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How Telekinesis would work.

So...there have said to have been supernatural experiences where objects would start floating or flying and there was nothing that could be seen that was causes this.

Most peoples explanation of it is poltergeist or ghost.

What is a ghost/poltergeist? It's just a lost conciousness detached from it's physical embodiment.

Well what if we were to some how reach a higher state of conciousness and have complete control over it?

Would this give us the ability to do such things as well?

Being able to leave from our body to fully take control over the conciousness. 

We would still be connected to the vessel though and we would only be out of the vessel for the time being.


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It sounds like you are basing that reasoning more on tv shows and wishful thinking.

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

It's just a what if scenario...not trying to prove anything. Just use your imagination

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point


0 points

Before you worry about supernatural abilities; you might want to concern yourself with proper punctuation and syntax.

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

The two don't even correlate. One is not going to help me strengthen or obtain the other.

Sorry that it is not "dumbed down" enough for you to figure it out.

Ideas can only be simplified so far...

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Sorry that it is not "dumbed down" enough for you to figure it out.

Lack of "proper punctuation and syntax" means that it was already dumbed down.

sauh(1106) Disputed
0 points

My point was that you should concern yourself with simpler tasks, before aiming so high.

It's like when a retarded child is planning his political career, whilst shitting in his pants.

Basically I'm saying know your level and don't keep shitting in your pants.

0 points