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 Do you want to play a private match on Modern Warfare 2? (3)

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christjesus(318) pic

Do you want to play a private match on Modern Warfare 2?

PSN ID: joshuastevan

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No. How about instead of wasting your time on mindless video games, you get outside and get some exercise. A couple mile run won't kill you. So get your fat ass up and get moving!

These games blind you to reality. You don't "respawn" in real life. You die, you stay dead. You get one life so make the best of it.

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1 point

Really? You go debate about playing a private match on Modern Warfare two? Get a life you bum! Seriously thats so stupid! Get up from that couch and drop that beer can. Shave, get some clean clothes, jog around a little and get a job! If your a kid, stop being so lazy coz you are really stupid. Get a life and stop wasting your mind on Video Games, you have a life to waste.

Side: No

I agree with the others. Why waste your life away with COD when you can waste it playing Bad Company 2?

Side: No