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 Democrats speak in terms of race, gender, orientation, while the GOP speaks of Americans. (6)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Democrats speak in terms of race, gender, orientation, while the GOP speaks of Americans.

Why do you suppose Democrats are so divisive? With every speech, they fixate on pitting one group against another group. Whether it be the classes of wealth, the skin color, the gender, the sexual orientation, your immigration status, etc. it is always the same....VOTE FOR ME AND I WILL PUT YOU AHEAD OF THOSE "OTHERS"!

When it comes to speeches from Republicans, you will notice a huge difference. It is all about "AMERICANS"! No matter what group you may fit in, you are an American first and foremost! It's about protecting ALL Americans, it's about lifting up ALL Americans with good paying jobs, etc. etc.

Why do you suppose there is such a difference between the two parties? I have a pretty good idea the answer to that question........

The Republican party stands for something more than fixating on issues that might get them elected. They have always fixated on the one thing that made America great. Our individual right's to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They believe in the importance of our Constitution guranteeing those freedoms. That no Amercan is better than the next and that we all have the chance to move up the ladder and become whoever we want to be.

The Democrat party is just the opposite. They divide us into groups pitting one against another.

They say vote for me and I will redistribute this person's money to you.

They say vote for me and I will give you affirmative action whereby you will get special treatment when it comes to getting a job.

They say vote for me and I will give you free College or free everything no matter that the middle class will be forced to pay for it, no matter we can not afford it and no matter money does not grow on trees.

They say vote for me and I will force every public school to let little Johnny in Mary's bathroom.

They say vote for me and I will force EVERY STATE to change their marriage laws.

They say vote for me and I will keep no restriction abortions see, the unborn babies and even the viable late term unborn babies do not fit into one of their focus groups. (they can't vote!) This is another example of Democrats pitting one American against another.....(the Mother against the baby). We know which American wins! The one that can vote.

They say vote for me and I will let you illegal immigrants have amnesty.

They say vote for me and I will force the middle class to pay for your abortion.

They say vote for me and I will make sure no one will be asking you questions about suspicious activity in those Mosques.

I could go on, but there is no question the huge difference between these two parties. Democrats will always use the class warfare rhetoric telling you how Republicans only care for the rich, even though Democrats are every bit as corrupt when it comes to big money lobbyists in Government.

Republicans do not believe in punishing Americans simply because they have worked hard and become successful. That is the American dream and what drives our economy. Socialism kills economies as Obama has proven. Republicans want to give every American a chance to success. They support school choice so you are not locked into failed pubic schools.
Democrats seem to like keeping people in failed schools, on welfare, and dependent on them for their vote.
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Divide and conquer is what the left does; pitting one group against the other diverts their attention that the democratic party has done nothing for them. Look at Ferguson and Baltimore; the left stirs up riots and scapegoats police, society, white people etc. to divert attention to where the real blame lies: the democrats, liberals and the rioters themselves.

2 points

Exactly correct. Democrats actually do nothng for these groups(other than allow boys or men with disorders to go into girls bathrooms) as we see with the plight of African Americans since Oboma has been in.

Your argument would work if there was no difference between the way people are treated in this country due to things like their race, gender, orientation, religion and so on.

^That is, I think, one of the best talks I can direct you to on why we can't just talk about 'Americans' instead of races, genders, orientations, and so on.

I'll remind you again that nearly 50% of all people who identify as transgender people have attempted suicide. But no, the left is unreasonably focused on that group, they should be helping everyone equally, not focusing on trans people, right?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

First off I'm not watching a video which uses a lot of data. You can tell me the impelling point they made.

There is a reason why so many Transgender people commit suicide. They have mental issues and are depressed over their issues.

There is a reason why more Gay people commit suicide as well. They also are living abnormal lifestyles with abnormal feelings for men which creates stress and depression.

Before you say it, DON'T! I know you will repeat what the Left always say and blame the high suicide rates on people who do not agree with the LGBT activists. You will say these people commit more suicides because they are not accepted as normal by society.

