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 Does Sarah's law affect the rehabilitation of sex offenders? (7)

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Fizzypop6745(28) pic

Does Sarah's law affect the rehabilitation of sex offenders?

Sarah's law (or the child sexual offender scheme disclosure scheme) was passed in 2011 and allows anyone to formally ask their local police force whether someone with access to a child has a record of committing child sexual offences. The scheme has successfully identified over 700 people. However, many innocent people have been falsely accused of misidentified, it can also affect an ex convicts life especially after if they have served their time for whatever they did, and want to change themselves with the help of rehabilitation which is offered to many. So, my question to you is whether the law does affect the rehabilitation of sex offenders, or whether it was successful
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1 point

So, my question to you is whether the law does affect the rehabilitation of sex offenders, or whether it was successful

Hello F:

In my view, continued state harassment after ones criminal sentence is served, is counterproductive to the goal of rehabilitation..

Is being denied housing and employment, and being made to suffer continued harassment from ones neighbors, good for rehabilitation?

Finally, what makes you think rehabilitation, as opposed to punishment, is the goal of Sarah's law?


seanB(950) Disputed
1 point

I agree with this, in most cases. However, it is important to balance the risks and rewards of protecting the pirivate lives of serious offenders.

If you accidentally sleep with a 17 year old girl who looks 25 who you met at the club, that is a lot different than for example raping and kidnapping a kid. In the former case, I think harassment is completely unwarranted. But in the latter case, there is significant justification for continued observation of the offender, and in fact, I think given the psychopathology of some of the worst offenders, even letting them out of prison at all, is problematic.

1 point

in fact, I think given the psychopathology of some of the worst offenders, even letting them out of prison at all, is problematic.

Hello s:

I have no problem with keeping the worst sex offenders in prison for a long long time. I also have no problem with refining our sex laws so that an over exuberant teen doesn't get caught up with the cops..

Until we do that, once an offender has served his time, he ought to be left alone.


0 points

Thank you for your answers. I am doing an extended project in my college and my question is on this.

I wanted to know what people thought about this topic because obviously say for example what happened to Sarah Payne was an horrific thing and what Roy Whiting (the offender) did can not be excused, obviously.

However I know that some offenders do want to change for good and start a new chapter in their life. There is some debate as to whether the law "ruins" this as usually most of the time vigilante action takes place by the public who want to take justice by there own hands, which in itself shouldn't really be happening. But this then brings up the question as to whether the justice system is doing the right things in the first place if people have to take action in their own hands, but that is another question in itself as mentioned before. How can an ex-offender start a new leaf, if no one wants to trust them, which it isn't surprising as to why people wouldn't want to trust them in the first place.

However the other side to this is that the law is protecting children, which is the biggest priority.

So thank you again for your answers.

This is the slippery slope of this LGBT hysteria...

Pedophiles say the exact same things as these other groups of unnatural sexual orientations.

Pedophiles say they are born that way!

Pedophiles say they have no control over their attractions to children!

Pedophiles say they can not be rehabilitated for being who they are!

Pedophiles want to come out of the closet and be embraced!

Since we have laws against sex with children, Pedophiles say they will not act on their attractions, but want to be accepted as another letter on the LGBT alphabet. They want to come out of the closet without being discriminated against as long as they do not act on their attractions.

Do you see where all this LGBT hysteria is taking us? This is the slippery slope of embracing unnatural abnormal sexual orientations. It opens the door to ever weird group out there.

If you can no longer state the obvious when it comes to these unnatural orientations, then you must accept Pedophiles who do not act on their sexual fetishes.

They say they have no choice who they are! Sound familiar?

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

They want to come out of the closet without being discriminated against as long as they do not act on their attractions.

Hello From:

I don't CARE that somebody is an asshole in their head.. I CARE what they DO about it.. We do NOT have thought police.. If we did, you'd be in the slam..



FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

As always, you never admit the point, and waste our time with ludicrous noise.

The POINT, is that no one should care what excuses people make when denying the Science of Biology.

Common sense Science tells us that Men and Women are designed to come together in a natural normal relationship.

All these LGBT activist groups are simply insecure people trying to condition people to embrace something that goes against the Science of Biology.

No one cares what people do in their own lives. Rational people DO CARE when they try to brainwash our children.

Fools say nothing while they indoctrinate our children.