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Yes! No!
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:19
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 Yes! (6)
 No! (4)

Debate Creator

Animegirl300(26) pic

Do you like your church?

I've alwasy found it funny how other people don't seem to like their churchs very much: I've always loved my church.

I enjoy my church becasue of how non-judgemental they are to it's members; there is none of that chruch gossip, nor do we shun people for 'shamful' acts.

I also enjoy it becasue of our Pastor: he's the type of preacher who really does know what he's talking about, and is able to get a message across perfectly clearly. I also like how he doesn't only preach things that will make the congregation happy: he really tries to get as much truth across without mixing it with popularity.

I further love my chruch becasue they actually are/feel like a second family, who gives support for each other as much as possible (Work in our community as WELL as inside the church itself)

I never got the immpression of those boring churches that you ussually think of.

So, if you go to a church, how do YOU enjoy it?


Side Score: 12


Side Score: 5

I love my church I go to Anastasia Baptist Church on the island. The loving atmosphere there is amazing, God bless them.

Side: Yes!
2 points

Just the name of your church sounds beautiful. What island are you talking about?

Side: Yes!
2 points

Yes, it is unlike any other and it is really small. Hard to beat!

Side: Yes!
2 points

I love my church family. It is exactly how you presented it in your post, they are like family. I go to a nondenominational bible believing we have no affiliation to any national church body which I find is nice. I grew up Presbyterian and when I go home attend that because it is the church I grew up in. The people are wonderful but today identify better with the evangelical church I go too. Our pastor has a great sense of humor and most Sundays has us on the floor laughing. He stands on the Word, is not afraid to call sin what it is sin and an abomination to Christ. BUT.....the people who go to my church are SINNERS, certainly not while actions might get judged no ones heart does. We are there for eachother and those who need us. Another thing I love is that we are big on missions...and support eight full time missionary families mostly in the Middle East. One of our young missionaries was killed a few months back. She was only 24....but was doing what she wanted to be doing and that was helping the poor and spreading the love of Christ.

I am blessed to have a church that loves me....and accepts me for who I am, faults included. Jesus came for the lost, I was lost.....He came for the sick.....I have been sick....He came for sinners....for which I am. If he came for perfect people, no one would need Him. I need him...and love worshipping Him at a place I feel so much love.

It is fun studying the Word with seekers.....and we are a seeking church.

I love my pastor.....he has been arrested over twelve abortion mills standing up for the truth. I respect that. He stands at no pulpit, does not pretend to be someone he is not. He would be the first to tell you he was a sinner.

Side: Yes!
1 point

I like my church its a good church. Sometimes I don't always go to my church and we go to Ukrainian churches to see what the difference is in Ukrainian churches and American churches

Side: Yes!

If only I actually belonged to one, then a more accurate answer would be applicable.

Side: No!

Why is it that you always seem to beat me to making responses I would have made? First you take the name, then my responses, what's next lol?

Side: No!
churchmouse(325) Disputed
0 points

Yours is a religion that just does not meet at a church. But certainly you have belief members in your life whom you talk over issues with.

Side: Yes!
1 point

Although I'm agnostic, I've attended several churches, some out of curiosity, some at the insistence of friends or family.

I think it's quite an interesting experience, if you were to go once in a while, or just for a few weeks. Watch the most devoted members of the congregation during emotionally charged moments. There are several opportunities for emotions to run high during a regular church service, but my favourite part is the singing. Seeing people so ecstatic, so trusting, so overwhelmed by God's grace and sacrifice raises similar feelings in me, and I love experiencing emotions by proxy.

I don't believe what they believe, and I don't have to. I just go in for the high. It's like when you're watching a touching scene in a movie - you don't have to believe the events in that scene happened for real in order to feel it and enjoy it.

But I definitely wouldn't go to church every week. Watching the same thing week after week gets boring when you don't believe what they're preaching.

I know this isn't the sort of answer the debate creator is looking for. Meh :D

Side: No!
1 point

No. They are antigay. :'(

Side: No!