Many many people do not want our entire society turned upside down to coddle LGBT activists who want to force everyone to change our laws to sanction the abnormal as normal. There is nothing wrong with speaking to our beliefs and what we know to be true in our hearts.

Just because people disagree with others who tell them that Gay marriage is somehow a right, does not mean this would cause one to kill themselves!!!!!

They may kill themselves from depression caused by internal insecure feelings of abnormalcy, not because someone says they are abnormal. We all have some abnormal quirks but we don't kill ourselves when others insult us.

We could turn our culture upside down telling everyone that up is down but it would never change the reality of biology and how our bodies are designed. People know in their hearts the truth of normal and abnormal feelings.

I would agree that bullying and insults from idiots against Gays, fat people, skinny people, so called nerdy people, etc. etc. could create depression in some and even possible suicide in some who have emotional issues. I don't believe this to be the majority of cases. Suicide is more often the result of people unable to deal with depression in a normal manner.

I believe we should teach all our children in school that they should respect every human being.... BUT.....with no labals, no Gay awareness days, etc. etc.

ALL CHILDREN deserve one day a year set aside to speak to the damage caused from bullying no matter the groups being bullied.

There is a reason why so many Black people have no jobs, why 72% of black children live in broken homes, why so many more Black people commit crime.

They create most of these problems themselves because of the immoral choices they make when choosing to abandon their children, when choosing to drop out of school, when choosing to use or sell drugs, when choosing to stay in the ghettos rather than getting on a bus out of their and signing up with social service in a safer area or state.

Spare me the ludicrous excuse they have no money for a bus ticket.

What it always comes down to is that people on the Left such as yourself, have a no fault belief system. I believe this is why the Left is always at odds with our nation's Christian heritage and traditional values.

In their ideology, no one is to blame for their status in life. They believe it is all dependent on the actions of others. (IT'S ALWAYS THE RICH MAN'S, OR THE WHITE MAN'S FAULT)

I did just fine raising my familiy with a moderate to low income(It all started with a father and mother choosing to raise me). I stayed in school, I lived within my means, did not walk out on my kids, never took drugs, never committed a crime, never cheated on my spouse and guess what? The RICH MAN did not cause me any harm. He gave me the job I needed to raise my familiy. The amount of money the Rich man made had no bearing on my moral choices in life.

The Left blames the White man for the condition of African American families rather than blaming the immoral choices of abandoning their children, thereby creating gangs of children growing up without a father's love and discipline.

The Left uses women as their voting blocks with the same old game of division. IT'S THE MAN'S FAULT!

It's the man's fault when you chose to have sex with that idiot you did not love. It's not your fault!

That abortion was your only option correct? You had no option of saying NO to having sex(probably with no birth control) with a man you knew would never be a father to your child if you got pregnant.

Democrats say vote for us so you can have that abortion at any stage for any reason because IT'S NEVER YOUR FAULT!

The entire debate between the Left and Right comes down to moral values, personal responsibility, and how to deal with it.

The Right believes we should once more lift up moral values and personal responsibility for the sake of our children and society as we did in the past(when we know it worked).

The Left believes we should create more and more social programs to deal with the results of this no fault anything goes culture, rather than speaking to the core reasons causing all the problems.

The Left uses these problems to get elected. They constantly speak to programs helping those who screwed up their lives with immoral irresponsible choices. The Left lacks the character and honesty to admit our nation is going bankrupt from this no fault ideology.

There is not enough money in the world to bail out a culture living the no fault me me lifestyle. It will all come crashing down as we are starting to see but until it does, the Left will use their divisive strategy of pitting American against American to hold onto power and transfrom America.

No matter what group you may fit in, you are an American first and foremost!

Unless you're Muslim, right?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Read the argument again, as always you missed the point. Muslims who do not hide radicals are true Americans who deserve the same rights and respect as all Americans.