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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:17
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Phreekshow(246) pic

Gay marriage is a civil right!

There are many who would like to change the Bill of Rights to ban gay marriage. i argue that gay people have the same rights as all other Americans and we cannot use a document created to protect civil rights and equality to exclude Americans based on their sexual prefference.


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 8

Equal protection clause baby, else why should blacks and whites be able to marry?

Side: yes
1 point

Please tell me why you think that. This is a debate. We need more than a sentence to persuade others. that is what a debate is. Thank you!

Side: yes
casper3912(1581) Disputed
1 point

A sentence is enough. Its obvious that sexuality constitutes someone's identity like gender or ethnicity does, and like how people are now recognized as equal under the law despite gender or ethnicity, they should be equal despite their sexuality. If something can be expressed concisely, why expand it?

Side: yes
1 point

Their marriage is just like our marriage. As long as ours is a right, so is theirs.

Side: yes

The Supreme Court in 2015 declared Gay Marriage to be the law of the land.

Side: Yes
1 point

Well if you want to get technical, it actually isn't a universal civil right.

Side: No
Phreekshow(246) Disputed
1 point

Well then please be technical. Please xplain why you believe this. This is a debate afterall. You must come armed with facts and well defined argument. One sentence saying it isn't just does not cut it!

Side: yes
Troy8(2433) Disputed
1 point

You are making the assertion that gay marriage is a civil right. This simply isn't true around the world. It's a fact. There are only a few choice places where gay marriage is legal. Why don't you think before ignorantly issuing downvotes next time.

Side: No
1 point

I'm not gay but I believe they should be aloud to marry however if it is not in the religion for gays to we'd then they should respect that. Personally I have no preference of religion but I believe all religions should be respected in their own right, plenty of people are not wed through the church, a mosque, temple ect. But overall I believe gays should be allowed to be wed. However this is about if it's a civil right, I don't believe any marriage is a civil right, if you truly love someone you don't need a ring and a certificate to say so.

Side: No

I think that once you start to define the purpose of marriage, things will start to become clearer and fall into place. ;)

Side: No