
Debate Info

Yes the world must be safe! no, we are doing fine as it is
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Yes the world must be safe! (3)
 no, we are doing fine as it is (5)

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AndrewRicho5(7) pic

Do you think all privalages of guns should be taken away?

Yes the world must be safe!

Side Score: 3

no, we are doing fine as it is

Side Score: 6

It is now 2015 and the gun violence is reaching terrible proportions in the United States.

Side: Yes the world must be safe!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a startling revelation for 2015. It is projected that deaths from guns will surpass deaths from car fatalities in 2015. An estimated 33,000 Americans will lose their lives from guns as opposed to an estimated 32,000 Americans who will die in car accidents.

The gun violence in America is an American Shame!

Side: Yes the world must be safe!
2 points

i made this debate but dont get me wrong i dont think gun privaleges should be taken away! If you wanna hunt. practice shooting, or keep a gun for self defense wouldnt these be for the better? so many people break laws anyway and no guns will make people mad and express it by breaking that law and using guns in a VIOLENT way!

Side: no, we are doing fine as it is
rob1101 Disputed
1 point

thats great but the second amendments primary purpose is not about "hunting, practice shooting or self defense" it is to protect its citizens from the government.

Side: Yes the world must be safe!
1 point

well, if you take away gun rights, all that means is law abiding citizens won't be able to get guns. so, when all the law breakers get their underground weapons (as they do now actually), they can have the upper hand since law abiding citizens won't have anything to defend themselves with.

basically, if you take away gun rights, you let the bad people have control

Side: no, we are doing fine as it is

If they take away the right to own guns, what am I going to shoot after a few beers?

Side: no, we are doing fine as it is
1 point

Owning a gun should not be a privilege in the first place, it's a right granted under the US constitution and any law or view that makes it a privilege in the first place is Unconstitutional. This question is as absurd as should freedom of speech, press and religion be taken away. If you want to take away the right to bear arms then change the constitution, otherwise these laws that weasel around it and make it a privilege should not be tolerated.

Side: no, we are doing fine as it is
1 point

If we don't have are right to guns then the goverment will start to be opressive.

Side: no, we are doing fine as it is