
Debate Info

Let it be Outlaw gambling
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Let it be (7)
 Outlaw gambling (4)

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Ok, so my brother created this fake country on a website and one of the "social issues" he had to deal with was children caught gambling. I was curious to see what you guys thought about this. Gambling is addictive, and starting at such a young age could ruin lives and the economy (when one spends money one doesn't have); the solution offered is outlawing it. The other side: it was argued that outlawing it would put casinos and the lottery system out of business, decreasing job oppritunities. It was also argued that it taught the kids life lessons, and that if they weren't gambling they would most likely be out vandalizing. What do you think??

Let it be

Side Score: 7

Outlaw gambling

Side Score: 5

I am fine with it. Sure, it can become an addiction for some people, but so can lots of legal things like candy or video games. The possibility of becoming a gambling addict is not a good reason to outlaw gambling as a whole for everyone. My state is a perfect example of why gambling laws are, for lack of a better word, stupid. The law states that it is illegal to play card or dice games. This is meant to mean all versions of poker and such, but it legally includes monopoly, risk, Pokemon, and all other sorts of board games. While the law is not as enforced today, it still exists. The only reason why such an outdated law still exists on the books is because of special interests groups that are against gambling.

But if the govermetn really wanted to outlaw gambling, why don't they start within their own house with the powerball. It is a type of gambling, but i do not see anyone rushing to get rid of it because it is a big source of revenue.

Side: Let it be

It is alright since it is up to the person if he will know when to stop. Alcohol, drugs, and sex can be addicting too. So there would`t be a need to outlaw something if it does not necessarily kill you.

Side: Let it be
1 point

why should gambling be illegal? Just because a few idiots cant control themselves doesnt mean the rest of us should be denied the entertainment or for me another way of making some extra money.

Side: Let it be

On a religious perspective, if gambling is the sign of the devil, then i would say to outlaw gambling. But then we need to prove the existence of God and Satan.

On a different perspective, nobody is forcing anybody to get in the "house of money." And that is why i chose "Let it be."

What's interesting about gambling is that it is a business. And i don't have the facts so this may be pointless but i believe strongly that this is true, that generally when there is a business, the owner of that business wants to make money. Think about gamblers......would the house really let you become extremely rich off of them???? I don't have the answer, but according to my logic, that is a strong "no."

Side: Let it be
1 point

A lot of people are addicted to watching TV and sitting in the chair. This ruins many lives due to the fact of being inactive and rotting your brain with movies. I believe TV should be illegal...

Of course I'm being sarcastic, but you get the point. Everyone has a brain and he or she can use it just as good as the next person can use his or hers. It's called responsibility in which it seems a lot of people have lost. Let gambling be.

Side: Let it be

Gambling is a vice but a legalized vice in many places. It is up to the individual to know when it is time to stop gambling.

Side: Let it be
2 points

i say outlaw professionally run gambling institutions, but let individuals gamble with each other. my reason is that i cant stand evil rich people who prey on weak people. yes, no one is forcing you to gamble, but the worst that happens if you outlaw it, is there are fewer victims of huge evil corporations. if someone wants to gamble with their friend, without making a business out of it, thats fine. i just dont want to pave the way for bad people to get more opportunities to ruin peoples lives

Side: Outlaw gambling
1 point

Gambling ruins peoples lives. Most gambling operations are set up to make immense amounts of profit. People are not responsible enough.

Side: Outlaw gambling
1 point

I play poker with my friends occastionally. It is fun, and has not harmed me in anyway than losing some spare change. Why should that be illigal.

Side: Let it be
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

I absolutely understand that. I should have been more specific. I was thinking about casinos and illicit places under bars and such. Poker with friends is not really harmful.

Side: Outlaw gambling
1 point

We believe that gambling is a drug, one that can be an addiction. You gain a high of endorphins on the spin of the slot machine. This high can become quickly addictive. The brain often ignores the loses, and focuses on the wins. But this comes at a financial costs - the house always wins after alls. To regain their lost money, people gamble again, this leads to a self destructive cycle, ultimately ending in bankruptcy, the collapse of families and even suicide. We think the state should stop this.

In terms of some more mechanistic points, we shall treat it like any other drug - we shall punish the users with fines, short prison sentences, but we will obviously be harsher on the dealers (or casino owners if you will), i.e. they will receive longer prison sentences.

Also, it would affect our lives and we would lose money

Side: Outlaw gambling