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 Did you know that Hollywood gave the movie "Unplanned" an "R" rating to keep teens out? (3)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Did you know that Hollywood gave the movie "Unplanned" an "R" rating to keep teens out?

The movie "Unplanned" received an "R" rating even though it had no foul language, no gratuitous sex, no violence, no naked bodies, etc. etc.

You do realize why this happened don't you? The Liberal Pro abortion Left and Planned Parenthood, wanted to keep as many children and teens from seeing this movie as possible. Their ludicrous excuse for the "R" rating was because of the abortion scenes in the movie.

Now wait a minute, they show surgical procedures on TV all the time, and there are no "R" ratings! According to Pro abortion people on the Left, an abortion procedure involves removing a bunch of cells? What's so graphic about that?

The sick hypocrisy about all this, is that the Left believes that teens are mature enough to HAVE abortions, without parental consent!
Do you see the hypocritical hogwash these corrupt fools are trying to feed the public? They will do all in their power to prevent the release of movies that go against their Liberal agendas. IT'S TRULY SICKENING THEIR INTOLERANCE FOR OPPOSING OPINIONS!

This is the Thought Police at it's worse, controlling everything to see and hear. If it does not pass their test of Political Correctness, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SEE IT!

I thought the Left always claimed to be the open minded, tolerant inclusive ones?
(watch Ep. 21 - The Culture War)
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So the next time you want your teenager to see the surgical procedure for removing tonsils....

DON'T YOU DARE SHOW IT TO HIM! It's too graphic!

Please watch this Podcast from Red Pilled America, Ep. 21 - The Culture War, if you want to see what the Left is censoring from the people.

The sickest part of all this, is that the Left believes teenagers are old enough to decide for themselves to have abortions, but are too young to witness the medical procedure they will go through!

Is there anything more laughable then this? These extremists are truly the most corrupt Godless souls on this planet!