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 Have you noticed how the Left wants to keep spending tax dollars on failed schools? (22)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Have you noticed how the Left wants to keep spending tax dollars on failed schools?

If you follow the Liberal Left's Government's education agendas, it is always built around subsidizing their big government controlled public schools. People who want better schools for their children are not allowed a choice to use their school taxes to send their children to better schools.

As always, Big brother Democrats want to control your children's minds by keeping them tied to government controlled public schools. Democrats never care for the working man's problems. We are but tools to be used to fund their liberal agendas in our schools, in our healthcare, in every walk of life where Democrats pander to their low income voting blocks!

Democrats created Trump! They woke up the sleeping giant of working America whereby we have had enough of this taxations without representation.

When you talk to Liberals on issues such as school choice, their main argument is always the same. They say if we take money from these failed public schools, they will fail!


It's time to use our brains. IT'S NOT A MONEY PROBLEM! It's a lack of competition problem!

What fool does not know that failed public schools must be allowed to fail and good schools must be allowed to thrive. It's called competition to any thinking person. Competition brings out the best in every part of life.

This is how Big Liberal bloated Government works. It's always about pushing their liberal agendas no matter how many deades of failure. Trump in one month is fighting to address decades of failed Government control of the people, and the Democrat Party is demonizing his every step. You see, Trump is the first President with the guts to fight the Liberal biased media and the establishment powers to be in our Government. THEY HATE HIM! THEY SEE THEIR LIBERAL SOCIALIZED POWER BASE SLIPPING FROM THEIR HANDS.

Trump is like a miracle! A man that is not a career politician worrying about his future political ambitions.  A man not using Government to get rich. A man not beholden to lobbyists for his presidency and has no need to pay them off. It took a man like this with the guts and toughness to fight these power hungry extremists controlling our lives.

I hope he succedes and every decent Americans should be fighting back against these extremist Democrats and Liberal media whose soul purpose is to demonize Trump no matter how much harm is done to our nation. The people voted and Trump won. Just once in your arrogant lives, think of our nation over your failed ideology.
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1 point

So what do you suggest should happen to the children of the failed schools?

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Like I said, competition is the answer. The failing schools will lose students and because of this lose federal money. This will be their incentive to either improve the situation, or merge with better schools that understand how to educate.

As with all Government no fault programs, when there is no repurcussions for failure, there will be no attempts to fix the problems. The threat of lost federal money is the only thing to make schools wake up.

Did you happen to notice how Colleges keep raising their tuition because of the easy student loans? When ever there is easy Government money coming in, there will be no incentive to cut costs. There will be no competition because Colleges have no need to compete with other Colleges when there is so much easy student loan money.

So the answer to your question will be as has happened in my community. Schools will merge or go out of business. The students in those schools will have to go to other public schools that know how to educate.

There will always be a majority of parents who send their children to public schools because it is free to those who pay no school taxes.

The goal will be to improve the public schools. Handing never ending tax payer money to failing schools is NOT the answer. Competition is the answer as always.

When it comes right down to the core reasons for failing schools,, I believe the largest problem we have in this nation is the state of our broken families. Without a Father at home, the children lack the discipline needed to do their studies and respect the authority of teachers.

There are few teachers capable of teaching a child that does not want to learn. There is no fear from the child if a teacher tells the parents because many tmes there is no mother or father to discipline. When kids come from broken homes, they are angry, they are rebelious, they are distractions to the children who want to learn.

Teachers can't even send a disruptive kid home because there is no one to watch him. These kids could care less if you expell them because there is no fear of a father to set the kid straight. The bleeding heart Left took all discipline out of the hands of teachers and principles so what we have is children running the show.

Until the Left wakes up to the moral breakdown in our culture, our children will suffer. It's not always the teacher's or school's fault. This is why inner cities have such a hard time with their schools. More money does not fix broken homes.

