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 Here is the result of Progressive Political correctness on our nation's freedoms... (35)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Here is the result of Progressive Political correctness on our nation's freedoms...

Our nation was founded on a Judeo Christian heritage. This is very important! It means something! It has a great bearing on what we are talking about!

Now those on the Left will deny this obvious fact but I'm talking to people who are not extremist ideologs with an agenda to transform America.


There are many many symbols of our nation's majority Christian fiath and our schools once had the simple freedoms to express our heritage without fear of backlash from PC people on the Left. Our Constitution says that Congress shall pass no law preventing freedom of religion, and it says our Government shall establish no religion. Christian nativity scenes on public grounds or Christian holidays established NOTHING. It was symbolic of our history and majority faith! Our schools never forced children to believe in Christianity. Our Christmas and Easter holidays were symbols of our history and heritage. Our children were not forced to say a Christian prayer and never should be. They were not forced to celebrate Christian holidays. They were excused on those days if parents objected. It was a community's freedom and choice if they wanted to say a prayer at start of school days just, as our Congress starts each session with a prayer in WAshington DC.

We have no Islamic heritage and therefore would have no Islamic symbols of that heritage in schools. People have swallowed this sickening political correct nonsense that if we express our Christian heritage in public schools, then all cultures must be represented in our public schools. That is pure mindless Leftist rhetoric! Because of people on the Left, our nation's morals have vanished because they made edicts to ALL public schools that either all religions and cults be recognized, or none of them.

They took what was our most basic freedom of religion, and turned it upside down by telling people that we must lift up all religions, or no religions. No longer freedom to choose! They are saying we must lift up all abnormal sexual orientations, or otherwise we are not being politically correct. The end result is we no longer have a nation with a MORAL VOICE because the Left has ushered in a Godless amoral anything goes culture.

With their lie of separation of church and state, they have censored any speech dealing with moral values because they will claim....WHOSE MORAL VALUES! We can no longer state the obvious. Our bodies are designed for a man and a woman! We can no longer lift up the normal biological design of our bodies without also talking about other abnormal sexual orientations.

Our nation is being branwashed into PC thinking. It's a sad thing and only proves how easily people have been brainwashed into many cults through out the ages. The biased media is a bully pulpit for this Big Brother conditioning of a Political correct cult. Either you believe what Big Brother conditions you to believe, or you will be sued. We must forsake all common sense reality so as not to offend the one.

A nation needs a moral voice or it will collapse. With Political correctness, there can be no moral vocie because they say the moral values once lifted up in this nation might offend someone. America is a nation built on freedom of religion. You can believe anything you want, or believe nothing. We are free to choose, BUT that does NOT MEAN we must censor our Christian heritage and history for fear of offending someone.
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7 points

Our nation was founded on a Judeo Christian heritage. This is very important!

Actually, no it wasn't. Literally the first amendment very explicitly states that the country wasn't founded on Judeo Christian heritage.


First of all, that it false. It's a little more than 70%, according to Pew Research, among others. If you have different information, please let me know.

Secondly, you have talked multiple times about how you don't think most of them are 'true Christians,' and how you couldn't care less what they call themselves. Which is it?

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
3 points

Muslims are the best to have in your America according to you Democrats. Question is would you Democrats live in a Muslim Nation !

pirateelfdog(2655) Disputed Banned
1 point

Question is would you Democrats live in a Muslim Nation !


FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

Well, with your first denial of our nation having a Christin heritage, like I said, I am not wasting my time with ideologs who deny the undeniable.

We most definitely are a nation with a Christian heritage and our constitution makes sure that we all enjoy the freedom of religion so that no one will ever be forced to believe any religion. THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE MUST CENSOR OUR CHRISTIAN HISTORY AND HERITAGE.

We have the freedom to express our vast majority faith and people of all religions are free to go to our public schools, or create their own private religious schools.

Here is part of what this particular sites says on the subject......

"Christian ideas underlie some key tenets of America’s constitutional order. For instance, the Founders believed that humans are created in the image of God, which led them to design institutions and laws meant to protect and promote human dignity. Because they were convinced that humans are sinful, they attempted to avoid the concentration of power by framing a national government with carefully enumerated powers. As well, the Founders were committed to liberty, but they never imagined that provisions of the Bill of Rights would be used to protect licentiousness. And they clearly thought moral considerations should inform legislation.

America has drifted from these first principles. We would do well to reconsider the wisdom of these changes.

The Founders believed it permissible for the national and state governments to encourage Christianity, but this may no longer be prudential in our increasingly pluralistic country. Yet the Constitution does not mandate a secular polity, and we should be wary of jurists, politicians, and academics who would strip religion from the public square. We should certainly reject arguments that America’s Founders intended the First Amendment to prohibit neutral programs that support faith-based social service agencies, religious schools, and the like.[42]

Finally, we ignore at our peril the Founders’ insight that democracy requires a moral people and that faith is an important, if not indispensable, support for morality. Such faith may well flourish best without government support, but it should not have to flourish in the face of government hostility."

pirateelfdog(2655) Disputed Banned
2 points

First of all...

Secondly, you also seem to think that if we don't celebrate Christian heritage, there will be no morals. How do you explain lower crime rates in countries with lower levels of religion? Or the fact that nations with low levels of Christianity aren't moral-less wreckages?

DS0330(267) Disputed Banned
1 point

The religious right saying that we shouldn't censor christian heritage is really them trying to push their religion on the public.

We want a secular nation that doesn't favor one religion.

People reading this, just remember that a conservative complaining about censorship really is complaining about not being able to destroy our secular nation with their religion.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Our nation was founded on a Judeo Christian heritage. This is very important!

Actually, no it wasn't. Literally the first amendment very explicitly states that the country wasn't founded on Judeo Christian heritage.

Show what you make claim of with some proof !

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting ...

Where is Judeo Christian mentioned in the 1st Amendment !

pirateelfdog(2655) Disputed Banned
2 points

Where is Judeo Christian mentioned in the 1st Amendment !

Nowhere! My point exactly.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point


DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Come on Democrat back up what you say. You have to say what regarding your words.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

You have a serious disconnect with not understanding what you assume you understand stupid.

pirateelfdog(2655) Disputed Banned
1 point

Allow me to clarify my statement, because it was partially incorrect.

While the Bible doesn't explicitly reject Judeo Christian values, it does explicitly establish itself as secular, in that it cannot endorse or regulate any religion.

1 point

"There are many many symbols of our nation's majority Christian fiath and our schools once had the simple freedoms to express our heritage without fear of backlash from PC people on the Left. Our Constitution says that Congress shall pass no law preventing freedom of religion, and it says our Government shall establish no religion. Christian nativity scenes on public grounds or Christian holidays established NOTHING. It was symbolic of our history and majority faith! Our schools never forced children to believe in Christianity. Our Christmas and Easter holidays were symbols of our history and heritage. Our children were not forced to say a Christian prayer and never should be. They were not forced to celebrate Christian holidays. They were excused on those days if parents objected. It was a community's freedom and choice if they wanted to say a prayer at start of school days just, as our Congress starts each session with a prayer in WAshington DC."

First- what forms of Christian heritage are you talking about? I'd like to have specifics here.

And for kids never being forced to say a Christian prayer, do the 1950's and 1960's mean anything to you? Engel v. Vitale?

DS0330(267) Banned
0 points

The U.S. is clearly not a Christian nation, it is a secular one. About p of Americans are christian.