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 How do you suppose we evolved from having god-kings to...... (10)

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atypican(4875) pic

How do you suppose we evolved from having god-kings to......

............ having more purely imaginary gods?

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3 points

Once the citizenry recognized that their rulers were not truly Gods, or any more than human at all, it became harder to coerce them through such a means.

2 points

I believe this is correct. You start with falsifiable claims that fail, then progress to the imagination where your claims can't be disproven.

1 point

Surely the god-kings had to perform convincing "miracles" to be viewed as having "special", "higher", or "supernatural" powers don't you think?

MuckaMcCaw(1970) Clarified
1 point

Not necessarily. There would undoubtedly be a wide gap between what uneducated bronze-age peasants would call a "miracle" and what would actually constitute one. And rumors and lies can spread through such a populace with the greatest of ease.

2 points

Not sure your correctly sequenced there with God-Kings coming after purely imaginary ones, but maybe that's not important. Anyway IMO gods and religion have evolved in order to better match the evolution of the cultures that use them.

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

As far as what we have documented evidence of, one of the earliest known civilization to raise anything to the status of 'god' was Sumer, and such was done with their kings- Gilgamesh being the best known of the Sumerian god-kings (although it should be further clarified that these were not typically seen as gods while alive, as was the case with the Akkadians and later Egyptians, but were rather deified after death). Evidence of the worship of more conceptual beings (I prefer not to use the divisive term 'imaginary' where possible) comes somewhat later.

1 point

Not sure your correctly sequenced there with God-Kings coming after purely imaginary ones, but maybe that's not important.

You don't think worship was initially toward group leaders, but imaginary gods?

Anyway IMO gods and religion have evolved in order to better match the evolution of the cultures that use them.

I agree with that. Looks like we are left speculating on which came first, thinking too highly of others or of

1 point

When the other beings realized that they had just as much power as the "Gods" they started a war against the "Gods".

The beings recruited humans for their armies by tricking the humans into believing that the beings were the rulers of the universe.

The beings formed belief systems that contradict the belief systems of their soon to be enemies.

After all of the pieces were in place, the beings started ordering their human armies to attack the other human's who still believed in a different "God".

The wars waged on for thousands of years until the beings realized that all of the bloodshed was pointless.

They realized that they should be working together, using their powers to accomplish bigger things.

And so they left earth, creating new dimensions and expanding the universe.

Nowadays we are just left with stories. Most lost in translation.

Even though the beings left long ago, they left a huge scar on humanity.

A scar that is slowly, but surely healing.

This scar is represented as humanity's desperation for a ruler, a god, some thing of higher power to guide them through their lives.

This is why there are imaginary Gods.

1 point

I thought that was pretty poetic .

1 point

so evolving from a man to a god could potentially be done by anybody... but if that's so why haven't we been able to regain "power" to do so. are the 'gods still mad at us? cause wouldn't they be mad at that specific generation. i don't quiet grasp the full meaning of hows gods can choices to punish us.