
Debate Info

He rocks. Comment.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Comment. (3)

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Sitara(11075) pic

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Challenge Debate: Hellno is not being a jerk.

Hellno is one of my favorite people. He is pretty funny, if you get to know him. Come on, give the guy a break, huh?


He rocks.

Side Score: 0


Side Score: 3
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well sorry i think he is cool but he doesn't answer my question

Side: Comment.
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

I edited. i did not think that the B word was that bad. Sorry. .

Side: He rocks.
Hulkbusters(544) Clarified
1 point

its okay but did u up vote me

Side: He rocks.
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Yes. i upvoted you to show respect. .

Side: He rocks.

and i don't know him that much like you do

Side: Comment.
Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

I made a big mistake being mean to him. RavenLily was right to call me a female dog. Just ask yourself "will I be sorry for how I treat him". I wish I could go back in time. Don't be like me, kiddo. ;'(

Side: He rocks.
Hulkbusters(544) Clarified
2 points

stop swear i am only 11 okay u don't need yo swear

Side: He rocks.
Hulkbusters(544) Disputed
1 point

i don't know RavenLily so why are you talking to me about that. and i think hellno is cool i was wrong when i said he is weird.

Side: Comment.