
Debate Info

should stay should go
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 should stay (2)
 should go (3)

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db000569(31) pic

Emissions testing, and restrictions for cars

should stay

Side Score: 2

should go

Side Score: 3
1 point

The only arguments here should be from people with a death wish .... for themselves AND their friends and families, and everyone else.

Side: should stay
1 point

The only arguments here should be from people with a death wish .... for themselves AND their friends and families, and everyone else.

The only rebuttal here should be from humans with an execution pledge .... for themselves AND their aquaintances and relatives, and the entire world.

Side: should go
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

"The only rebuttal here should be.....?

Is this a debate site, or YOUR PERSONAL web page?? Do you only accept answers that agree with YOUR agenda???

I have recommended a new debate page for juveniles only. You would fit right in.

Side: should stay
1 point

unless the regulations prevent clear and present danger, they shouldn't have need to exist.


a person has the right to own and operate any vehicle so long as they are not a direct danger to anyone.

Side: should go