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 How to get respected on Createdebate. Step-by-step guide. (5)

Debate Creator

AndyPandy(5) pic

How to get respected on Createdebate. Step-by-step guide.

  1. Be an atheist, any religious folk get trampled on... Unless you are Muslim or Christian, then you might get respected. Nonetheless, play it safe and be an atheist.
  2. Write essays, even if they are copy and pasted for the majority if what you wrote, no one cares... Especially not if your name is LittleMisfit or something funny like that. Never write short arguments, always write essays
  3. Down-vote a lot so that your points are kept low even when you earned a lot. The reason for this is so that you don't anger the highly competitive and testosterone fuelled, Hellno, PrayerFails and joecavalry who like their places at the top of the leaderboard so very much.
  4. Never ever try and be smart or original with your way of competing for points or anything else that could be considered competitive on the site, originality and creativity in competition are highly frowned upon in this site. This is China, not India after all... Oh wait, it's a website never mind.
  5. Always pick on the people who everyone else seems to be picking on, never pick on the poeple that most people like. This is a good way to kepe under the social radar, no one likes a freak no do they?!
  6. Always bow down gracefully, both in real life and in the way that you address them, to those who are considered 'legends' on this site.
  7. Always make sure to be a jackass to the people that the 'legends' labelled trolls, no one likes them and everyone loves to see them be abused. Uness they are a Messianic Jew... Jewish trolls are protected violently by the Christians they hate for beign Conservative... Or something like that.
  8. Always remember; never be intelligent, just make the other person look dumb. Debating isn't about being original, smart or intellectual, it's about beign just like everyone else or you might just get banned!

Have a nice day. I hope you learnt something very valuable form this tutorial. If you need more assistance please message me on my usual account: addltd.

Add New Argument
2 points

1. Everyone here is respected according to their actions. We care none of your beliefs, but your reasonings

2. "Brevity is the soul of wit." -William Shakespeare, Hamlet

3. The wisest of men sees competition only on their quest for wisdom. The point system never mattered to us.

4. Dont be fooled by what shines. Points are mere illusions.

5. If you wont challenge yourself, how can you improve?

6. No argument on this one

7. The moment you followed the herd, is the moment you lose your vision. You must judge people according your own sight.

8. "I am the wisest person for I know one thing-I know nothing" -Socrates

True debates isnt about proving your superiority in reasons, rather, it is about questioning your limits and breaking it. We are knights of wisdom.

I agree with this. However everybody doesnt really follow this.

2 points

This isn't Andy at all this is Prodigee because Prod says AndyPandy not Andy himself. So this is just a troll.

1 point

Yep, this is another Prod account. .

1 point

Raises hand

Excuse me sir, how do we know who is considered a "legend" if we just joined?

And how do I kiss ass online?

Centifolia(1319) Clarified
2 points

He said on the last line that his old account is "addltd"

Saurbaby(5502) Clarified
1 point

I'm aware, I'm playing along with the troll.