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 Democrats say teens are mature enough to have an abortion without parent's consent, BUT... (4)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Democrats say teens are mature enough to have an abortion without parent's consent, BUT...

not mature enough to go to a movie and watch the abortion procedure that they might be going through.

Does that make any sense to you?

How can you vote for these corrupt extremists? What's that say about you when voting for Democrats?

News flash, teens are not mature enough to be having sex, or choosing to have abortions. They are mature enough to be educated to the horrors of an abortion procedure.

Democrats, bought by feminist and abortion groups, do not care how much lifetime guilt you might have to live with after an abortion.
As long as they get the big money and votes from these activist groups, your well being means nothing to them.

Republicans also support life of mother abortions, but have the humanity to protect the vast vast majority of innocent human lives taken merely for convenience.
(watch Ep. 21 - The Culture War)
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So the next time you pull that lever at a voting booth, think about the Party of death you are electing.

The Democrat Party has sold it's soul to their radical Feminist base. What other issues can be more important?

-1 points

Liberal proaborts are effing stupid. Where can I find this unplanned movie?

I saw the "Unplanned" DVD at Walmart for $16.55. Not sure if you can still find it in theaters, etc.

You can watch it on online sites such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, streaming.

The Left has done it's best to keep it quiet. The movie theaters did not show it for long when it came out, even though it was very popular.

0 points

Awesome! I will go find it...........................................................................................................................................................................