
Debate Info

True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:48
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 True. (19)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (14)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Gender discrimination is alive and well.


Side Score: 26

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 16

Discrimination against men is perfectly fine.

Racism against white people is perfectly fine.

Against anyone else, not so much. ;)

Side: True.

Interesting video... I wonder how feminists feel about this?

Side: True.

Meet billy. He's 6 years old. He has very high hopes for Halloween. And guess what, it's know October.

He's know at the store. His mom ask him what he wants to be.

He says " I WANT TO BE A PRINCESS!" His mom says NO!

Because he's a boy. It'll be the same thing when a girl wants to be be the Hulk. Her mom says NO because she's a girl.

That's gender discrimination. Your son can't watch My little pony because he's a boy. It's very live and well.

Side: True.
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

There's a she-hulk. please do not refer to the best superhero of all time in a sexist manner.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Actually, Batman, Superman, And Goku are the greatest Superheroes of all time. Silver Surfer, Thor, or Dr. Doom can go back in time and stop the Gamma accident.

Side: True.
AngryGenX(463) Disputed
1 point

Ahhahhahahhahahahhahahhahaha. You watch my little pony! I knew it!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

No I don't, I just mentioned it dude. Plus it's just dumb.

All those female Ponies and no lesbian sex, that's weird.

Side: True.
1 point

Support equalilty for all and end discrimination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: True.
1 point

Fuck a dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: True.
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

Why are you so ok with that but not gay sex!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I was designated biologically female at birth, but am a transgender man in physical transition. As I have become more frequently read as a man, this form of gender discrimination is a reality I have become highly cognizant of. I was socialized to interact with children in a way that is only socially acceptable for women to do; as a man now I am learning that on the sole basis of my gender that same interaction is not only unacceptable but could get me into trouble... on the sole basis of gender (nothing else has changed).

Side: True.
AngryGenX(463) Disputed
1 point

Well you're not a man, and your not a woman. You have no horse in this race, troll on.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

I am not trolling, nor was I asking your opinion on my gender identity.

Side: True.
lupusFati(790) Disputed
1 point

You're kind of a moron, aren't you?

Go take a Sociology class in regard to Gender. Go on. I'll wait.

Side: True.
0 points

dere ar peepul hu don wan yu wolking intu doods wolking intu a gerl batrom beecawse deir relijun sais nottu but dey ar all evul cunservative chrischin rasists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: True.
-1 points

It's a statistical fact that men rape more kids per year than women do by a vastly huge amount. Whether this is because the women aren't caught or because men are actually more prone to this is irrelevant.

The fact is if and when I have kids, I will be far happier with a woman handling them than a man. It's not even a kid thing, it's a sex thing. I wouldn't mind my son fucking a slut (as long as she didn't have STD's) but I would mind my daughter fucking a guy I didn't know.

This is also because if the sex protection fails and the female gets pregnant my son can fuck off out of that girl's life but my daughter can't and would be forced into either an ethical dilemma of an abortion that would emotionally scar her for life or a severely stigmatised teen pregnancy.

I have to look out for my children just as any parent should be looking out for theirs. My son is not my daughter there is a huge difference between a son and daughter and western culture has become blinded to the need for gender bias and difference.

The fact is men are men and women are women. LGBT are just trying to spread some bullshit propaganda that I'm getting really fucking tired of.

Gay sex is stupid. It might be hot and I myself enjoy viewing lesbian porn, and sometimes out of curiosity gay porn, but in all honesty it's just fucking stupid and pointless because real sex, as in sex that will keep our species going, is a man and woman and that's how it always has been and probably always will be so stop this shit about gay rights, they don't need rights they need to be set right.

Sue me for having this opinion. I don't care.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
goodmale(1459) Disputed
2 points

That's not true because soon in the future scientists will be able to get man the real like body of a women and even have a baby and the same with get women to be able to produce sperm. Gays having sex will help the society from sadness and suicide rates and also rebel against those that are against gay sex it could lead to killing and many other things. The part to getting gays to become right is very unlikely and it would cause more problems than good for society and also it's like trying to get a straight christian to turn gay and not believe in God.

Side: True.
killaz(2) Disputed
1 point

Great, so you are basically insulting homosexuals, saying that they are stupid and denying the fact that they have a different sexual orientation than you, denying epi-genetic marks and environmental influences on each person's sexuality JUST because you seem to be a straight person only attracted to your opposite sex. But, I'm not going to go into the homosexuality subject because it's irrelevant to the current subject.

Secondly, you are simply saying that gender discrimination doesn't exist because of how you will discipline your children? This is also very irrelevant and pointless. Fact is gender discrimination exists everywhere and there are million of things that are considered sexist. When the US army forces prevents females from engaging in shootouts EVEN if they have a reason which is of course females are generally physically less stronger than males, it's considered sexist. I don't care if you are worried about the females joining the army but I think they are ready to serve their country and they expected to go to Afghanistan. What else is sexist? It's not really only about rape and such.

Side: True.
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

I don't give a shit, gender discrimination is necessary for a society to function. Men are men.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!