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 I think I understand how religious people see atheists now. (16)

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instig8or(3308) pic

I think I understand how religious people see atheists now.

Let's take the specific religion, or subset of it, as a form of an art or a skill.

Each religion is, in its own sense, one form of the art that is the worship of god (Theism as a whole).

The way that the religious see atheists, agnostics or anything near to that category is as someone who has no flavour, no skill per se.

They know they could be wrong but when they see someone so unwilling to bet on what the truth really is beyond what is obvious, they see the person as weak and bland so to speak.

I think I understand it now but I'm still going to stay bland because I'm happy to be seen that way.
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2 points

You have a good analogy, but you have it slightly wrong. Atheists aren't bland. They point out the flaws with flavors. Atheists point out that the same flavor all the time is bland, and that is what a religious person clings to.

For the art thing, it is more like a religious person spends years creating a painting. The atheist shows the painting can be done very easily in few minutes. Then, the atheists destroys his painting to show that it is worthless and the religious person gets upset because they think the painting that the Atheist created and destroyed somehow has some bearing on the painting they have.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Atheists do not support a 'mix' or 'rainbow' of religion, they support a total abolition of it. :)

2 points

That isn't inherent in atheism thus isn't something that should be attributed to all atheists.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

They support religious people believing what they want to believe. But, they recognize it is stupid.

1 point

Religious people, unless they are aware of the fact that their religion could be false, tend to believe that their religion is the only truth. It isn't that they think atheists aren't 'skilled' it's just that they think their skill is pointless or not going to get them anywhere. In religion, there is a certain emphasis on abstinence, correcting, perfecting, rehabilitation and generally trying to make a 'better person' out of yourself in order to get to somewhere better, whether it is Heaven or some kind of eudaemonia. Religious people probably see atheists as people who don't want to better themselves.

1 point

As an Atheist with many Christian friends and family I would say that is not even close. The religious view atheists as sad pathetic people that can't see or understand God. They can't figure out how or why we don't know that God is out there watching us. Most of them hope that we get it figured out before it is too late.

1 point

there a little truth in all of this but when you state religious people you state them as saying all of them so you're saying all religious people see atheists at not being skilled. As someone who's been on both sides of this debate I can truthfully tell you not all religious people see an atheist like that. Religious people don't understand why someone doesn't want to believe but they do understand that not everyone will. So before you go and classify them as a whole think about it because not everyone is the same so not everyone thinks the same way.