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 Here is the new Democrat controlled House agenda for the next two years... (2)

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Here is the new Democrat controlled House agenda for the next two years...

Now that Democrats have the majority in the House, they asked Nancy Pelosi what her priorities for America will be...

Nancy, what will be your main agenda for America? I will crucify Trump with every fiber in my being!

Nancy, what will you do about Illegal immigration? I will spend all my time looking into Trump's taxes!

Nancy, what will you do to help continue our nation's exploding economy? I will impeach Trump!

Nancy, what will you do to cut exploding premiums and deductibles in Obamacare? I will double down!

Nancy, what will you do about gun control? I love Europe's gun bans!

Nancy, what will you do about Social Security? I only have so much time in the day. Demonizing Trump takes up most of my time!

Nancy, what will you do about Medicare? Ditto!

Nancy, what will you do to help get people off Welfare? I will grow their numbers!

Nancy, what will you do to continue the record low unemployment numbers for African Americans? I will help stop these record low unemployment numbers, and get them back on Government dependence where they can help elect Democrats.
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Nancy, remember when ISIS was on the news every week during Obama's terms? Trump has decimated ISIS strong holds, so what will you do to help him against terrorism?

I will make it easier for Muslim refugees to enter this nation. I want more diversity in our nation even if it means more diverse terrorists.

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Nancy, what about making America great again? America has never been great and it is my goal to transform America into yet one more dead Socialist European nation.