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 How can PETA not have a stance on abortion (20)

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dcovan(170) pic

How can PETA not have a stance on abortion

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5 points

PETA embodies a type of thought that is overwhelmingly emotional and with little intellectual substance. To be blunt I believe that their lack of a stance may be due to their lack of regard for Humanity, with a possible tactical motivation that having a stance needlessly divides their following.

I think most of those who follow PETA and ALF feel disgusted towards humans because of cruelty that they may see, or stories they hear, and so they reserve their empathy for animals which is why their followers can be notoriously erratic and irrational.

Side: PETA Doesn't Care About Humans
1 point

Great response. I hate that some of the overtly religious and right wing lump every progressive or liberal with the .00001% who support or are a part of any of these groups.

I would add it is the same reason the NRA has no stance on pick axes.

Side: PETA Doesn't Care About Humans
3 points

the hint is in the name PETA = people for the ethical treatment of animals

its like expecting the postman to collect my trash

Side: PETA Doesn't Care About Humans
dcovan(170) Disputed
0 points

Hmmmmm......analogy sucks. Doesnt help at all. They try to give human characteristics to animals and give them rights yet have no stance on human rights?

Side: PETA Doesn't Care About Humans
cwmdulais(188) Disputed
1 point

they can have no stance on human rights the same way anti/pro abortion groups don't have to have stances on animal rights

Side: Not their department

Why would PETA have a stance on abortion? PETA is a organization for the equal treatment of animals.

Side: PETA Doesn't Care About Humans
1 point

If PETA stood for one thing outside of the animal world i would think abortion would be it. Guess PETA fails again. Takes up for animals suffering but no thought on babies being murdered?

Side: PETA Doesn't Care About Humans
2 points

If PETA stood for one thing outside of the animal world i would think abortion would be it.

You might be right. The 'if' is the key word here, though; they don't. As the link says, they advocate for nonhuman animals and that's it.

No single organization can champion every cause. Plenty of other charitable and activist organizations haven't said a word about abortions because they are trying to solve other problems.

Side: Not their department
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

Takes up for animals suffering but no thought on babies being murdered?

Try not to needlessly load the issue. We're talking about abortion, not infanticide.

Side: Not their department
dcovan(170) Disputed
0 points

Im sorry i forget some people think babies are only babies when they are birthed. Any abortion is murder of baby. You know a baby isnt the same thing as a grownup but you know it will become one if noone kills it or something happens to it. Guess this is another debate.

Side: Not their department
1 point

Simple: why would an ANIMAL rights group have anything to deal with a HUMAN issue.

Its like asking why NASA does not do AIDS research.

Side: Not their department

Its like asking why NASA does not do AIDS research.

NASA does do HIV research @_@.

Side: Not their department
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
1 point

Because they give animals human qualities in their stance that they should not be abused or eaten. If you give animals human qualities as a defense for not making them into hamburgers would you not then protect humans as an argument to protect the animals with human qualities?

Maybe it's because we don't eat fetuses????

Side: Not their department
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
2 points

Your contention is more of a strawman than anything. PETA's primary modus operandi isn't to humanize animals. But even if it was, it would be irrelevant to the reason they don't address abortion.

From the PETA website: PETA does not have a position on the abortion issue, because our focus as an organization is the alleviation of the suffering inflicted on nonhuman animals. There are people on both sides of the abortion issue in the animal rights movement, just as there are people on both sides of animal rights issues in the pro-life movement. And just as the pro-life movement has no official position on animal rights, neither does the animal rights movement have an official position on abortion.

If that isn't a sufficient explanation, then your purpose in questioning their apathy towards abortion isn't one in good faith. You're just trying to find fault with the organization.

Side: Not their department
0 points

PETA is a crap org..and needs to be shut down like every other stupid Org. that is bombarding American courts...there animals..we eat animals...every time the throw "blood" on a person they should be tried for assault

Side: PETA Doesn't Care About Humans