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Debate Score:21
Total Votes:24
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 YES (7)
 NO (5)

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PrayerFails(11165) pic

Do the benefits of tourism outweigh the costs?

Tourism is a major industry, and it accounts for a significant and increasing proportion of gross global product: an estimated 10.6% in 1996. In that year, 595 million trips were made abroad (an increase of 5.5% on 1995 and 77% on 1986). By 2010, an estimated 937 million trips will be made. Total (direct and indirect) spending totalled $3.6 trillion, supporting at least 10% of global employment. However, fears about the costs of tourism increasingly focus on the environmental damage done to especially popular ‘honeypot’ sites as well as the economic fragility of dependence on tourist income.


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 7
3 points

Yes, the answer is quite simple. While some countries cannot open themselves to Tourism, others take advantage of this opportunity and showcase their wonderful natural beauties, such as Oceans, Native Animals, Trees, Plants and very historical items. Many people are attracted to certain items that are indigenous to a certain area, country, region, and are almost compelled to go visit. While some tourist destinations offer crystal clear oceans, others may offer a unique diversion or attraction. All of these combine to entice more and more people to visit, and sometimes, visit again! You have to consider: with the day and age we are now in, it is so easy to tell the world that you've enjoyed your vacation or visit to whatever destination or attraction, by using Social Media - which has become more and more dominant in the recent years, that almost 1 billion people use it. 1 BILLION people, all connected through some form of social network, easily interact and form a never ending cycle of communication. Communication is key to tourism, and without it, Tourism would not be where it is at now. With Social Media at a sky rocketing userbase, and Tourism being as unique as it is for some countries, no matter the cost, it will always outweigh them.

Side: YES

Revenue received from tourists can be reinvested in improving otherwise poorly funded infrastructure, both in areas visited and in the rest of the country too.

Side: yes

Tourism vastly increases income to a particular area or country, not only via direct spending but also through taxation and the purchase of luxury goods which creates a larger market than would be possible with purely local spending. In many less developed countries tourism acts as an alternative to cash crops, improving terms of trade and creating a more diversified economic base.

Side: yes
2 points

Tourism does not only bring the advantages named above, it also comes with business opportunities for the locals within the vicinity of the tourist destination, if one travels to tourist destinations and resorts in Africa or Asia they will most probably become a very much needed customer to vender's selling refreshments, artists selling sculptures and mini replicas of animals, buildings and ornaments such as art and craft jewelry. In some cases tourism has lead to the development of an are because of its heritage ie. communication lines and transport systems have been upgraded and made appropriate and efficient enough to encourage and attract more tourism activity. indirectly this is also benefiting the people in the area as facilities and services will become available.

In the end the benefits of tourism out live the cost because costs come and go but more benefits arise when ever a costs are incurred.

Side: yes
2 points

Nowadays most countries welcome visitors to travel their country for increasing the profits. International travel cost has been more cheap than before so this will attract people to travel. I think that there are points in favor of the statement and some points against.

To begin with let us look at why some people are against tourism. Point is that reason can be considered is that some countries are not using the income money in the right place to clarify, many governments using the income to develop their tourist place they forget the important such as schools and hospital

On the other hand there are people in favor the statement. Some people think that its better if they use the cost for improve the country instead of spend it for attract the tourists. This people think that the country is should have Priority more than attracting the tourists. Another point of view is that the tourists destroy the ancient monuments or heritage sites. When the tourist came to these places they will not care about keep the place clean or safe so they only care about taking picture and observation. Yet another point to consider is that some time the tourists make some caricature for local people and their cultural. For examples, there are some tourist requiring inhabitants and take picture for local people to make others laugh.

In conclusion, most countries all over the world must place all possible resources to take care of truisms because it is main source of income of many countries. . I think that the overheads outweigh the repayment of tourism because it’s better to develop money inside the country.

