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 Enforcing Electric Cars in Kazakhstani Streets! (6)

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akylbek(17) pic

Enforcing Electric Cars in Kazakhstani Streets!

Today electric cars are becoming popular. In Europe and USA drivers have already used electric vehicles completely!


What do you think about using electric cars by Kazakhstani drivers? 

How is it practical in Kazakhstan? (pls, compare with Europe)


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2 points

The first reason to use electric cars by Kazakhstani drivers is cheapness of electricity in Kazakhstan! The cost per 1kW of electricity is less than 0,10 $. And the average of petrol is 0,72 $!

1 point

The biggest problems of electric cars arerefueling time and range.

Refueling time usually is from 4 hours to 8 hours if drivers charge cars at home, and near 30 minutes at special stations!

The average is 160 km!

akylbek(17) Disputed
1 point

The problem of electric cars is the continuation of advantages.

How I wrote before the average ranfe in my country not more than 100 km per day!

Also, it is cheaper to recharge cars at night, because the prices for electricity at night are cheaper than at day. approximately in three times.

1 point

Usually people drive from home to work and back! In our country is not more than 100 km per day!

1 point

Using electric cars is much cheaper, the prices dor petrol is increasing every day!

On april 11 the prices for petrol in Kazakhstan increased, and today the most popular mark of petrol 92 costs 112 tenge, previously this mark costed 106 tenge!

1 point

the disadvatage of electric cars is that the hish speed of electric cars not more than 140-150 km/h!

Also, in spite of gasoline cars, electric cars has less powerfull!

If you want to go outside you will need to use gasoline vehicles.