccurate, and Jesus's name wasn't even jesus.

You were not there

Side: yes, I believe in god
Intangible(4934) Disputed
4 points

Bitch, you don't know if he was there or not. I doubt you were there!

Side: no,I don't beleive in god