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 Every Democrat Senator in Red States, who voted against Kavanaugh, lost their seats! (3)

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Every Democrat Senator in Red States, who voted against Kavanaugh, lost their seats!

It's funny how Democrat Senators have no problem sacrificing their careers for sake of their extreme Liberal Democrat Party. Remember Obamacare, and how many Democrat's lost their seats because of voting for Obamacare?

Democrat Politicians are kind of like Lemmings, willing to kill themselves, for sake of the Collective, as in the herd mentality.

It is so satisfying to watch witch hunting extremists getting their just desserts, and getting thrown out of Government.
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So when you listen to a Democrat Politician talking about moderation, compromising, bi partisan support, etc. etc., DON'T BELIEVE THEM!

THEY ARE LIARS and will vote in lock step with their extreme Liberal Party.

1 point

It would seem that anyone with a brainstem would be repulsed by a leftist version of "screw due process". Apparently I am right.

Apparently so. I'm thankful the GOP now has a larger number of Senators and I believe this is most important because of their ability to appoint federal Judges as well as Supreme court Justices.