
Debate Info

He likes lies Truth isn't in him
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 He likes lies (3)
 Truth isn't in him (2)

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LickedBoots(107) pic

Excon lying in long form format with indisputable video proof

This is in reference to this debate created by Excon. I would have responded there, but it won't let me, so I'm responding here.

I'd debunk his entire rant, but it'd take forever, so I'll pick 2 of his lies and prove exactly what and who Excon really is.

EXCON- When Trump came down the escalator and told us Mexicans were rapists, I thought the country would laugh him off.  They didn't.

Response- Let's just face what you are. You're a liar, and you're okay with lies just so long as they are told about people you dislike. I'll ask for video of him saying "Mexicans are rapists", because that's not what he said, you won't put it here for us to see, and you'll still pretend it's true in your pretend version of moral superiority. In reality, he didn't make the statements the fake media tried to slander him with on the escalator. He did it in a speech, and the context was deliberately left out.

-Actual speech, and he's speaking about cartels that smuggle children for sex trafficking-

EXCON- When Trump made fun of the disabled person, I thought the country would turn away from him.  They didn't.

Response- This never happened, and you know it never happend, but you don't care because you actually like lies if they aren't about you. 

-Proof that's another lie-

He likes lies

Side Score: 6

Truth isn't in him

Side Score: 3
2 points

Trump's speech, as he clearly stated, was specifically about ILLEGAL immigrants who in this particular instance happened to be Mexicans.

Even though the illegal immigrants to whom Trump referred represented a small fraction of the Mexican nation as a whole he did not brand all criminal immigrants as rapists.

He stated that among their number there would be rapists, (which of course there were/are), along with the other types of criminals that he listed.

The eye-watering ridiculous claim that Trump accused the whole Mexican population as being rapists could only come from either a radical left wing DImocrat subversive or some anti-white Bongo racist piece of filth who was trying desperately to maliciously construe that he was referring to the entire Mexican nation as being rapists.

We all know that this PANIC-LYING was no more than part of the DIm's woefully transparent ongoing program of ''character-assassination'' of Donald Trump.

It's plainly obvious that THE DIMOCRAT FILTH will stoop to any form of gutter snipe tactics in their hysterical, but futile bid to divert attention away from the one-man-doomsday machine who is known here in the U.S., as bumbling Joe Biden, and internationally as the SENILE OLD AMERICAN IMBECILE.

Side: He likes lies
2 points

Trump has nothing to apologise for here.

All he did was tell the truth about the illegal Mexican immigrants just as he would have done about any ethnic group of nomadic criminals.

The only person at fault in this hate-inspired, spiteful accusation is the left-wing, truth twisting fabricator and those who would present his propaganda to support their communist agenda.

Side: He likes lies
2 points

You're a liar, and you're okay with lies just so long as they are told about people you dislike. I'll ask for video of him saying "Mexicans are rapists", because that's not what he said, you won't put it here for us to see,.

Hello boot licker :

Dude! Bwa, ha ha ha ha ha.


Side: Truth isn't in him
Honkins(29) Disputed
2 points

Hello boot licker :

Dude! Bwa, ha ha ha ha ha.

The OP shows you the entire video that shows the context of who he was speaking about, specifically pointing out how the media deliberately left out the context, so you respond with a video showing the media leaving out the context. God you're a fucking moron. What's great is that you're too stupid to even realize you proved his or her point.

Side: He likes lies
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

so you respond with a video showing the media leaving out the context.

Hello, whoever the fuck you are:

I respond with the words that came out of his mouth.. You respond with the media did it..

Dude! You're silly.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.


Side: Truth isn't in him