Side: YES
1 point

As tourism increases there is also an increase in waste product, destruction of environment either through building of hotels, lodges, and endangering of wild life. Removal, recycle and storage of the waste products is a huge encumbrance especially to the developing nations, since recycling waste material is expensive. When people cannot contain their waste material they will resort to dumping the waste in the environment polluting the area. It would cause complications to the ecosystems and would be a backlash instead of tourism being a positive impact to that area. Tourists would start avoiding the areas which are heavily polluted as it is unsightly and smelly. Transport by air, road, and rail is continuously increasing in response to the rising number reported that the number of international air passengers worldwide rose from 88 million in 1972 to 344 million in 1994. One consequence of this increase in air transport is that tourism now accounts for more than 60% of air travel and is therefore responsible for an important share of air emissions. As a result, causing less international tourists to visit the tourist destinations.

Side: YES

International tourism is only based on short term returns, and long term returns are no guarantee due to the changes of fashions and trends. Unexpected variables can affect tourism, which would include climatic disasters, such as a hurricane or tornado, or a crime wave, or terrorist attack. This will mean the market quickly collapses. Even without this, changing trends will mean tourist tastes shift every few years.

Side: No

Many hotels are part of large international chains, choosing to exploit local labor purely because it is cheap. It is hard to get banks to lend money to set up smaller hotels as the investments are seen as too risky, and so artificially high interest rates deter investment or competition.

Side: No
2 points

As tourism increases there is also an increase in waste product, destruction of environment either through building of hotels, lodges , and endangering of wild life.

Removal, recycle and storage of the waste products is a huge encumbrance especially to the developing nations, since recycling waste material is expensive. When people cannot contain their waste material they will resort to dumping the waste in the environment polluting the area

Side: No
1 point

In many Developing Countries, most people gain an income through primary sector jobs like mining and farming. However, certain Developing Countries rely on tourism as their main source of revenue. For example, Maldives is a country located south of Sri Lanka and comprises of many islands. Due to its scenic beauty and wide range of activities like water sports and fishing, many foreigners visit Maldives for adventure and relaxation. Since countries like Maldives rely a fair bit on tourism, the Maldivians are to ensure that everything is in check for tourists. For an instance, the facilities used by the tourists have to be kept in good condition, the safety of the tourists is ensured and everything runs smoothly with little backlashes. However, in order to ensure that everything is in place, money is needed to carry out these operations. Therefore, I agree to an extent that the benefits of tourism outweigh the costs in the context of Developing countries.

Tourism comes with business opportunities for the locals within the vicinity of the tourist destination, if one travels to tourist destinations and resorts in Africa or Asia where most Developing Countries are located, they will probably become a very much needed customer to the vender's selling refreshments, artists selling sculptures and mini replicas of animals, buildings and ornaments such as art and craft jewelry. In some cases tourism has led to the development of an area because of its heritage. For example, communication lines and transport systems have been upgraded and made appropriate and efficient enough to encourage and attract more tourism activity. Indirectly this is also benefiting the people in the area as facilities and services will become available. This would allow easier accessibility to the area for both tourists and locals. In addition, if the government is able to improve the conditions of the area, eventually, more tourists would visit this area. This multiplier effect would be a never-ending one only if all parties are able to uphold their role in which they play. However, there are always complication in every plan.

As tourism increases there is also an increase in waste product, destruction of environment either through building of hotels, lodges, and endangering of wild life. Removal, recycle and storage of the waste products is a huge encumbrance especially to the developing nations, since recycling waste material is expensive. When people cannot contain their waste material they will resort to dumping the waste in the environment polluting the area. It would cause complications to the ecosystems and would be a backlash instead of tourism being a positive impact to that area. Tourists would start avoiding the areas which are heavily polluted as it is unsightly and smelly. Transport by air, road, and rail is continuously increasing in response to the rising number reported that the number of international air passengers worldwide rose from 88 million in 1972 to 344 million in 1994. One consequence of this increase in air transport is that tourism now accounts for more than 60% of air travel and is therefore responsible for an important share of air emissions.

Side: NO

The current size of tourism throughout the world is unsustainable. Infrastructure, and in particular airspace, is already unable to cope with the amount of journeys demanded – so ways must be found by which to reduce tourists artificially.

Side: No
dnldhnsn(117) Disputed
0 points

The question asks if the benefits of tourism outweigh the cost, i understand your point but it is irrelevant to the question. Your point does not stress what the costs are nor why the cost outweigh the benefits.

Side: yes