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 Describe your last meal. (8)

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JakeJ(3255) pic

Describe your last meal.

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2 points

Do you mean the last meal we ate, or our ideal last meal on in this life? XD

JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

ideal last meal, im talking the feast of your LIFE!!


1 point

I had a bagel with cream cheese and jelly with some Orange Juice.

Does release a rumor that I'm Jewish? Maybe, or maybe not. 8X

Side: Secret Jew
1 point

I'm going to describe my next meal because I already bought it and I'm minutes away from eating it. I got a sub from Wawa. For you weird dialects out there (j/k) it's also known as a "hoagie" or a "hero". Turkey, lettuce, tomato, oil and vinegar, and bacon on a whole wheat 6" sub and toasted! Best food in the world. If you haven't heard of Wawa, it's because of one of two things. Either you don't live near any (they're from Virginia to New York, I believe) or you live under a rock. :D

Side: Wawa
1 point

Two eggs over medium, peppered with a hint of garlic salt, two pieces of whole grain toast with light 'non-butter'. A small glass of orange juice and coffee . Sometimes I do it like exactly like this, but some people wanted eggs and not toast, toast and not eggs, fruit, nuts, etc.

Side: Eggs and Toast
1 point

A can of tuna fish, (yeah, a can, no bread, no mayo, just a fork and the can) a v8, 2 daily multi-vitamins, vitamin c, a calcium vitamin, and 3 hydroxycut.


Side: Eggs and Toast
1 point

Mm, macaroni and cheese! And mangoes. That is my ideal last meal, not he last meal I ate. The last meal I ate was a muffin.

Side: Macaroni and Mangoes

My last meal was Rice Pilaf that I made in my Cuisinart rice cooker last night.

Side: Macaroni and Mangoes