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 How would you act if you thought your life were in danger? Put yourself in a Cop's shoes! (22)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

How would you act if you thought your life were in danger? Put yourself in a Cop's shoes!

I don't know about you, but if I was dealing with someone who I thought might be trying to kill me, I would be terrified and probably shoot first if I thought he was going for a gun. I will not judge a cop until he is proven guilty in a court of law.

To all you judgemental leftwing race baters, you have found these police officers guilty without any evidence other than some videos that do not show all the facts. A homemade video AFTER THE FACT by a girlfriend telling you what she wants you to believe. She could be lying for all you know. She could be telling the truth. YOU DON'T KNOW!

If your boyfriend was just shot by a cop, would you be in the right stage of mind to start videoing or would you try to get emergency help for him? Did she call 911? No, she started videoing and watched him die! Looks like she was more concerned with becoming famous!

Those on the Left are race baters. They don't care of the facts or evidence. They instantly find the cops guilty.

For the thousandth time, white men are killed by the police ALL THE TIME, but it does not make headline news! Can you be so stupid?
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4 points

From what I saw, there was shouting of "GUN! He's got a gun!!!" before the man was shot. It seems pretty obvious the guy was trying to pull the gun out of his pocket, the same gun somebody complained had been pointed at him while the hoodlum was pedaling pirated CD's. I could be wrong, but I think this is what will play out in the investigations. That guy was a big man and was not cooperating with the police.

This race baiting garbage with Black Lives Matter and such retarded groups is the result of decades of public education teaching kids that blacks are victims of society and whitey owes them something.

Funny how it so obvious to those willing to use their brains. I hope if these cops did kill these men simply because they were Black, that they are found guilty.

We all know there are some racist white people and some racist Black people like the one who just murdered 5 white cops simply because of their skin color and occupation.

They are in all walks of life but the entire point that people on the Right keep making is that it is wrong to shout racism without the facts. It is pure politics and the idiots who blindly swallow the race bating rhetoric from the Democrat party are truly low end voters.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed
3 points

They're teaching "white privilege" to young children now, I think it was first graders I heard about recently. I had to watch a video of a guy explaining his "white privilege", all about how unfair society has been to blacks so all of their problems are whitey's fault. That was in a local college two years ago. Textbooks are controlled by the government by funding mandates, and for some reason they want to push this racially inflaming garbage and this is what we get from it....the brainless "Black Lives Matter", "Obama Money", and police officers being gunned down by black thugs only because they are white.

The whole rioting situation after Brown tried to kill a cop and got himself killed could have been stopped early but it seemed like somebody wanted it to get bigger and bigger. Society is becoming more and more violently lawless while terrorists are sharpening their beheading daggers. Jesus is coming back soon, hopefully before America completely falls apart or is conquered.

I was amazed at how calm, cool and collected that girl was videoing her boyfriends last breaths; as you stated, I would have called 911, and I would be anything but calm, cool and collected after such an incident. Furthermore, the actual shooting and events beforehand are not shown. So, I will withhold judgment until more info is available.

2 points


Ignoramis(381) Disputed
2 points

I've found when people around me are dying, I actually get calmer. I don't react emotionally. It isn't like in the movies, however, the way she acted was suspicious, but then again, the guy was shot ... so there isn't an excuse for it. The cops seemed terrified after shooting the guy.

1 point

You would have called 911 when the police were standing right next to you?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

If the cop did not call for emergency medical help....yes!

Now answer my question, would you start a video feed to face book while your supposed love of life was dieing?

2 points

As a cop, your life is always in danger. It is part of the job description. You can't act erratically, just because of paranoia. Cops are better than civilians, they've been trained to be.

Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

The legal standard for police action is whether a "reasonable person" would think their life was in danger. I don't think a case can be made that cops have been erratically killing people, even if you believe they were unjustified.

Imagine you're in the process of trying to arrest a hysterical black criminal who suddenly produces a gun or an object strongly resembling a lethal weapon. In your own state of heightened adrenalin levels and mindful that the black boy could spread your guts over the sidewalk with one pull of the trigger you react instinctively out of self defense. How easy it is for the sanctimonious civil rights brigade to sit smugly in the security of their homes passing judgement on those who have dedicated their lives to protecting all of us from the violent drug dealing gangsters. Let them try having a go at the murderous black crime gangs who kill dozens of their own kind day and daily and see how far they can proceed through some black district before their cut in two with automatic gun fire .

1 point

I always feel like I'm in danger, so I've gotten used to it.

I'd be calm as a fetus.

If we got rid of stupid laws, then cops wouldn't have to arrest people for stupid little stuff and people wouldn't die over stupid little stuff.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I would never feel calm as a fetus with no restriction abortion Democrats running Government.

1 point

I would put an end to the threat with "Hot Lead" ! Nothing more needs to be said there.

1 point

It doesn't surprise me anymore that people choose to be ignorant especially when it comes to the Black race. Enslaved since taken from Africa, denied education for over 200 years, an educated and struggling in poverty in America the land of the free and the home of the brave apparently that applies to peoples whose skin color isn't black. Automatically assumed guilty under all circumstances not just by the Left or the Right but a multitude of Good Americans! For generations upon generations Black people had to endure this Shameful treatment from those who have created a society to benefit Not the Black race but in fact The White race. Into the 1960s Blacks are still fighting to be treated like human beings but we have denial and ignorance raising their heads to say oh they're just simply playing the race card well guess what they're playing it because the country is still racist. Those people who believe that America is not racist Proved to Me on What Day It Has Stop Being Racist and that Black people are no longer subjected to racism!!

Years upon years of being hammered as less than other people in society this American culture has no doubt generated hatred in the hearts of many Black Americans and though I don't agree with Black Americans killing police officers guess what I don't believe White officers should be out there killing Black people with the same disregard they had for them as slaves but we Americans don't find White offices killing Black people as objectionable it only becomes a real problem when it is in reverse and in case one hasn't figured it out that is still racism!

If White folks are killing White folks at a higher rate than White folks are killing Black folks then perhaps White folks should look at White on White violence!

Clearly Whites aren't concerned about the violence in Black communities For if they were then just maybe they would've done something more than just complain about it but I could be wrong because frankly they've done nothing about the Ku Klux Klan, they have done nothing about the neo-Nazis, they have done nothing about the skinheads and they had done nothing to curb the races hatred spewing from such groups.

If I were to put myself in the shoes of a cop I WOULD NOT PRESENT MYSELF AS A BAD ASS and as if we haven't encountered these kinds of people in grade school that we called bullies!

A lot of these cops are just meat head douche bags. If you're a such a pussy you'll shoot a guy for reaching into his pocket when you asked him for license and registration than maybe you shouldn't be a cop.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

You have no ideas the facts of the situation. Other than the girlfriend, there was no video showing anything the officer said or did.