
Debate Info

CD for Congress! Let em keep the job.
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:17
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 CD for Congress! (5)
 Let em keep the job. (3)

Debate Creator

Sinknight(518) pic

Do believe that the people of CD are well capable of handling issues of Congress?


Imagine the people of CreateDebate as our (U.S) Congress. Do you think our community is equivalent to that of Congress and if not, better? Do you believe we can handle their issues that they face day by day? (Just to clarify, excluding all the nut jobs & trolls on this site.)

CD for Congress!

Side Score: 11

Let em keep the job.

Side Score: 3
3 points

We have different ideas and care about more than self image (for the most part).

We would argue a lot, but we could at least get a budget passed in less than 1000 days...

And I am Canadian...

Side: CD for Congress!
2 points

Considering the number of Libertarians on this site, it would be an improvement.

Side: CD for Congress!

Those liberty-minded freaks? Who would want those in power?

Side: CD for Congress!
-1 points

I am on CD.

That is all.

Side: CD for Congress!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Thank god you're not American.

Side: Let em keep the job.
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Thank Satan that you are.

Side: CD for Congress!
1 point


That is all.

Side: Let em keep the job.
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

Can't get out of the mind, can ya? ;)

Side: CD for Congress!
1 point

The people of CD are far too immature to be making even simple decisions about their daily lives. Congress should be staffed by adults,

Side: Let em keep the job.