It will take a generation of addressing the irresponsible values causing our broken homes, before we will ever get a handle on all the problems in schools.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Ok. So the students who are behind, how will they be able to catch up to the schools that are better?

I agree that there needs to be some form of competition or incentive for the schools to do better. Perhaps a school that adopts to the community to better teach the children or perhaps a school that has workshops for parents to encourage their assistance in their children's work and education. But for the schools that fail, when those students are removed and redistributed, it will invariably cause a short stall in the schools that already have a....for lack of a better term....good thing going. So here's a few issues that would occur.

1. Cost of transportation is going to increase for the schools that take the students in.

2 Space will be a concern, most likely the quick solution will be to get classroom trailers but it's costly and not all city schools have the land real estate to add enough trailers to deal with a sudden influx of new kids.

3. Not just real estate space but space inside the building like a cafeteria, gymnasium and any other public area that kids typically meet will be tight and need to still conform to building inspection code.

4. The cost of food will increase. The school will have to find a way to buttress the amount of money they will be spending on school lunches and I will guess that the money will come out of parents pockets. Not all parents, especially those from failed school may have the means to afford it.

5. Teachers will need to be hired and taught the proper teaching methods, children will need to have special classes (maybe) to catch up to the current schools standings, if they even can.

We can't fix broken families but we can provide the means and the teachings for the students to have some form of education and option later on in their life. Teachers don't have the authority to punish disruptive students, half the time the only time a teacher see's a parent is when the parent is bitching that their lil snowflake can't possibly be doing bad in class and blah blah blah.

More money may not fix better homes, but schools aren't there to fix the homes, they are there to help the kids. So fix the schools, help the kids and show them they have a choice for their future.

1 point


Okay that is incredibly not true. maybe explain what you meant when you said, I do not want to twist your words

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Forgive me, I missed a couple small nations. There are a few small nations who spend more per student than the United States. Austria, Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland might spend more per student, depending on the criteria, because they have far less population than the US.

If you are trying to argue that we are over spent by the rest of the world, please don't waste our time. We spend more than most nations!

The point I am making is that we spend too much on education for the results we get. More money is NOT THE ANSWER.

Gypsee(347) Disputed
2 points

Okay, I am not going to argue the relevance of your comparison yet. I have a more urgent notion to discuss.

So, for my following argument I am simply going to suppose that today the United States is spending too much on education. I am not denying it. I just didn't take the time yet to see if I agree or not.

Your observation of education (this does not include universities, right?) is not a false one. The methods and environment of public school is terrible. How is cutting funds for school going to improve that? I can agree that blindly throwing money at education isn't the most effective solution. It does make education accessible. Before anything we want people to have access to an education no matter what their social background is. Isn't the American value that every one has an equal chance to be something great. Making education accessible is necessary for that.

BUT I believe that the solution to improve education is more than just making it accessible. Just because a kid from bad side of town has access to an education it doesn't make it a good one. I believe that education is more than having good teachers, equipped libraries or qualifies counselors. The environment of the school is very important. The students have influence on each other. Students' family background is also important and has effects the kids' education.

To conclude,

I disagree but willing to hear your defense as to how just closing the failed schools will increase the amount of educated people?

Gypsee(347) Clarified
1 point

I know you asked me not to waste your time but I have a question.

Wouldn't it be more relevant to see the amount spent in percentage? It is irrelevant (no?) to compare amounts of money when the currencies are not the same most importantly when the spending power is not the same.

For example, suppose France has 10 euros and spent 3 euros on education. The US has 20 dollars and spends 4 dollars on education. Who spends more on education France or US? (lets suppose that EUROS=DOLLARS)

I ask because I did check and yes the amount of dollars spent on education is bigger than most Europeans countries. But what does that tell us? Nothing. No analysis or comparison can be made. The amount a country spends per student depends yes on the amount of student but most importantly on the amount of total money they CAN spend and the currency. Quite a few conversions have to be made so that a relevant comparison can be made.